Author Archives: nibirudb

The Descent of Inanna

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


From the Great Above she opened her ear to the Great Below

From the Great Above the Goddess opened her ear to the Great Below

6b - Inanna & Dumuzi in the Underworld (Inanna speaks to Dumuzi in the Under World / “Great Below“)

From the Great Above Inanna opened her ear to the Great Below

She abandoned her seven holy temples to descend to the underworld

She gathered together the seven Holy Measures

She took them into her hands

With the Holy Measures in her possession

She prepared herself

She placed the crown on her head

She arranged the dark locks of (brown) hair across her forehead

She tied beads around her neck

1c-astarte-hittite-goddess-of-love (Inanna‘s bead jewelry falls to her bare breasts)

Let the double strand of beads fall to her breast

And wrapped the royal robe round her body

She daubed her eyes with ointment called ‘let him come, let him come!’

Bound the breastplate called ‘come, man,come!’ around her chest

Slipped the gold ring over her wrist

And took the lapis measuring rod and line in her hand.

Inanna spoke to her faithful servant Ninshubur:

 (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War in her war dress, & wearing jewelry)


Ninshubur, my support and counselor,

My warrior who fights by my side.

I am descending to the underworld

If I do not return, set up a lament for me

 2a-nannar-statue-2000-b-c"God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 2823 (Enlil, son Nannar, & 1/2 older brother Enki)

Go to see the Great Ones, Enlil, Nanna, and Enki

Do not let this holy priestess of heaven

1ba-inanna-spouse-dumuzi  (young lover aliens Inanna & Dumuzi, daughter to Nannar, son to Enki)

Be put to death in the underworld

Go to see the Great Gods

For surely they will not let me die

Go now, Ninshubur.

Do not forget the words I have commanded you.’

2a - Inanna & perhaps Ninshubur (Apkulla / eagle-winged pilots on the ends, Inanna, & Ninshubur kneeling)


‘Your wish is my command, my lady, I’ll do as I am told’.

4d - Flying Inanna (Inanna with mixed-breed kings, Inanna naked & dressed)


When Inanna arrived at the outer gates of the underworld

She knocked loudly.


‘Open the door! I alone would enter!’


Neti, the chief gatekeeper (of the Under World) of the kur, asked:

‘Who are you? Why has your heart led you on the road of no return?’


       (Nergal, Inanna, Dumuzi, unidentified god, & giant mixed-breed high-priest & king)


‘I am Inanna, Queen of Heaven, on my way to the East’.

I came … because of my older sister Ereshkigal,

Her husband, Gugalanna (Nergal), the Bull of Heaven has died.

I have come to witness the funeral rites.

Let it be done’.


The chief gatekeeper of the underworld, entered the palace of Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Underworld, and said:

‘My queen, your sister, Inanna, Queen of Heaven, waits outside the palace gates.

She has gathered together the Seven Sacred Measures;

She waits out there.’

             (Ereshkigal, Queen goddess of the Under World)


(She hears the message, makes a sign of annoyance, takes the matter into her heart and finally speaks):

‘So my sister is here!

Come, my chief gatekeeper, heed my words:

Bolt the seven gates of the underworld

Then, one by one, open each gate a crack

Let Inanna enter, let my sister in

But as she enters, remove her royal garments

Let the holy priestess of heaven enter bowed low.’

2i - Inanna is taken by Ereshkigal  (naked Inanna in her winged shem / command module, Namtar, Neti, & sister Ereshkigal in the Under World)


At each gate Inanna had to leave a garment

At each of the seven gates Inanna had to surrender a Sacred Measure

Only then, naked and bowed low

She could enter Eternity

She could face the Holy, Dark and Eternal Ereshkigal

Inanna (kneels in front of Ereshkigal):

             (Ereshkigal, Inanna, & Neti; Inanna captured, stripped naked, & killed by sister Ereshkigal)

Ereshkigal strikes Inanna dead:

‘I’ll turn you into a corpse, a piece of rotting meat, stay there, hanging on a hook on the wall’.


After three days and three nights, Inanna had not returned, Ninshubur set up a lament for her everywhere

2 - Ninshubur  (Ninshubur, Inanna‘s minister / servant, minor supportive goddess to Royal Family member Inanna; Ninshubur & Inanna)

Ninshubur, the faithful servant, dressed as a beggar in mourning

Set out for the temple of the Great Gods

To seek out help for Inanna.

Ninshubur (talking to Enki):

‘Father Enki,

3d-inanna-riding-ninhursag  (Inanna, her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus, & many symbols of the gods)

God of Wisdom, help our Morning and Evening Star (Inanna / goddess of Venus)

Or the world will never be the same as it was’.

2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Enki, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son, 1st to arrive on Earth Colony with his crew of 50)


‘I’ll fashion a kurgarra and a galatur,

Creatures neither male nor female, saying to them:

5a-dumuzi-is-dead  (deceased Inanna, & Ereshkigal moaning as if giving birth)

‘Go to the Underworld, where Ereshkigal, the Queen, is moaning as a woman about to give birth

Show her compassion, she will be pleased.

She will offer you a gift

Ask her only for the corpse that hangs from the hook on the wall.

Sprinkle food of life on it, sprinkle water of life on it. Inanna will then arise.’


The kurgarra and the galatur did as they were told.

They found Ereshkigal moaning as in labor, and gave compassion to the Queen of the Underworld.

 (Ereshkigal, Queen of the Under World / Nether World, spouse to Nergal)


No one has ever shown compassion to me

Alone I live in the depths of the Earth

As you cared about my pain I grant your wish

Take Inanna‘s body! It is yours: take it!’


Inanna‘s body was given to the kurgarra and the galatur,

Who sprinkled it with food and water of life Inanna came back to life

But she had been to the Underworld

She was transformed, she was reborn

So changed, Inanna could not ascend

 (Ereshkigal, Inanna, & father Nannar)


Inanna, no one ascends from the underworld unmarked

If you wish to return from the Underworld

You must provide someone in your place.


As Inanna ascended from the underworld

The galla, demons clung to her

One walking in front, the other walking behind

Ever watchful for a replacement for the Goddess in sight.

Many were those who mourned for the Goddess,

Many were those who grieved for Inanna.

Many rejoiced as they saw her back.

Only in Uruk nothing seemed to have changed

3e-anus-temple-in-uruk 3j-anus-temple  (Anu‘s & Inanna‘s home / temple / residence in Uruk)

Only in Uruk someone didn’t seem to notice or care

About Inanna‘s absence and strange come back.

Only Dumuzi, who shared with her the Sacred Marriage bed,

Didn’t grieve, didn’t mourn or for the Goddess showed despair.

2b-dumuzi-the-shepherd  (Dumuzi the Shepherd, son to Enki & Ninsun)

In shining garments, on the throne of sovereignty he sat, Dumuzi the Shepherd and King.

Bright as the sun, showing no signs of grief or concern.

Inanna fastened on him the eye of death

And spoke the word of wrath and pain:

6 - Inanna, Dumuzi, & the Underworld (Dumuzi in Under World, alien gods that live forever, were indeed mortal)


‘Take the one who didn’t grieve for me, take him, take Dumuzi away!’


The galla didn’t wait or hesitate, and took Dumuzi from the Goddess’ sight away.

The Courtship of Inanna and Dumuzi

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna 5d-utu-the-law-giver2ee - Utu, Shamash

    (Utu / Shamash, son to Nannar & Ningal, twin brother to Inanna, symbolized as the Sun god;  mixed-breed kings stand before Utu)

Utu, the Sun God:

The brother spoke to this younger (twin) sister

4m-utu-inanna-nannar  (Utu, Inanna, father Nannar the Moon Crescent God, & damaged Papsukal)

The Sun God, Utu, spoke to Inanna, saying:

‘Young Lady, the flax in its fullness is lovely,

Inanna, the grain is glistening in the furrow.

I will hoe it for you, I will bring it to you

A piece of linen, big or small, is always needed.

Inanna, I will bring it to you.’

3b-utu-naked-inanna  (Utu & lovely twin sister Inanna Goddess of Love)


‘Brother, after you’ve brought me the flax, who will comb it for me?


Sister, I will bring it to you combed.’


Utu, after you’ve brought it to me combed, who will spin it for me?


‘Sister, I will bring it to you spun.’

weaving-spinning-clothing  (Uttu, Enki’s daughter spinning & weaving for the gods)


‘Brother, after you’ve brought the flax to me spun, who will braid it for me?


‘Sister, I will bring it to you braided.’


Utu, after you’ve brought it to me braided, who will warp it for me?’


Inanna, I will bring it to you warped.’


‘Brother, after you’ve brought the flax to me warped, who will weave it for me?’


‘Sister, I will bring it to you woven.’

Tomb-stele, woman with distaff, child. Basalt, H: 100 cm Late Hittite, 8th-7th BCE Inv. 1756Man at a weaving loom. Tablet with seal imprint. Terracotta relief from Susa, Iran (3300-3000 BCE - Proto-urban Period) 3.9 x 6.6 cm Sb 3048 (alien giants spinning & weaving clothes for the gods)


Utu, after you’ve brought it to me woven, who will bleach it for me?’


Inanna, I will bring it to you bleached.’


‘Brother, after you’ve brought my bridal sheet to me,

Who will go to bed with me?

The goddess Astarte, from the Hebron area, Israel. Pottery relief (around 1400 BCE) Late Bronze Age II (Inanna, Goddess of Love, laying across her holy bed)

Utu, who will go to bed with me?’

             (Utu, Twin Inanna, & father Nannar)


‘Sister, your bridegroom will go to be with you

He who was born from a fertile womb (mother royal princess Ninsun),

He who was conceived on the sacred marriage throne Dumuzi, the shepherd!

1-inanna-dumuzi-young-lovers  (Enki’s son Dumuzi the Shepherd, & his young spouse Inanna)

He will go to bed with you.’

(The couple acts out the words told by the Narrator)


1e - Ishtar, goddess of love (Inanna, Goddess of Love, Dumuzi‘s widow, spouse to a god, & to many mixed-breeds)

Inanna bathed and anointed herself with scented oil.

She covered her body with the royal robe

             (Inanna wearing her lapis-lazuli necklace) 

She arranged her precious lapis beads around her neck

She took the royal seal in her hand

Dumuzi waited expectantly Inanna opened the door for him

Inside the house she shone before him

1a-inanna-dumuzi  (Inanna & her 1st spouse, Dumuzi the Shepherd, taught earthlings sheep-herding)

Like the light of the moon Dumuzi looked at her joyously,

he pressed his neck close against hers, he kissed her


‘Let the bed that rejoices the heart be prepared!

Let the bed that sweetens the loins be prepared!

Let the bed of kingship be prepared!

Let the bed of queenship be prepared!

Let the royal bed be prepared!’

1b-athirat-inanna-caananite-goddess-of-love 1c-astarte-hittite-goddess-of-love 1d-inanna-in-the-nude (Inanna, known by all gods & earthlings)

Inanna spreads the bridal sheet across the bed:

‘The bed is ready! ‘The bed is waiting!’

Inanna (Dance: lines read out)

‘What I tell you, let the singer weave into song

What I tell you, let it flow from ear to mouth

Let it pass from old to young.

‘My vulva, the horn, the Boat of Heaven,

Is full of eagerness like the young moon

As for me, Inanna, who will plow my vulva?

Who will plow my high field?

Who will plow my wet ground?

As for me, the young woman, who will plow my vulva?


‘Great Lady, the king will plow your vulva.

I, Dumuzi, the King, will plow your vulva!’

2d - Biblical Able, Dumuzi the shepherd, & EnlilFragment of a stele showing a god with a crown of horns Period of king Gudea,around 2100 BCE. From Tello. Limestone, H: 13 cm AO 4571

   (Dumuzi the Shepherd, Enki’s young son, Inanna‘s 1st spouse; crown of animal horns worn by royal descendants of King Anu)


‘Then plow my vulva, man of my heart! Plow my vulva!’

              (Inanna & spouse Dumuzi the Shepherd)


‘O Lady, your breast is your field Inanna, your breast is your field.

Your broad field pours out plants

Your broad field pours out grain.

Water flows from on high for your servant

Bread flows from on high for your servant

Pour it out for me, Inanna, I will drink all you offer!

             (young lovers Inanna & Dumuzi the Shepherd)


‘I bathed for the wild bull I bathed for the shepherd Dumuzi

Now I will caress my high priest on the bed

  (Dumuzi, Enki’s son, young lover to Enlil’s granddaughter Inanna)

I will caress the faithful shepherd Dumuzi

I will decree a sweet fate for him!’


The Queen of Heaven who was presented the Sacred Measures by Enki

Inanna, the first daughter of the moon (Nannar), decreed the fate of Dumuzi.

            3ma - Inanna & Enlil goddess (Inanna & Enlil, her 8-pointed star symbol, her father Nannar‘s Moon Crescent symbol, her grandfather Enlil’s 7-planets / stars symbol for his command on Earth, the 7th planet discovered when entering into our solar system from outer space, Venus is the eighth / Inanna‘s 8-pointed star)


‘In battle, I am your leader In combat, I am your armor-bearer

In the assembly, I am your advocate

On the campaign, I am your inspiration

You, the chosen shepherd of the holy shrine

You, the king, the faithful provider of Uruk,

3a-anu-in-flight 2cd-anus-temple-home-in-uruk

     (Anu in his sky-disc, King of the alien Anunnaki gods on Earth Colony;    Anu’s & Inanna‘s ziggurat residence in Uruk)

You, the light of An’s great shrine

In all ways you are fit

To hold your head high on the lofty dais

To sit on the lapis lazuli (blue-hued gemstone) throne

To cover your head with the holy crown

To wear long clothes on your body

To bind yourself with the garment of kingship

To race on the road with the holy scepter in your hand

And the holy sandals on you feet

You, the sprinter, the chosen shepherd

In all ways I find you fit

May your heart enjoy long days.

That which An determined for you – may it not be altered

That which Enlil has granted – may it not be altered

    (Inanna presents many, many mixed-breed spouse-kings to her mother Ningal for her blessing, Inanna, known as the Goddess of Love, continued to espouse mixed-breeds appointed to kingships for thousands of years)

You are the favorite of Ningal

Inanna holds you dear.’


2 - Ninshubur (Ninshubur, minister to Inanna, both resided in the ziggurat of Uruk)

Ninshubur, the faithful servant of the holy shrine of Uruk

Led Dumuzi to the sweet thighs of Inanna and spoke:

The couple embraced in bed

Ninshubur (taking Dumuzi‘s hand and placing it in Inanna‘s) ‘

  (Apkulla eagle-winged pilots, Inanna, & Ninshubur)

My queen, here is the choice of your heart

The king, your beloved bridegroom

May he spend long days in the sweetness of your holy loins

Give him a favorable and glorious reign!

O my Queen of Heaven and Earth Queen of all the Universe

May he enjoy long days in the sweetness of your holy loins!’


The king went with lifted head on the holy loins

Dumuzi went with lifted head to the loins of Inanna

He went to the Queen with lifted head

He opened his arms to the holy Priestess of Heaven

The Death of Dumuzi

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

The wild bull who has lain down, lives no more, the wild bull who has lain down, lives no more,

5a - Dumuzi is dead (Dumuzi lives no more)

Dumuzi, the wild bull, who has lain down, lives no more,…the chief shepherd,

lives no more, the wild bull who has lain down, lives no more… Inanna opened the door for him.

Inside the house she shone before him like the light of the moon.

Dumuzi looked at her joyously.

He pressed his neck close against hers. He kissed her.

Inanna spoke:

“What I tell you, Let the singer weave into song.

What I tell you, Let it flow from ear to mouth,

Let it pass from old to young:

1j-inanna-was-present-everywhere  (hundreds of naked Inanna Mesopotamian artifacts, the irresistible alien Goddess of Love)

My vulva, the horn,

The Boat of Heaven, Is full of eagerness like the young moon.

My untilled land lies fallow.

1d - Inanna in the nude (Dumuzi dies & Inanna worries about having no sex partner, & thereafter espouses dozens of semi-divine kings throughout the many ancient years)

As for me, Inanna,

Who will plow my vulva?

1a - Inanna, 8-pointed star symbolizing Venus (Goddess of Love with her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus; Dumuzi plows her wet ground)

Who will plow my high field?

Who will plow my wet ground?

Dumuzi’s Wedding

Text-Source: Jacobsen, Thorkild (1987) The harps that once…: Sumerian Poetry in Translation.

Yale University Press, New Haven and London

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


O you like a …..

Your bridallers (1) are bountiful lords!

You who like….

Lady, your bridallers are bountiful lords!

O you who catch enemy countries like birds,

4a - flying Inanna (winged Goddess of Love Inanna, alien female with piloting skills)

Ninegalla (Inanna), your bridallers are bountiful lords!

2o-inanna-goddess-of-love-war  (Inanna, Goddess of War, & Goddess of Love)

O you, cracking enemy countries like one cracking eggs, Inanna, your bridallers are bountiful lords!

Ama-ushumgal (Dumuzi) is in the first place,

The farmer in the inundation is second,

None other than the fowler is the third,

The fisherman, the man in the midst of the canebrake is the fourth of them.

6b-inanna-dumuzi-in-the-underworld  (Inanna & her spouse Dumuzi, young alien gods madly in love)


Let me, the lady, send a messenger to the shepherd:

May he treat me to prime butter and prime milk!

Let me send a messenger to the squire, the farmer,

May he treat me to honey and wine!

To the fowler, who has his net spread out,

Let me, the lady, send a messenger:

May he treat me to choice birds!

And the fisherman, none other! To his reed hut,

Let me, Inanna, send a messenger,

May he treat me to his precious carps!


Her bridallers, taking the day off, came.

The fowler brought choice birds, the fisherman brought precious carps, filled them in a …. with Milady.

The shepherd carried pails of butter in his hands,

Dumuzi carried pails of milk over his shoulders, butter and small cheese he carried hung over his shoulders.

Whipped, herb-flavored, milk he carried hung over his shoulders.


       (Kish King Etana ascends to heaven / planet Nibiru, & Dumuzi the Shepherd, spouse to Inanna) 

The shepherd called out unto the house, Dumuzi thrust a hand against the door crying:


Make haste to open the House, Milady!

Make haste to open the house!



The pure one…. the Mother, hearing her, went, and was standing by the …. saying:

4b - Ningal head (alien goddess Ningal, Inanna‘s mother, Nannar‘s spouse)


Verily you are his spouse, he is your spouse,

Verily you …. for him Verily he is …..for you

Verily your father is now a stranger only,

Verily your mother is now a stranger only,

His mother you will respect as were she your mother!

His father you will respect as were he your father!


Make haste to open the House, Milady!

Make haste to open the house!


Inanna at her mother´s bidding bathed in water, anointed herself with sweet oil,

decided to put on for outer garment the grand queenly robe;

She also took her man-beast amulets,

was straightening the lapis lazuli stones on her neck, and held her cylinder seal in her hand.

 2-inanna  (winged pilot Inanna, Goddess of Love & War, with lapis-lazuli necklace)

The young lady stood waiting – Dumuzi pushed the door open, and like a moonbeam she came forth to him out of the house.

He looked at her, rejoiced in her, took her in his arms and kissed her.


Dumuzi, the lord Dumuzi came to him saying:

            2 - Dumuzi, youngest son to Enki (Dumuzi captured by his enemy, bound hands & feet, later escaped with help from Utu)


          O my master, I have come home

          O my master, my bride is accompanying me

          May she duly give birth to a little lad!

 O my master, go into her into in the house!


 O my bride…

 O Inanna…, the chapel of my personal god,

 To the chapel of my personal god I have brought you.

1a-inanna-dumuzi  (Inanna seated with her spouse Dumuzi the Shepherd, Enki’s & Ninsun’s son)

You will sleep before my personal god, and on the seat of honor of my personal god, my bride, you will sit!


Though he spoke thus to her, she sat down beside the sill, saying:


I need help! I have always just obeyed mother!


To the personal god he wended his foot, spoke a greeting and prayer to him as follows:


O my master…



… in your eyes O my Ama-ushumgal (Dumuzi), I know not how to use a loom


The shepherd put his arm around the young lady saying:


I have not carried you off into slavery, your table will be a splendid table,

At the splendid table I eat

Your table will be the splendid table, will be the splendid table,

You, you will eat at the splendid table

My mother eats at the beer vat, Duttur´s (Ninsun, Dumuzi‘s mother) brother eats not at it,

2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings (Ninsun, daughter to Ninurta, mother to Dumuzi & Geshtinanna)

But you, you will eat at the splendid table!

O my bride, cloth you will not weave for me!

Tomb-stele, woman with distaff, child. Basalt, H: 100 cm Late Hittite, 8th-7th BCE Inv. 1756Man at a weaving loom. Tablet with seal imprint. Terracotta relief from Susa, Iran (3300-3000 BCE - Proto-urban Period) 3.9 x 6.6 cm Sb 3048 (alien gods spinning & weaving)

O Inanna, yarn you shall not spin for me!

O my bride, fleece you shall not ravel for me!

O Inanna, warp you shall not mount for me!

(four lines too fragmentary for translation)

Have no fear…

Bread you shall not knead for me

1f-inanna-with-liberty-torch  (Inanna, daughter to Nannar & Ningal, granddaughter to Prince Enlil, the Earth Colony Commander)

O Nin-egalla (Inanna)

Narrator :

The Shepherd Dumuzi she embraced Inanna:

I, who have pure splendor, glow as the morning Star (Venus) on heaven,

1a-inanna-8-pointed-star-symbolizing-venus  (Inanna, the Morning & Evening star, Goddess of Love planet Venus, & her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus, the 8th planet found when entering into our solar system from outer space)

Who glow as the morning Star on heaven….


Dumuzid and Enkimdu

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Maiden, the cattle-pen ……; maiden Inana, the sheepfold ……. …… bending in the furrows.

1ga-inanna-in-babylon  (Inanna, prominent alien goddess, directing as much as she can, backed by Enlil)

Inana (Inanna), let me stroll with you; …… the emmer …….

Young lady, let me …….”

“I am a woman and I won’t do that, I won’t! I am a star ……, and I won’t!

I won’t be the wife of a shepherd!”

Her (twin) brother, the warrior youth Utu (Shamash), said to holy Inana:

2e - Babylonian Shamash 2000B.C.3b-utu-naked-inanna

            (damaged semi-divine mixed-breed king stands before Utu, the Sun god;      twin gods Utu & Inanna, children of Nannar)

         “My sister, let the shepherd marry you!

Maiden Inana, why are you unwilling?

His butter is good, his milk is good (2 mss. have instead: He of good butter, he of good milk) —

all the work of the shepherd’s hands is splendid.

Inana, let Dumuzid (Dumuzi) marry you.

1b-inanna-torch-or-a-weapon (Inanna wearing her cuba jewels, holding alien advanced technologies)

You who wear jewelery, who wear cuba jewels, why are you unwilling?

(1 ms. adds 2 lines: His butter is good, his milk is good — all the work of the shepherd’s hands is splendid.)

He will eat his good butter with you.

Protector of the king, why are you unwilling?”

“The shepherd shall not marry me!

He shall not make me carry his garments of new wool.

His brand new wool will not influence me.

Let the farmer marry me, the maiden.

With the farmer who grows colorful flax with the farmer who grows dappled grain …….”

1 line fragmentary

approx. 7 lines missing

“The shepherd shall not marry me!”

These words ……. ……the farmer to the shepherd.

My king ……, the shepherd, Dumuzid ……. …… to say ……:

“In what is the farmer superior to me, the farmer to me, the farmer to me?

Enkimdu, the man of the dykes and canals (Adad was initial god of the dykes & canals)

in what is that farmer superior to me?

Let him give me his black garment, and I will give the farmer my black ewe for it.

Let him give me his white garment, and I will give the farmer my white ewe for it.

Let him pour me his best beer, and I will pour the farmer my yellow milk for it.

               (drinking beer through a straw, avoiding the floating thick mash)

Let him pour me his fine beer, and I will pour the farmer my soured (?) milk for it.

Let him pour me his brewed beer, and I will pour the farmer my whipped milk for it.

Let him pour me his beer shandy, and I will pour the farmer my …… milk for it.

“Let him give me his best filtered beer, and I will give the farmer my curds (?).

Let him give me his best bread, and I will give the farmer my …… milk for it.

Let him give me his little beans, and I will give the farmer my small cheeses for them.

(1 ms. adds 2 lines: Let him give me his large beans, and I will give the farmer my big cheeses for them.)

After letting him eat and letting him drink,

I will even leave extra butter for him, and I will leave extra milk for him.

In what is the farmer superior to me?”

He was cheerful, he was cheerful, at the edge of the riverbank, he was cheerful.

On the riverbank, the shepherd on the riverbank,

2aa-dumuzi-the-shepherd-with-adam-eve-titi  (Dumuzi bound hand & foot, earliest of modern earthlings, & Dumuzi the Shepherd)

now the shepherd was even pasturing the sheep on the riverbank.

The farmer approached the shepherd there, the shepherd pasturing the sheep on the riverbank;

the farmer Enkimdu approached him there.

Dumuzid …… the farmer, the king of dyke and canal.

From the plain where he was,

the shepherd from the plain where he was provoked a quarrel with him;

    (this text is very similar to the much later Biblical account of Cain & Abel, farmer vs. shepherd, competing for god’s approval over the other)

the shepherd Dumuzid from the plain where he was provoked a quarrel with him.

“Why should I compete against you, shepherd, I against you, shepherd, I against you?

Let your sheep eat the grass of the riverbank, let your sheep graze on my stubble.

Let them eat grain in the jeweled (?) fields of Unug (Uruk),

let your kids and lambs drink water from my Surungal canal.

2d - Biblical Able, Dumuzi the shepherd, & Enlil   (Dumuzi the Shepherd taught earthlings the trade of herding livestock)

“As for me who am a shepherd: when I am married, farmer, you are going to be counted as my friend.

Farmer Enkimdu, you are going to be counted as my friend, farmer, as my friend.”

“I will bring you wheat, and I will bring you beans; I will bring you two-row barley from the threshing-floor.

  (earthlings working for, & feeding the giant alien gods)

And you, maiden, I will bring you whatever you please, maiden Inana, …… barley or …… beans.”

The dispute between the shepherd and the farmer:

maiden Inana, your praise is sweet.

A balbale.

Songs of Inana and Dumuzid (Dumuzid-Inana J, L, R, V, W, Y, Z, C1, D1, F1, & M)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

        1-12.…… (Geshtinana) beloved sister of Dumuzid (Dumuzi), beloved …… of Durtur (Ninsun),

          2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninsun, Ninurta‘s daughter, mother to Dumuzi & Geshtinana)        

          …… seed implanted into the womb by a good bull (Ninurta), my lady, born to ladyship!

           3k-ninsun-her-son-gudea-ningishzidda-enki (NInsun, her mixed-breed son-king Gudea, Ningishzidda, & Enki, father to Dumuzi & Geshtinanna with Ninsun, & father to Ningishzidda, etc.)

        With her aid the cattle-pen was filled with butter and cream,

        with her aid the sheepfold was long provided with milk.

        On the high plain, my ……, you are Ĝeštin-ana.

          2 - Geshtinanna, daughter to Enki & Ninsun (singer & scribe Geshtinana, daughter to Ninsun & Enki, sister to Dumuzi)

        O girl, …… indeed!

        Your little ones …… indeed!

        Unug (Uruk) …… indeed!

           3e-anus-temple-in-uruk 3j-anus-temple  (residence of the King of the Anunnaki, Anu, in Uruk / Unug)

        Kulaba (in Uruk) …… indeed!

         …… you are …….

         13-17. Because of her brother, the girl lacerated her eyes and lacerated her mouth;

        she lacerated her buttocks, the place not spoken of to men.

        She made her way towards the tavern of the palace.

        The girl questioned a minister who was coming out of the palace.

          18-24. The minister who was coming out of the palace answered the girl:


              (mixed-breed high-priest & king atop ziggurat residence / temple, giants Ninsun, Nannar, & Utu with his alien rock-saw)

        “Those endowed with divine powers (technologies), 10 incantation priests,

        prostration priests, bathed priests and ablution priests will never cease coming every month,

        once a month, to the great shrine, for (?) your brother, who has taken possession of the en priesthood,

        the en priesthood of Unug ……, for (?) your brother, who has taken possession of the en priesthood.”

         25-32. At that time there were seven, there were seven,

          (areal view of Zabalam ruins)

        the song performers of Unug were seven; in Zabalam the lament singers were fifty.

        They knew the stars of the heavens, and they knew the roads of the earth.

        In the broad heavens, they carried the first-fruit offerings.

        They raised songs, and they lowered songs; they did not declare the beginning of the song to them.

        They were elders not yet assigned to their positions.

          33-38. The little sister dwelling among them spoke to them

        1 line unclear

        “While we raise the song, you will lower the song.”

          …… she did not dwell among them …….

        She dwelt in the …… of the eršema (?).

           13a-ur-lapis-lazuli-necklace  (lapis-lazili necklace, Inanna‘s favorite gemstone, artifact discovered in Ur)

        She dwelt …… the eršema (?), of precious metal and lapis lazuli, of the goldsmith.”

A song of Inana and Dumuzid (DumuzidInana L)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)

          3aa - Nanna & his symbol (Nannar, patron god of Ur, symbolized as the Moon Crescent god, a symbol widely used today)

           1-6. My valiant Nanna (Nannar / Sin), who ……, my dear one, you love me;

           2a-bau-her-dog-spouse-ninurta (Bau, the daughter of King Anu, her guard dog, & her spouse Prince Ninurta)

        joy …….  …… Bau (Gula) loves you.”

        3 lines fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

A song of Inana and Dumuzid (DumuzidInana R)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)

        Version A (of three closely related compositions)

         2o-inanna-goddess-of-love-war  (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War)

        1-8. Maiden, glossy mane, lovely beauty, Inana (Inanna), glossy mane, lovely beauty!

        Maiden, mane of the ibex, …… red deer, …… red deer, Inana, mane of the ibex, …… red deer, …… red deer!

           1-inanna-dumuzi-young-lovers  (Dumuzi the Shepherd, & his young spouse Inanna)

        Maiden, colorful as a pile of grain, fit for the king, Inana, colorful as a pile of grain, fit for Dumuzid (Dumuzi)!

        Maiden, you are a shock of two-row barley, fully developed in loveliness,

        Inana, you are a shock of two-row barley, fully developed in loveliness!

           9-14. I am the queen, I am the queen, I am …… full of loveliness!

           1i-nude-inanna-ishtar inanna  (Inanna‘s sexuality widely known in the ancient world)

        I am the maiden, I am the queen, I am …… full of loveliness!

        I am the queen, seed engendered by An (King Anu‘s descendant), I am …… full of loveliness!

        I am good oil, good oil, …… sweet perfume!

           …… may he moor the boat …….  …… may he moor the boat …….

           15-19. I am the queen, I shall go with him to his …….

          3a - Anu & Inanna (King Anu, & great-granddaughter Goddess of War Inanna)

        I am Inana (speaking in the 1st person), I shall go with him to his …….

        I shall go with him to his ……. I shall go with him to his …… shrine.

        I shall go with him to the house with its measuring jars.

           20-28. Let me learn the way to the man, my milk, my cream!

        Let me learn the way to my Ama-ušum, my milk, my cream!

        Let me learn the way to Ama-ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi), my milk, my cream!

        Let me learn the way to the esparto grass, my milk, to my milk, my milk!

        Let me learn the way to the poplars, the cool place, my milk!

        Let me learn the way to the innuš plants, the pure plants, my milk!

        Let me learn the way to the grasslands, the frosty place, my milk!

           2d-biblical-able-dumuzi-the-shepherd-enlil2a-dumuzi-the-shepherd-adam-eve (Dumuzi the Shepherd on both panels, alien god tasked with teaching the 1st “modern earthlings” to herd flocks of sheep, like Biblical Abel)

        Let me learn the way to the holy sheepfold, my man’s sheepfold!

        Let me learn the way to the holy sheepfold, my Dumuzid‘s sheepfold!

        29. Sa-gida

        30. I will speak ……

(this line is probably a catch-line to the second (sa-ĝara) section, not preserved)

          Version B (of three closely related compositions)

          unknown no. of lines missing

           1-13. …… the small things, …… the small things, ……the great things, …… the small things,

        …… my property that has to be brought ……; my sheep that eat …….

        The cowherd …… will not find the cow-pen, the shepherd …… will not find the sheepfold.

        My butter carrier will not carry the butter, my milk carrier will not carry the milk.

        My …… to the evil ones.

        2 lines fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

        Version C (of three closely related compositions)

        unknown no. of lines missing

          1-7. 1 line fragmentary

        The lord made the milk abundant for me, …….

        Dumuzid made the butter abundant for me, …….

        When he carried the butter, butter was abundant.

        When he carried the milk, milk was abundant.

        When he carried milk and butter, he did not enter the house …….

        May the lady anoint herself with finest oil!

           8-16. Let me learn the way to the man, my milk, my cream!

        Let me learn the way to my Ama-ušum, my milk, my cream!

        Let me learn the way to Ama-ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi), my milk, my cream!

        Let me learn the way to the esparto grass, my milk, ……, my milk!

        Let me learn the way to the poplars, the cool place, my milk!

        Let me learn the way to the grasslands, the frosty place, my milk!

        Let me learn the way to the innuš plants, the pure plants, my milk!

        Let me learn the way to the holy sheepfold, my bridegroom’s sheepfold!

        Let me learn the way to the holy sheepfold, my Dumuzid‘s sheepfold!

           17-18. The mistress …….

        The shepherd Dumuzid …….

        19. A …… song.

A song of Inana and Dumuzid (DumuzidInana V)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)


          1-15. The young lady, the king’s kohl, Inana (Inanna), Dumuzids (Dumuzi) kohl, full of joy,

        adorned with loveliness, goes to the shepherd in the sheepfold, goes to Dumuzid in the cattle-pen.

        There on the road she …… the shepherd, the maiden Inana meets him on the path.

        Dumuzid comes forth like the daylight.

          3 - Dumuzi the shepherd

          (Kish King Etana ascends to heaven / planet Nibiru with eagle, & Dumuzi The Shepherd, spouse to young Inanna)

        …… extended his hand to ……;  …… extended his hand to …….  …… extended hand.

        1 line fragmentary

        …… enfolded in numerous buds,  …… sprouted branches, …… heart …….

A song of Inana and Dumuzid (DumuzidInana W)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)

        1-22. 4 lines missing

        2 lines fragmentary

        May my sheep eat my …… which is growing in the fields, my plants, my camel-thorn.

        May my sheep eat my ……, my plants, my winnowed barley.

        May my sheep eat my life of the Land which is growing in the fields, my plants, my stubble.

        May my sheep eat my support of orphans and sustenance of widows, my plants, my šakir plants.

        May my sheep eat my string of clay balls (?) which is growing in the fields, my plants, my colocynth.

        May my sheep eat my beer wort mixed with honey, my plants, my marsh reeds.

        May my sheep eat my calves going together with their bulls, my plants, my reed shoots.

        May my sheep eat my blossoming garden of apple trees, my plants, my reeds.

            (Inanna & damaged Dumuzi with their flocks)

              (Dumuzi & Inanna with food from plants & animals for the gods)

          23-38. May my sheep eat my aromatic plants of the fields, dripping with syrup, my plants, my licorice.

        May my sheep eat my …… waterskin hanging from the saddle, my plants, my ḫarub pods.

        May my sheep eat my grass spread out like a mantle, my plants, my meadow grass.

        May my sheep eat my native-born (?) of flourishing Sumer, my plants, my kali plants.

        May my sheep eat my unkempt long hair, my plants, my esparto grass.

        May my sheep eat my plants that ignore winter and summer, my plants, my date palm saplings.

        May my sheep eat my beautiful …… plants with a head of fine hairs, my plants, my lilangi plants.

        May my sheep eat my …… growing in the desert, my plants, my apple grass.

           39-44. …… and smeared milk and honey on it.

        The youth is gentle towards his spouse; the wild bull stands in prayer before her.

          3a - Inanna & Dumuzi (Inanna & spouse Dumuzi The Shepherd)

        He is gentle towards holy Inana.

        Embracing ……, he treats her gently.

        Dumuzid stands in prayer before her.

        approx. 5 lines missing

A song of Inana and Dumuzid (DumuzidInana Y)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)

           1-8. 5 lines missing

        1 line fragmentary ……

        his father like a messenger.

        1 line fragmentary

          3c - Shamash cutting mountains in Sippar (Utu, the Sun god, rises over the mountains)

        9-23. (Utu speaks:) “Our brother-in-law, the daytime will pass; our brother-in-law, night will come.

        Then I shall make the moonlight enter its house, I shall make the stars become dimmed in their house.

        Our brother-in-law, when the daytime has passed, our brother-in-law, when the night comes,

        and after the moonlight has entered its house, after the stars have become dimmed in their house,

        I shall draw the bolt from the door for you …….”

        5 lines missing

        24-33. “My elder sister! …….”

        “My sweet! …….”

        “My elder sister! …….”

        “My brother with kindly eyes!”

        2 lines unclear

        “Here is our parapet! Tear down our parapet!

        Our spouse, exert (?) yourself, exert (?) yourself!

        If you are captured, what will become of us?

        They have let you go: come into our house!”

           34-47. “My one distinguished by a shock of hair, my one distinguished by a shock of hair!

        My sweet, my one distinguished by a shock of hair!

        My one distinguished by a shock of hair like a palm tree!

        My shaggy-necked one like a tamarisk, my one distinguished by a shock of hair!

        My man distinguished in the assembly by your shock of hair!

        Rub it against our breast, my sweet!

        Noble one (?), honored in the assembly with your shock of hair!

        Rub it against our breast, my brother with kindly eyes!

        My lapis lazuli beard, my fermenting-vat shock of hair!

        My beard mottled like lapis lazuli!

        My shock of hair sturdy as a fermenting vat!

          3d-inanna-ishtar-upon-lion1 1c-astarte-hittite-goddess-of-love  (Inanna, Dumuzi‘s spouse, Goddess of Love & War, with her 8-Pointed Star symbol)

        My ivory figurine, my golden figure!

        My object fashioned by a skilled carpenter!

        My one worked on by a skilled metal worker!”

          48-55. “Come (?), my beloved sister!

        I will …… mouth.

        Her genitals are as sweet as her mouth.

           1h-nude-inanna-in-capeIF1j-inanna-was-present-everywhereOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA (Inanna well known & worshiped everywhere)

        Her mouth is as sweet as her genitals.

          …… beautiful.

          …… eyes.”

        3 lines fragmentary or missing

           56-65. “May you be sweet words in the mouth!

        May you be a reign which brings forth happy days!

        May you be a feast which brightens the countenance!

        May you be a shining mirror!

           (Enlil, King Anu‘s son & heir, Earth Colony Commander)
        Beloved of Enlil, may {the heart of your god} {(1 ms. has instead:) your god} be assuaged towards you!

        Come at night, stay at night!

        Come with the sun, stay with the sun!

        May your god pave the road for you, may he level the hills and depths for you!”

A song of Inana and Dumuzid

(DumuzidInana Z)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)

        Segment A

           1-9. My own mother gave birth to me for your sake, my Ningal gave birth to me for your sake.

          4b - Ningal head (Ningal, Nannar‘s spouse, the patron gods of Ur)

          ……, my beloved heart will come.

          ……, my beloved heart will come there.

        May …… come to me (?), and I will rejoice over him.

        May Dumuzid come to me (?), and I will rejoice over him.

        1 line unclear

        Dumuzid ……

        1 line fragmentary

        unknown no. of lines missing

        Segment B

           1-9. 1 line fragmentary

           (Dumuzi & naked spouse Inanna, Goddess of Love)

        Let us embrace, my bridegroom!

        Come, let us rejoice in play!

        Let us embrace, my Ama-ušum!

        Come, let us rejoice in play!

           (Anu, father of the ruling gods on Earth, King of Nibiru & Earth Colony)

        Friend of An (Anu), lord, my heart’s desire, cheering the mood, gladdening the heart:

        may you be our sun god (Utu)! I will go to the lord, I will talk with him, I will say to the lord of my heart:

       10-19. …… with Enlil, and my (Utu’s) father, Suen, chose you in his heart.

        I myself chose you in my heart; you are the man of the heart.

          (King Anu & his royal descendants wearing the crown of Earth’s animal horns)

        He has placed on your head for me the good headdress and the holy crown (of animal horns).

        You shall stand in service before the great gods,

          1g-images  (alien gods in procession on holidays & special events)

        the Anuna (Anunnaki from Nibiru) gods who shine forth radiantly.

        Let us embrace, my bridegroom!

        Let us lie on my flowered bed!

        Let us embrace, my Ama-ušum!

          1c - Astarte, Hittite goddess of love (Inanna in her “flowered bed”)

        Let us lie on my flowered bed!

A song of Inana and Dumuzid (DumuzidInana C1)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)


        Segment A

        1-10. 2 lines fragmentary

          1ba-inanna-spouse-dumuzi2i - Sumerian Inanna, twin sister to Utu (Inanna & Dumuzi; Inanna called by many names all over the world)

        Ninegala (Inanna), your wedding ushers are lords!

          …… like someone cracking eggs ……. Inana, your ushers are lords!

          …… is first, …… is second,

        1 line fragmentary

        the fowler ……, and the fisherman from the depths of the reedbeds.

          11-20. “I will send a messenger to the shepherd:

        let him treat me to the best butter and the best milk!

        I will send a messenger to my farmer: let him treat me to …… and wine!

        I, the lady, will send a messenger to the fowler, whose bird-nets are spread out:

        let him treat me to fine birds!

        I, Inana, will send a messenger to the fisherman too

        whose nets are set up in the reedbeds: let him treat me to fat carp!”

          21-32. One of her ushers brought the gifts.

        The fowler brought choice birds, and the fisherman brought fat carp and put them …… my lady.

        The shepherd carried butter in his hands, Dumuzid carried milk on his shoulders.

        He carried butter and milk in containers on his shoulders, he carried milk in the churn on his shoulders.

          …… called out to the house; Dumuzid ……: “Open the house, my lady! Open the house!”

            (Dumuzi the Shepherd, son to Enki & Ninsun)

        1 line fragmentary

        approx. 4 lines missing

        Segment B

          1-11. The mistress …….

        She stepped forward to her own mother, and stood …… expert in song:

          3c-unknown-inanna-ningal  (mixed-breed spouse-king, Inanna, & her mother Ningal)

        (Ningal speaks:)

        “He will be just like …….

        He will be just like …….

        He will be just like …… for you.

        He will be just like your father.

        He will be just like your mother.

        His mother too will …… just like your mother!

        His father too will …… just like your father!”


                 (captured & cuffed Dumuzi, primitive female & male; Dumuzi the Shepherd died young, leaving Inanna a widow)

        (Dumuzid speaks:) “Open the house, my lady! Open the house!”

          12-23. At her mother’s bidding, Inana bathed in water and anointed herself with sweet oil.

        She covered her body with a grand robe; she also took her pin.

        She straightened the lapis lazuli stones on her neck, and grasped her cylinder seal in her hand.

        The young lady stepped forward as Dumuzid pushed open the door,

        and like a moonbeam she came forth to him from the house.

        He looked at her and rejoiced in her; he embraced her and kissed her.

        1 line fragmentary

        approx. 9 lines missing

        Segment C

           1-8. 1 line fragmentary

        Dumuzid …….

        Lord Dumuzid …….

        “My master, …… home.

        My master, my spouse ……. Dumuzid …….

        My master, take me (?) into the house.”

           1a-inanna-dumuzi (young Anunnaki alien lovers Inanna & Dumuzi)

        The shepherd Dumuzid said to his bride:

           9-13. “My bride, come forth from the ……. Inana, …… the house of my personal god.

           3a-nannars-temple-ziggourat-home-in-ur  (house of Inanna‘s parents Nannar & Ningal above city of Ur)

        I shall bring you to the house of my god.

        I shall get you to lie down before my god and, Inana, you shall sit with me in my god’s seat of honor!”

          14-24. When he had spoken thus to her, she sat down ……

        1 line fragmentary

          …… stepped forward ……. …… uttered a prayer ……

        5 lines fragmentary

          …… your usher ……

        approx. 4 lines missing

        Segment D

           1-4. 1 line fragmentary

          …… before you …….

        My Ama-ušumgal, …… boat.

          …… the young lady:

          5-13. “I have not carried you off to be my slave girl!

          ……, your table will be a splendid table.

        You will eat at a splendid table.

        Your table will be a splendid table, a splendid table.

        You will eat …….

        My mother does not eat there,

          2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings  (Ninsun, Dumuzi‘s & Geshtinana‘s mother)

        Durtur‘s brother does not eat there, my sister Ĝeštin-ana does not eat there; but you will eat …….”

           14-27. “My bride, you should not weave cloth for me!

            weaving-spinning-clothingTomb-stele, woman with distaff, child. Basalt, H: 100 cm Late Hittite, 8th-7th BCE Inv. 1756 

                      (alien Anunnaki women spinning & weaving, teaching earthlings)

          ……, you should not spin yarn for me!

          ……, you should not comb out goat’s wool for me!

          ……, you should not warp threads for me!”

        3 lines fragmentary

        “You should not (?) …… bread for me!”

        Ninegala, …….

           4a-anu-flanked-by-enki-enlil  (Dumuzi & Ningishzidda flank King Anu seated upon his throne on Planet Nibiru)

        The wild bull Dumuzid ……. …… holy radiance on the horizon ……, …… radiance in heaven ……,

        2 lines fragmentary

        up to 5 lines missing

A song of Inana and Dumuzid (DumuzidInana D1)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)

            (Enki’s Eridu ziggurat house ruins)

           1-7. The …… of E-temen-ni-guru, the organization of the house of Eridug (Eridu),

           3b-nannars-temple-in-ur-terah-was-the-high-priest  (house of Suen / Nannar in Ur, the home of Biblical Abraham)

        the radiance of the house of Suen (Nannar / Sin),

            2cd-anus-temple-home-in-uruk (E-ana, Anu‘s ziggurat / residence in Uruk)

        and the erected banners of the E-ana (Anu‘s home in Uruk) were all given as gifts to the house.

        My good house floats like a cloud; its name too is a favorable omen.

        8-12. He who excels at the ceremonies of queenship has lined with his straw the flowered couch,

          3b - Enki & Gibil Mining  (Gibil, Enki‘s son, the forger of metals, lord of the fiery kilns)

        inlaid with lapis lazuli, which Gibil (Enki‘s son, Dumuzi‘s brother)

        has purified for you in the Iri-gal shrine and,

        in the house which he has sanctified for you with his sweet reeds,

        he is performing the purification rites for you.

          13-17. On the day of the moon’s disappearance, the day appointed (?),

        the day when the couch will be inspected, the day when the lord will make love,

        grant life to the lord and give the staff and the crook to the lord!

          18-22. She desires it, she desires it, she desires the couch.

        She desires the couch of heart’s joy, she desires the couch.

        She desires the couch of the sweet embrace, she desires the couch.

        She desires the kingly couch, she desires the couch.

        She desires the queenly couch, she desires the couch.

          23-27. When she makes comfortable, when she makes comfortable, when she makes the couch comfortable;

        when she makes the couch of heart’s joy comfortable, when she makes the couch comfortable;

        when she makes the couch of the sweet embrace comfortable, when she makes the couch comfortable;

        when she makes the kingly couch comfortable, when she makes the couch comfortable;

        when she makes the queenly couch comfortable, when she makes the couch comfortable,

          28-32. she covers the couch for him ……, covers the couch for him; she covers the couch for him ……,

        covers the couch for him; she calls the king to her sweet couch,

        she calls the beloved to her sweet couch, and speaks to him words of life, words of long days.

          2a - Inanna & perhaps Ninshubur (Apkulla / winged pilots on each end, Inanna with 8-pointed stars, & Ninshubur)

        33-46. Ninšubur (Inanna‘s minister), the good minister of E-ana,

        clasps him by his right hand and brings him in bliss to Inana‘s embrace:

        “May the lord whom you have chosen in your heart,

             (young lovers Inanna & Dumuzi the Shepherd, royal descendants of King Anu)

        the king, your beloved husband, enjoy long days in your holy and sweet embrace!

        Give him a propitious and famous reign, give him a royal throne of kingship on its firm foundation,

        give him the scepter to guide the Land, and the staff and crook,

        and give him the righteous headdress and the crown which glorifies the head!

        From the rising of the sun to the setting of the sun,

        from the south to the north, from the upper sea to the lower sea,

        from where the ḫalub tree grows to where the cedar grows,

        over all Sumer and Akkad, grant him the staff and the crook!”

         47-59. “May he act as shepherd of the black-headed (earthlings) inhabitants;

           4i-earthling-haia-unknown-enlil-nisaba-seated  (aliens farming on Earth Colony, gods & goddesses of grains)

        may he, like a farmer, make the fields productive;

        may he make the sheepfolds multiply, like a trustworthy shepherd.

        Under him, may there be flax, may there be barley; in the rivers may there be carp floods.

        Under him, may there be mottled barley in the fields; in the marshes, fish, and may the birds chatter.

        Under him, may the old reeds and the young reeds grow tall in the reedbeds;

        under him, may the mašgurum bushes flourish on the high plains.

        Under him, may the wild sheep and wild goats multiply in the forests;

        under him, may the irrigated orchards produce syrup and wine.

        Under him, may lettuce and cress flourish in the garden plots;

        under him, may there be long life in the palace.”

          60-64. “May high flood-waters flow in the Tigris and Euphrates,

        may the grasses grow tall on their banks, and may the meadows be covered.

          (Nisaba, Master Scribe & Goddess of Grains, Enlil‘s mother-in-law)

        May the holy lady Nisaba pile high the grain heaps and mounds.

        My lady, queen of heaven and earth, queen who encompasses heaven and earth,

        may he enjoy long days …… embrace.”

           65-70. With head high, the king goes now ……, with head high he goes to the holy embrace of Inana.

        The king going now with head high ……, going now to my lady with head high,”

        1 line fragmentary he embraces the mistress.

        (the ends of a number of further lines are preserved)

        unknown no. of lines missing

A song of Inana and Dumuzid (DumuzidInana F1)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, & in Italics is added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

        1-10. “…… my side.

          …… on a bed dripping with honey.

          …… his hand in my hand.

          …… his foot by my foot.

          …… my lips on his mouth.

        2 lines fragmentary

          …… like a bracelet on my hand.

           13a-ur-lapis-lazuli-necklace  (lapis-lazuli blue-hued gemstone necklace, a favorite of Inanna‘s)

          …… lapis lazuli on my neck.

          …… like silver …… of my bridegroom.

          11-15. The brother …… in his garden.

          …… stand …… his standing tree.

          …… lie down …… his recumbent tree.

        He laid me down ……. …… dates.

        16-23. The …… spoke to me among the apple trees.

        My precious sweet …… my head.

        The …… spoke to me among the fig trees.

        My precious sweet …… my …….

        The …… spoke to me among the willow (?) trees.

        My precious sweet …….

        The …… spoke to me …….

        My precious sweet …… my …….”

A šir-namšub to Inana (DumuzidInana M)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Any writing in Bold Type, in Parenthesis, in Italics, & pictures are added by me, R. Brown, not the author!)

(gods in blue)

        Segment A

           1-10. 1 line unclear

        Belonging to Inana (Inanna) …….

           2c-goddesses-in-flying-discs  (Inanna hovers over her king, witnessing her “divine powers” of flight & war) 

        Belonging to the gatherer (?) of divine powers (alien technologies) …….

        Belonging to my good woman …….

        My good young woman …….

        Plenty …… Dumuzid (Dumuzi)…….

           (young lovers Inanna & spouse Dumuzi the Shepherd)

        Ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi) …….

        Belonging to the lady …….

        Ninegala (Inanna) …….

        1 line fragmentary

        approx. 6 lines missing

        Segment B

           1-4. 4 lines fragmentary

            5-6. A šir-namšub.

         A širnamšub of (?) …….

Kunĝars to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana I & T)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

        1-6. If it were not for our mother, he would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert!

        If it were not for our mother, this young man would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert!

          3b-ningal-spouse-of-nannar-ningikugas-daughter (brown-eyed alien goddess Ningal, mother to Inanna, spouse to Nannar)

        If it were not for my mother Ningal, he would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert!

        If it were not for Ningikuga (Nisaba, Ningal‘s mother, ex-lover to Enki, Haia‘s spouse),

        he would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert!

        If it were not for Father Suen (Nannar / Sin), he would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert!

          2a-utu-shamash-twin-to-inanna3b - Utu with powerful brilliance & weapons (Utu, Commander of the Anunnaki launch pads)

        If it were not for my brother Utu, he would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert!”

        7-22. “Young woman, don’t provoke a quarrel!

          2d - Inanna Wars Against Marduk (giant mixed-breed, & Inanna as the Goddess of Love & of War)

        Inana (Inanna), let us talk it over! Inana, don’t provoke a quarrel!

        Ninegala (Inanna), let us discuss it together!

        My father is just as good as your father; Inana, let us talk it over!

        My mother is just as good as your mother; Ninegala (Inanna), let us discuss it together!

        Ĝeštin-ana (Inanna‘s sister-in-law, Dumuzi‘s sister) is just as good as ……;

        Inana, let us talk it over!

          4m-utu-inanna-nannar  (Nannar‘s family, Utu, Inanna, Nannar, & damaged Papsukal)

        I am just as good as Utu (Inanna‘s twin brother); Ninegala, let us discuss it together!

          3k-ninsun-her-son-gudea-ningishzidda-enki  (Ninsun, her mixed-breed son-king Gudea, Ningishzidda, & Enki)

        Enki (Dumuzi‘s father) is just as good as Suen (Inanna‘s father);

        Inana, let us talk it over!

          2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings (Ninsun, mother to Dumuzi & Geshtinanna, Enki‘s son & daughter)

        Durtur (Ninsun, Dumuzi‘s mother, Inanna‘s mother-in-law)

          2bc - Nannar's spouse Ningal & King Ur-Nammu (alien goddess Ningal & Ninsun‘s mixed-breed son-king Ur-Nammu)

        is just as good as Ningal (Inanna‘s mother); Ninegala, let us discuss it together!”

        23-24. The words they speak are words towards desire; provoking a quarrel is the desire of his heart!

         25-30. He of the šuba jewels, he of the šuba jewels is indeed plowing with the šuba jewels!

        Ama-ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi), he of the šuba jewels, is indeed plowing with the šuba jewels!

        He lays down like seeds the little jewels among his jewels.

        He piles up (?) like grain piles the large jewels among his jewels.

        He will carry them to the roof for his …… who is leaning towards him from the roof;

        he will carry them to the wall for Inana who is leaning towards him from the wall.

          2 - Dumuzi, youngest son to Enki (Dumuzi captured, cuffed hands & feet, then found dead, leaving Inanna widowed)

          31-35. …… calls out to Ama-ušumgal-ana:

        “Plowing with the jewels, plowing with the jewels, for whom is he plowing?

        Ama-ušumgal-ana, plowing with the jewels, for whom is he plowing?

        May the little jewels among his jewels be on our throat!

            (Inanna  wearing only her jewels, the one & only Goddess of Love)

        May the large jewels among his jewels be on our holy breast!”

          36-40. Ama-ušumgal-ana answers the mistress:

        “It is for the mistress, it is for my spouse the mistress — I am plowing with them for her!

        For holy Inana, the priestess — I am plowing with them for her!”

        He of the šuba jewels, he of the šuba jewels will indeed plow with the šuba jewels!

          1-inanna-dumuzi-young-lovers  (Dumuzi & spouse Inanna, the Goddess of Love)

        Ama-ušumgal-ana, he of the šuba jewels, will indeed plow with the šuba jewels!

              (Inanna wearing jewelry being plowed by Dumuzi)

         41-45. “Plowing with the jewels, plowing with the jewels, for whom is he plowing?

        Ama-ušumgal-ana, plowing with the jewels, for whom is he plowing?

        The beard of the one whom he will create for me, the one whom he will create for me, is of lapis-lazuli,

            (Anu, king of the giant Anunnaki stationed on Earth Colony, the father in heaven / planet Nibiru)

        the beard of the …… whom An (Anu) will create for me is lapis-lazuli,

        the beard of the …… is of lapis-lazuli, his beard is of lapis-lazuli.”

          46. A kunĝar of Inana.

A kunĝar to Inana (DumuzidInana T)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-10. …… he who cools, who cools …….

He who uproots the grass for holy Inana (Inanna), who uproots …….

He who gathers the dates, …… the date palm.

He who gathers the dates for holy Inana, …… the date palm.

Let him bring her water, let him bring her water, and black emmer seeds.

With the water let him bring Inana a heap, and white emmer seeds.

The man brings, the man brings, he brings a heap of stones to choose from.

The man brings to the maiden Inana, he brings a heap of stones to choose from.

He gathers the lapis lazuli from the top of the heap.

He gathers the lapis lazuli for Inana from the top of the heap.

1e - Ishtar, goddess of love (Inanna adorns her naked body with jewelry, concept of the gods copied by earthlings, creating gem values)

11-24. She chooses the buttocks beads and puts them on her buttocks.

Inana chooses the head stones and puts them on her head.

She chooses the lumps of translucent lapis lazuli and puts them on the nape of her neck.

She chooses the golden genitals and puts them on the hair of her head.

She chooses the ribbons (?) of gold for the ears and puts them on her ears.

inanna  (Inanna, alien Anunnaki female beauty, desired for thousands of years by gods & mixed-breeds)

She chooses the burnished bronze and puts it in her ear lobes (?).

She chooses that which drips with honey and puts it on her face.

She chooses that of the outer shrine and puts it on her nose.

She chooses the …… and puts it on her mouth.

She chooses the beautiful …… ring and puts it in her navel.

She chooses a well of honey and fresh water and puts it on her hips.

She chooses bright alabaster and puts it on her thighs.

She chooses black {…… willow (?)} {(1 ms. has instead:) fleece (?)} and puts it on her genitals.

She chooses ornate sandals and puts them on her toes.

25. Sa-gida.

(Dumuzi & spouse Inanna, young gods in love; ancient lapis lazuli necklace)

26-31. The lord meets her for whom lapis lazuli (blue-hued gemstone) was gathered from the heap.

Dumuzid (Dumuzi) meets Inana for whom lapis lazuli was gathered from the heap.

(Dumuzi the Shepherd feeding the flocks, Inanna image damaged)

The shepherd of An (Anu), the servant of Enlil, the lord meets her.


               (Apkulla / pilot,         Enki,    King Anu in his winged sky-disc above “Tree of Life“, Enlil, & winged eagle-headed pilot / minor god / Apkulla)

The servant of An, the herdsman of Enlil, Dumuzid meets her.

The lord meets her at the lapis lazuli door which stands in the ĝipar shrine.

Dumuzid meets her at the narrow door which stands in the storehouse of E-ana (Anu‘s temple residence).

 (young lovers Inanna & Dumuzi)

32-36. When she turns from the top of the heap, when Inana turns from the top of the heap,

may the woman enter (?) with her songs, decorated (?).

The maiden, singing, sends a messenger to her father.

Inana, dancing from joy, sends a messenger to her father:

37-47. “Let them …… for me into my house, my house.

Let them …… into my house, my house for me, the queen.

Let them …… for me into my ĝipar shrine.

  (Inanna in her flowered bed, she demanded & received the most attention of the goddesses)

Let them erect for me my flowered bed.

Let them spread it for me with herbs like translucent lapis lazuli.

For me let them bring in the man of my heart.

Let them bring in to me my Ama-ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi).

Let them put his hand in my hand, let them put his heart by my heart.

As hand is put to head, the sleep is so pleasant.

As heart is pressed to heart, the pleasure is so sweet.”

1b-inanna-torch-or-a-weapon1c-inanna-with-liberty-torch1a - Inanna with Liberty Torch (Inanna the goddess Columbia / Liberty)

48. Kunĝar of Inana.

A tigi to Inana (Dumuzid-Inana H)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Segment A

2c - Iananna, Goddess of Love & War  (young goddess Inanna, powerful daughter to Nannar & Ningal, Dumuzi‘s spouse)

1-8. While I, the lady, was passing the day yesterday,

while I, Inana (Inanna), was passing the day yesterday,

while I was passing the day, while I was dancing,

while I was singing songs all day until evening, he met me, he met me.

The lord, the friend of An (Anu), met me; the lord took me in his hands,

4a-anu-flanked-by-enki-enlil  (King Anu on his throne on planet Nibiru, Enki‘s sons Dumuzi & Ningishzidda at his sides)

Ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi) embraced me about my neck.

9-12. “……, let me go, so that I can go to our house!

Friend of Enlil, let me go, so that I can go to our house!

What lie can I offer to my mother?

4b - Ningal head (Ningal, brown-eyed beauty married to Nannar, the patron gods of Ur)

What lie can I offer to my mother Ningal?”

13-22. “Let me teach you, let me teach you!

Inana, let me teach you the lies of women:

My girlfriend was dancing with me in the square.

She ran around playfully with me, banging the drum.

She sang her sweet songs for me.

I passed the day there with her in pleasure and delight.”

Offer this as a lie to your own mother.

As for us — let me make love with you by moonlight!

Let me loosen your hairgrip on the holy and luxuriant couch.

May you pass a sweet day there with me in voluptuous pleasure.”

23. Sa-gida.

24-26. “I the maiden, in the streets and alleys, ……, by day I …… with you,”

1 line fragmentary

approx. 11 lines missing

Segment B

1-12. 1 line fragmentary

1 line unclear

There he is, standing at our mother’s gate, while I am rushing around in excitement.

There he is standing at Ningal‘s gate, while I am rushing around in excitement.

3c-unknown-inanna-ningal  (Inanna presents her mixed-breed spouse-king to her mother Ningal)

Oh that someone would tell my mother!

May our neighbor come to sprinkle water on the floor!

Oh that someone would tell my mother Ningal!

May our neighbor come to sprinkle water on the floor:

the fragrance of her dwelling is pleasant, and her words are delightful.

13-20. My lord is perfect for the holy embrace.

Ama-ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi), the son-in-law of Suen (Nannar / Sin),

Lord Dumuzid (Dumuzi), is perfect for the holy embrace.

2c - Dumuzi, Enki's son, Inanna's spouse2c-nannar-his-symbol (Dumuzi, Enki‘s son; Nannar, Dumuzi‘s father-in-law)

Ama-ušumgal-ana, son-in-law of Suen, my lord: how pleasing is your lavishness,

and how sweet-tasting are your green plants from the plain!

Ama-ušumgal-ana, how pleasing is your lavishness,

and how sweet-tasting are your green plants from the plain!

21. Sa-ĝara.

1a-inanna-dumuzi  (young Inanna & spouse Dumuzi the Shepherd)

22. A tigi of Inana.

Balbales to Inana and Dumuzid: translation

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-8 Lady, you who wander among sweet-voiced cows and gentle-voiced calves in the cattle-pen;

young woman, no sooner will you arrive there, Inana (Inanna), than the churn should sound!

2b - Dumuzi the shepherd (Dumuzi the Shepherd with stags of Mesopotamia)

May the churn of your spouse sound, Inana, may the churn of Dumuzid sound!

May the churn sound, may the churn of Dumuzid sound!

9-16 The rocking of the churn will sing for you, Inana, thus making you joyous.

inanna  (ancient Mesopotamian artifact of Inanna, Goddess of Love)

The holy churn will sound …… for you, thus making you joyous, Ninegala (Inanna).

The good shepherd, the man of sweet songs, will loudly (?) sing songs for you;

lady, with the sweetest songs, Inana, may he make your heart joyous!

weaving-reed-huts-of-early-modern-man  (cattle pens of the gods, ongoing food for giant aliens)

17-22 Lady, when you enter the cattle-pen, Inana, the cattle-pen indeed will rejoice over you.

Mistress, when you enter the sheepfold, Inana, the sheepfold indeed will rejoice over you.

When you enter the feeding-pen, healthy ewes will spread out their wool for you.

2c - Dumuzi, Enki's son, Inanna's spouse (Dumuzi, young son to Enki & Ninsun, 1st love to Inanna)

23-29 May your spouse, Ama-ucumgal-ana (Dumuzi), …… on (?) your holy breast.

May the holy sheepfold produce plentiful supplies of butter (?) for you.

It will make butter plentiful (?), it will make milk plentiful (?), thus making you joyous, Inana.

May the holy sheepfold make the butter extensive (?) for you, thus making you joyous, Ninegala.

(Enlil, father & King Anu, & brother Enki in alien flying sky-disc)

30-35 For the king you have chosen with your heart, for Dumuzid, the son (of Enki) of Enlil,

may the cattle-pen produce (?) butter and milk, may the sheepfold produce (?) abundance!

May the days of the true shepherd be numerous!

          The true shepherd, Dumuzid …… days of prosperity!

          36 A balbale to Inana.

A balbale to Inana and Dumuzid

(DumuzidInana A)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

The brother speaks gently to his sister,

3b-utu-naked-inanna  (Utu speaks gently to his sister Inanna, Goddess of Love) 

Utu speaks gently to his (twin) sister, he speaks tenderly to holy Inana (Inanna):

“Young lady, the flax in the garden beds is full of loveliness,

Inana (Inanna), the flax in the garden beds is full of loveliness,

like the barley in the furrows, overflowing with loveliness and delight.

Sister (1 ms. has instead: Young lady), you took a fancy to a grand length of linen;

Inana, you took a fancy to a grand length of linen.

I will dig up the plants for you and give them to you.

Young lady (1 ms. has instead: My sister), I will bring you flax from the garden beds.

Inana, I will bring you flax from the garden beds.”

” Brother (1 ms. has instead: My brother),

when you have brought me flax from the garden beds, who will ret it for me?

Who will ret it for me? Who will ret that flax for me?”

“My sister, I will bring it to you already retted!


    (Inanna, mixed-breed king, grandmother Ninlil, & Ninlil‘s parents Haia & Nisaba, gods & goddesses of grains)

Inana, I will bring it to you already retted!”

” Brother (1 ms. has instead: My brother),

when you have brought it to me already retted, who will spin it for me?

Who will spin it for me?

Who will spin that flax for me?”

“My sister, I will bring it to you already spun!

weaving-spinning-clothing  (Uttu, Enki‘s daughter spinning, work later given to the earthlings)

Inana, I will bring it to you already spun!”

” Brother (1 ms. has instead: My brother),

when you have brought it to me already spun, who will twine it for me?

Who will twine it for me?

Who will twine that flax for me?”

“My sister, I will bring it to you already twined!

Tomb-stele, woman with distaff, child. Basalt, H: 100 cm Late Hittite, 8th-7th BCE Inv. 1756  (work need done by the gods, proven techniques were then taught to “modern man”)

Inana, I will bring it to you already twined!”

“Brother, when you have brought it to me already twined, who will warp it for me?

Who will warp it for me?

Who will warp that flax for me?”

“My sister, I will bring it to you already warped!

Inana, I will bring it to you already warped!”

“Brother, when you have brought it to me already warped, who will weave for me?

Who will weave for me?

Who will weave that flax for me?”

“My sister, I will bring it to you already woven!

Man at a weaving loom. Tablet with seal imprint. Terracotta relief from Susa, Iran (3300-3000 BCE - Proto-urban Period) 3.9 x 6.6 cm Sb 3048  (alien Anunnaki gods operating weaving looms, 5,300 years ago)

Inana, I will bring it to you already woven!”

“Brother, when you have brought it to me already woven, who will bleach it for me?

Who will bleach it for me?

Who will bleach that linen for me?”

“My sister, I will bring it to you already bleached!

Inana, I will bring it to you already bleached!”

“Brother, when you have brought it to me already bleached, who will lie down on it with me?

Who will lie down on it with me?

1b-athirat-inanna-caananite-goddess-of-love  (Goddess of Love Inanna on her Holy Bed, irresistible to gods & earthlings)

Who will lie down on that linen with me?”

“There shall lie down with you, there shall lie down with you, there shall lie down with you your bridegroom!

Figurine of a nude woman, from Eshnunna (Tell Asmar) Period of the Amorite dynasties, 2000-1595 BCE H: 13 cm AO 12466  (Inanna, spouse to Dumuzi the Shepherd until he left her a widow, then known as Goddess of Love)

Ama-ucumgal-ana (Dumuzi) shall lie down with you, the companion of Enlil shall lie down with you,

the issue of a noble womb shall lie down with you, the offspring of a ruler shall lie down with you.”

“Is it true?– He is the man of my heart!

He is the man of my heart!

Brother, he is the man who has spoken to my heart!

He does no hoeing, yet heaps up piles of grain; he delivers grain regularly to the storehouse,

a farmer who has numerous piles of grain (1 ms. has instead: plentiful grain);

a shepherd whose sheep are heavy (?) with wool.”

A balbale of Inana.

A balbale to Inana (DumuzidInana B)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-3. My dearest, my dearest, my dearest, my darling, my darling, my honey of her own mother,

my sappy vine, my honey-sweet, my honey-mouthed of her mother!”

4-6. “The gazing of your eyes is pleasant to me; come my beloved sister.

The speaking of your mouth is pleasant to me, my honey-mouthed of her mother.

The kissing of your lips is pleasant to me; come my beloved sister.”

5g-early-man-woman-drinking (beer through straws, avoiding thick floating mash)

7-12.“My sister, the beer of your barley is good, my honey-mouthed of her mother.

The ale of your beer-bread is good; come my beloved sister.

In the house, your luxuriance ……, my honey-mouthed of her mother.

My sister, your luxuriance ……, my beloved …….

Your house …… a storehouse, my honey-mouthed of her mother.

You princess, my …….”

13-16. “For as long as you live, as long as you live, you shall take an oath for me,

brother of the countryside, for as long as you live you shall take an oath for me.

You shall take an oath for me that you will not touch another.

You shall take an oath for me that you will not …… your head on anyone else.”

17-20.“My one who wears the …… niĝlam garment, my beloved, man of my heart!

I shall impose an oath …… on you, my brother of the beautiful eyes.

My brother, I shall impose an oath on you, my brother of the beautiful eyes.”

1c - Astarte, Hittite goddess of love (Inanna’s famous genitals, nude artifacts depict her hundreds of times)

21-26. “You are to place your right hand on my genitals

while your left hand rests on my head, bringing your mouth close to my mouth,

and taking my lips in your mouth: thus you shall take an oath for me.

This is the oath of women, my brother of the beautiful eyes.”

27-32. “My desirable one, my desirable one, your charms are lovely,

my desirable apple garden, your charms are lovely.

My fruitful garden of meš trees, your charms are lovely,

  (Dumuzi The Shepherd, early “modern earthlings” Titi / Eve, Adapa / Adam, & Dumuzi in cuffs)

my one who is in himself Dumuzid-abzu (Dumuzi), your charms are lovely.

         (young gods & lovers Inanna & Dumuzi The Shepherd)

My holy statuette, my holy statuette, your charms are lovely.

My alabaster statuette adorned with a lapis-lazuli jewel, your charms are lovely.”

A balbale song of Inana.

A balbale to Inana (DumuzidInana C)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-2. “My sister, what have you been doing in the house?

Little one, what have you been doing in the house?”

 (giant Goddess of Love Inanna, daughter to Nannar & Ningal, twin to Utu)

3-8. “I was bathing, I was rubbing myself with soap.

I was washing myself with water from the holy kettle,

I was rubbing myself with the soap from the white stone bowl.

I was anointing myself with good oil from the stone bowl,

3d-inanna-ishtar-upon-lion11-inanna-goddess-of-love (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War)

and dressing myself in the formal dress proper to Inana (Inanna).

That is how I was busying myself in the house.”

          (goddess Inanna wearing jewelry & dressed to excite)

9-18. “I have put lots of kohl on my eyes, I have arranged …… the nape of my neck.

I have washed my dangling hair, I have tested my weapons that make his reign propitious.

I have straightened my tousled head of hair,

3d-inanna-riding-ninhursag  (goddesses Inanna & NInhursag, also many symbols of the gods)

I have tightened my loosened hairgrips, and let my hair fall down the back of my neck.

I have put a golden bracelet on my wrist. I have put little lapis-lazuli beads round my neck,

and arranged their buttons over my neck muscles.”

19-26. “Sister! I will bring you whatever you desire. I will bring the loving heart of your heart.

Your goddess has given you good looks.

Sister, shining bright, you are the honey of your own mother.

My sister, to whom I shall bring five things, my sister, to whom I shall bring 10 things,

she has perfected your appearance for you; sister, shining bright, she has really made it a delight.”

27-31. “When my brother enters from the palace, the singers shall ……,

and I shall pour wine into his mouth.

That should gladden his heart, should please his heart.”

32-41. “Let him bring, let him bring, now let him bring pats of butter and cream!”

“My sister, I will bring them with me to the house.”

“Let him bring, let him bring me lambs like ewes.”

“My sister, I will bring them with me to the house.”

“Let him bring, let him bring me kids like goats.”

“My sister, I will bring them with me to the house!”

“Let the lambs be as comely as ewes!”

“My sister, I will bring them with me to the house!”

“Let the kids be as fine as goats!”

“My sister, I will bring them with me to the house!”

  (giant Anunnaki goddess Inanna displays her naked goddess perfection for deliberate enticement & admiration)

42-48. “See now, {our} {(1 ms. has instead:) my} breasts stand out;

see now, hair has grown on {our} {(1 ms. has instead:)

  (Goddess of Love Inanna)

my} genitals, signifying (?) my progress to the embrace of a man.

Let us be very glad! Dance, dance!

 (Bau & her spouse-nephew Ninurta)

O Bau (Gula), let us be very glad about my genitals!

Dance, dance! Later on it will delight him, it will delight him!”

49. A balbale of Inana.

50-51. “Let him bring, let him bring, come let him bring pats of butter and cream!”

       Its ĝišgiĝal.

A balbale to Inana (DumuzidInana D)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-3. As I was strolling, as I was strolling, as I was strolling …… the house,

(Inanna, young Anunnaki alien female, a beauty admired by all, desired by many)

as I was strolling, he caught sight of my Inana (Inanna).

4-11. “What did the brother say to you and speak to you?

He of the loving heart and most sweet charms offered you a gift, my holy Inana.

As I looked in that direction, my beloved man met you,

and he fell in love with you, and he delighted in you alone!

The brother brought you into his house and had you lie down on a bed dripping with honey.”

12-18. When my sweet precious, my heart, had lain down too,

each of them in turn kissing with the tongue, each in turn,

 (ancient record of Inanna’s explicit sexual exploits)

then my brother of the beautiful eyes did it fifty times to her,

exhaustedly waiting for her, as she trembled underneath him, dumbly silent for him.

My dear precious passed the time with my brother laying his hands on her hips.

19-20. “Let me go, my sister! Let me go!

Come, my beloved sister, let me go {to the palace} {(1 ms. has instead:) to our house}!”

21-22. “To my paternal eye you are still a small child.

Fragment of a stele with bust of the goddess Ba'u. Period of king Gudea, around 2100 BCE. From Tello. Limestone, H: 16,2 cm AO 4572 (Bau, daughter to King Anu, spouse to Enlil‘s son Ninurta)

May Bau (Gula) know you as a man.

I’ll let you go!”

23. A balbale of Inana.

The Song of the Lettuce:

a balbale to Inana (DumuzidInana E)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-4. He has sprouted, he has burgeoned, he is well-watered lettuce,

my shaded garden of the desert, richly flourishing, {his mother’s favorite}

{(1 ms. has instead:) he is well-watered lettuce};

my grain lovely in beauty in its furrows, he is well-watered lettuce;

my first-class fruitful apple tree, he is well-watered lettuce.

5-8. The honey man, the honey man will make me sweet;

my lord, the honey man of a goddess, his mother’s favorite,

whose hands are honey, whose feet are honey, will make me sweet,

whose limbs are honey-sweet, will make me sweet.

9-10. Navel! My altogether immediately sweet, my favorite of his mother!

Beautiful thighs, raised arms! My ……, he is well-watered lettuce.

IF (beautiful long-haired goddess Inanna, daughter to Nannar & Ningal)

11. A balbale of Inana (Inanna).

A balbale to Inana (DumuzidInana F)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1e - Inanna in dress - Liberty, atop Leo lion (Inanna with alien high-tech weaponry, & standing atop her battle-lion)

1-4. I, the queen, will look with wonder at the foliage.

I, Inana (Inanna), will gaze at the open foliage.

May my bridegroom speak to me …… kindly words such as a farmer or a shepherd would speak.

1d-inanna-in-the-nude  (giant Inanna depicted nude in hundreds of artifacts from Mesopotamia)

5-8. I, the queen, will lie on the foliage.

I, Inana, will run to the foliage.

May they stand at my service …….

2 - Dumuzi, youngest son to Enki (alien god Dumuzi captured by the enemy, with bound hands & feet)

I will meet …… Ama-ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi).

9-16. I will sprinkle water ……. I will make …… shine.

3a-adad-inanna-fruit-of-life  (alien gods & goddesses on Earth prior to “modern man”)

I will make my meš tree sprout forth.

I will sprinkle water in the house of Enlil.

I will make …… shine.

I will make my meš tree sprout forth.

2d - Nippur - Enlil's Temple, the Ekur (E-kur, Enlil‘s ziggurat residence in Nippur)

I will sprinkle water …… in E-kur.

I will make my king grow like a meš tree in the courtyard.

I will sprinkle water in the house of Enlil.

I will make King Ama-ušumgal-ana grow like a meš tree in the courtyard.

17-28. I am perfect for the lord in E-kur.

We are a fitting ornament in the joyful palace.

In the house of Enlil …….

3a - Enlil's Ekur-House in Nippur (top added in 1900 A.D.)

   (Enlil‘s & Ninlil‘s residence, Earth Colony Command Central for all Anunnaki aliens stationed on Earth)

In the house of Enlil ……. …… in E-kur …….

approx. 3 lines missing

I shall decree a good destiny …… from the abzu for my king, a meš tree properly ……,

…… verdant, full of beauty, of his mother and father, my …… who was born ……:

29-36. …… good semen, good seed; when he comes forth from the brickbuilt abzu,

I will make him sprout forth like a meš tree.

Ama-ušumgal-ana, may An (Anu) create ……. …… shall supply you with …….

Your sweet beauty, like foliage ……. I shall cherish you …….

I will make Ama-ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi) sprout forth as just such a meš tree!

37-44. I shall perform laments for you with the balaĝ drum (?) …….

I shall lean against you …… as against a wood of cypresses.

May you (?) rejoice …… in E-kur.

May they stand at your service ……, man of my heart.

For your sake I shall take my seat (?) in E-kur.

I shall stand (?) in prayer for you in E-kur, the house of Enlil.

In his exalted location, An gave you to me.

  (King Anu‘s son & heir Enlil, Commander of the alien Anunnaki gods on Earth Colony; his 7-planet symbol above)

Lord Enlil, the Great Mountain, …….

45. A balbale of Inana.

A balbale to Inana (DumuzidInana G)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-2. The burgeoning one, he …… with his own mother;

the one with kindly eyes takes counsel with his father.

3-12. You are our brother, you are our brother.

You are our brother in charge of the palace gate, you are our captain of the barge,

you are our commander of the chariot, you are our servant of the hunting chariot;

you are our city father and judge, you are the son-in-law of five things, the son-in-law of 10 things.

Brother, you are the son-in-law of our father, you are our son-in-law supreme;

our mother speaks favorably with you.

13-16. Your coming here is life indeed, your entering the house is abundance;

1g - nude Inanna in ivory (Inanna, ready & wanting more love)

lying at your side is my utmost joy.

My sweet, let us delight ourselves on the bed.

17. A balbale of Inana.

A balbale to Inana (DumuzidInana O)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

1-7. 1 line fragmentary

Your name …….

As I walk, as I walk, as I pass along the banks of the august river,

as I roam along the banks of the Euphrates, as I stand …… the lord, as I pass along the gaudy streets:

8-13. May you be …… a bending reed, may you be barley in the furrows, a beautiful ……,

4b-enlil-spouse-ninlil  (alien giants Enlil & spouse Ninlil carved into a city wall)

may you be Ezina (Ninlil), who beautifies ……, may you be a nursing mother of the womb,

may you be your mother’s ……, a vine, {my}{(1 ms. has instead:) your beloved,}

your personal god’s ……, acting {grandly}{(1 ms. has instead:) humanely}!

14-21. May “There is enough, there is enough” {be your blessing}

{(1 ms. has instead:) is a splendid utterance}, and may “There is none” be your abomination.

May you be the owner of a house where there is enough, with (?) a beautiful sister, beautiful children!

A beautiful storehouse …… like a rope (?).

May you be, may you be a male among men, among men.

May you be, may you be the son of your god, may you be handsome, may you be praised!

22-33. May you be one who pleases his city’s god, may you be a son who delights his mother,

may you be the life-force of your city, may you be an honorable man, good offspring,

may you be prosperous and …… destiny, may you own silver there, may you own grain there!

Owning silver, may you delight in silver; owning grain, may you delight in grain!

2b - Enlil, spouse Haia, Nisaba, & Ninlil (Enlil, Haia, Nisaba, & NInlil, grain gods of the beginning times)

May you be valiant and joyous, may you not be blighted by …….

May you be a soother of hearts, who never wearies of words!

34. A balbale of Inana.

A balbale (?) to Inana (DumuzidInana P)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

Segment A

1-10. …… of my …… is holy.

I am she who directs ……. …… genitals ……. …… is perfect for august status.

Subduing ……, fixing my gaze ……, I am she who directs …….

3 lines fragmentary

1e - Ishtar, goddess of love (Inanna‘s genitals, most famous genitals in Earth’s history!)

11-21. …… my genitals ……, my …… which is seemly for a deity,

…… of my buttocks, my brightly colored ……, …… of my buttocks, my …… established by ……,

my …… ordered by ……, my …… which befits the palace, my …… which passes the time ……, …… is racing.

Dumuzid (Dumuzi) brings …….

22-27. I gazed over all the people, and chose Dumuzid as god of the Land.

2a - Dumuzi the Shepherd, Adam, & Eve (Dumuzi / Dumuzid the Shepherd)

For Dumuzid, beloved by Enlil, I exalted his name and decreed his destiny.

My mother cherishes him constantly, and my father speaks his praise.

28-35. I bathed and rubbed myself with soap for him, standing at the washing basin.

For him I straightened my clothes as the garments of power, I reinforced for him the noble vestments.

I put ……, I loosened ……

2 lines fragmentary

approx. 7 lines missing

Segment B

1-9. The queen …….

Outside (?) the city, the house (?) …… lapis lazuli …….

In my sanctuary, …… in prayer, in holy prayer, …….

1b - war dressed Ishtar atop lion - Leo (Inanna, Goddess of War, equipped for battle with high-tech alien weaponry)

I am Inana (Inanna) …… powerful garment.

The gala singer …… in song, the musician performs a hymn.

My bridegroom rejoices beside me, the {wild bull}

{(1 ms. has instead:) lord} Dumuzid rejoices beside me.

10-17 …… a desire in laudatory words.

The lady of all the lands ……, who raises up prayers in Nibru ……,

who lowers prayers ……, the lady praises herself; the gala singer …… in song.

Inana praises …… her genitals in song:

1 - Inanna, goddess of love1c-astarte-hittite-goddess-of-loveThe goddess Astarte, from the Hebron area, Israel. Pottery relief (around 1400 BCE) Late Bronze Age II (Inanna‘s genitals)

18-28. “These genitals, ……, like a horn, …… a great wagon, this moored Boat of Heaven …… of mine,

clothed in beauty like the new crescent moon, this waste land abandoned in the desert ……,

this field of ducks where my ducks sit, this high well-watered field of mine:

my own genitals, the maiden’s, a well-watered opened-up mound — who will be their plowman?

My genitals, the lady’s, the moist and well-watered ground — who will put an ox there?”

1-inanna-dumuzi-young-lovers  (young lovers, Dumuzi the Shepherd & Inanna)

29-30. “Lady, the king shall plow them for you; Dumuzid the king shall plow them for you.”

31-34. “Plow in my genitals, man of my heart!”

…… bathed her holy hips, …… holy ……, the holy basin

1 line fragmentary

approx. 3 lines missing

Segment C

1-11. Ninegala (Inanna), the holy …….

5 lines fragmentary

The holy embrace …….

Fresh fruits (?) and shoots …….

As she arises from the king’s embrace, the flax rises up with her, the barley rises up with her.

With her, the desert is filled with a glorious garden.

6 - Inanna, Dumuzi, & the Underworld (long-haired beauty Inanna)

12-17. His wife dwelt happily with him in E-namtila, the king’s house;

Inana dwelt happily with him in E-namtila, Dumuzid‘s house.

Rejoicing in his house, Inana pleads with the king:

18-27. “Make the milk yellow for me, my bridegroom, make the milk yellow for me,

and I will drink the milk with you, my bridegroom!

Wild bull Dumuzid, make the milk yellow for me, and I will drink the milk with you, my bridegroom!

…… the goat’s milk …… the fold; lord (?) of all things, fill my holy churns.

Dumuzid, …… camel’s milk.

The milk of the camels …….

Their butter and milk are sweet, …….

Lord Dumuzid, …… I will drink the milk with you.”

28-42. “My spouse, …… the pleasant building.

Inana, I will place them at your disposal, I will place them there before you in your E-namtila,

the amazing source of the Land’s radiance, the house where the destiny of all the lands is decreed,

where the living people are correctly guided.

Ninegala, I will place them at your disposal, I will place them there before you in your E-namtila.

Inana, I will place them at your disposal in E-namtila, the building which grants long life.

I will place them there before you in your E-namtila.

3 lines missing

1 line fragmentary”

43-47. Inside (?) ……, E-namtila ……. Ningal (Nannar‘s spouse) faithfully ……:

“I will give you life unto distant days, Dumuzid, the desire and love of Inana.”

48-66. “Inana, I will place them at your disposal, I will place them there before you in your E-namtila,

the house whose splendor covers the Land, the house in which the purification rites are most holy,

the house with appropriately grand treasures.”

…… with his butter and cheese, …… will place at your disposal there …….

11 lines fragmentary

…… of Inana.

Segment D

(unplaceable; possibly part of another composition)

unknown no. of lines missing

1-13. beginnings of 13 fragmentary lines

unknown no. of lines missing

A balbale to Inana (DumuzidInana E1)

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

Segment A

unknown no. of lines missing

1-16. 16 lines fragmentary or unclear

17-22. The young maiden …… a tiara.

The young man …… sword belt.

Let my girlfriend …… to the place of the festival.

3a - Anu & Inanna (King Anu & Inanna dressed for battle)

She rides on a beast, …… on a beast. …… on a lion ……. …… on a great beast …….

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment B

1-16. 1 line fragmentary

…… gathers ……, …… on her ears.

She blends (?), she blends (?) …….

She blends (?) kohl.

She lets down her hair which was combed up.

She bathes and rubs herself with soap.

She rubs herself with soap from the white bowl, she bathes with water from the holy ewer.

She anoints herself with sweet oil from the stone bowl.

She dresses in her laundered clothes.

She combs up her hair which was let down.

She paints her eyes with kohl (eye make-up, 1st used by alien goddesses).

She puts the lapis lazuli beads on her neck, arranging their button on her neck sinews.

She …… a cylinder seal on the nape of her neck.

She covers her body with a queenly robe.

2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings (Ninsun, mother to Dumuzi, mother-in-law to Inanna)

17-21. Durtur (Ninsun) …… the house of her girlfriend.

Durtur, walking on the hills, …….

Durtur, circling (?) around in the valleys, …….

Durtur …… her girlfriend.

Durtur …….

unknown no. of lines missing

Segment C

1-7. 2 lines fragmentary

…… Lugalbanda (Ninsun‘s spouse).

…… Ninsumun (Ninsun).

2a - Ninsun, mother of Gods & Mixed-Breed Kings (Ninsun, daughter to Ninurta, mother to gods & mixed-breeds made kings)

Durtur (Ninsun) …… kohl on her eyes.

2 lines fragmentary

8. A balbale of Inana.

The Giving of the Sacred Measures

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


1a - Inanna with Liberty Torch (Inanna, daughter to Nannar & Ningal, born on Earth, wearing royal blood-line crown of animal horns)

Inanna placed the crown on her head

She went to the sheepfold, to the shepherd

She leaned back against the apple tree

When she leaned against the apple tree, her vulva was wondrous to behold

Rejoicing at her wondrous vulva,

Inanna applauded herself


‘I, the Queen of Heaven, shall visit the God of Wisdom

I shall honour Enki, the God of Wisdom, in Eridu

3l - Enki & modern man (semi-divine earthling made king, & Enki)

I shall utter a prayer to Enki at the deep sweet waters.’


Inanna set out by herself.

When she was within a short distance of the Sacred Place in Eridu (Enki‘s patron city)

He, who knows the Sacred Measures, the holy laws of heaven and earth

He, who knows the heart of the gods,

Enki, the God of Wisdom, saw her coming and ordered:


2i - Inanna is taken by Ereshkigal (naked Inanna in her winged shem / flying capsule

‘When Inanna enters the holy shrine,

She must be given butter cake to eat.

And cold water to refresh her heart

I’ll offer her beer before the statue of the lion

I’ll treat her like an equal.

Only then we will drink and toast together.’


 (Enki drinking beer through a straw, avoiding thick floating mash)

Enki and Inanna drank beer together

They drank more beer together

They drank more and more beer together

With their bronze vessels filled to the overflowing

They toasted each other, they challenged each other.

Enki, swaying with drink, toasted Inanna:

2aa-enki-found-in-sins-temple-at-khorsabad"God with a golden hand", initially completely gilded. The god wears a long "kaunakes" which leaves one shoulder free,typical of all divinities since Akkadian periods. From Susa, early 2nd mill.BCE. Copper and gold, H: 17,5 cm AO 2823 (Enki, eldest & wisest of King Anu‘s children stationed on Earth Colony)


‘In the name of my power!

In the name of my holy shrine!

To my daughter Inanna I shall give

The high priesthood! Godship!

The noble, enduring crown!

The throne of kingship!’

3d-inanna-ishtar-upon-lion1  (Inanna, Goddess of Love & War, her 8-pointed star symbol of Venus, Leo – lion symbol of Inanna)


‘I take them!’

Enki (raises his cup and toasts Inanna a second time):

‘In the name of my power!

In the name of my holy shrine!

To my daughter Inanna I shall give Truth!

Descent into the Underworld!

Ascent from the Underworld!

The art of lovemaking!

The kissing of the phallus!’


‘I take them!’

Enki (raising his cup and toasting Inanna a third time):

‘In the name of my power!

In the name of my holy shrine!

To my daughter Inanna I shall give

The holy priestess of heaven!

The setting up of lamentations!

The rejoicing of the heart!

The giving of judgments!

The making of decisions!’


‘I take them!’


Fourteen times Enki raised his cup to Inanna

Fourteen times he offered his daughter the Holy Measures

Fourteen times Inanna accepted the Sacred Measures.

Then Inanna standing before her father

Acknowledged the Measures Enki had given to her.


‘My father (grand-uncle) has given me the Heavenly and Earthly Powers

Now it is time for me to go back

I’ll go back to my Holy Shrine

I’ll go back to Uruk.’


Inanna gathered then all the Holy Measures

The Sacred Measures were placed on the Boat of Heaven (alien technology)

             (Inanna & two others in alien sky-disc that is submersible in water)

The Boat of Heaven (alien tech) set off to Uruk.

When the beer had gone out from the one who had drunk beer

When the beer had gone out from Father Enki

When the beer had gone out from the great God of Wisdom

Enki looked about his Temple and, not finding the Sacred Measures, called out loud:

             7a - Enki & Isimud, his vizier, Roman Janus = January (2-faced Isumud, Enki‘s vizier, Roman god Janus, naming month January after him)


‘The high priesthood? Godship?

The noble enduring crown? Where are they?’ ‘

The art of the hero? The art of power?

The making of decisions? Where are they? I can’t find them!

Oh… I remember! I …

I gave the Sacred Measures to my daughter!

I gave them all to Inanna!’

Enki (Enki then speaks to Inanna, saying) :

Inanna, you can proceed to Uruk

But the Sacred Measures should be returned to Eridu

Otherwise you will be challenged by my powers!’


‘My father has changed his word to me!

He has violated his pledge – broken his promise!

Deceitfully my father spoke to me!’


Scarcely had Inanna uttered these words

Wild haired monsters sent by Enki seized the Boat of Heaven (alien technologies)

Inanna called to her servant Ninshubur, saying:

             2a - Inanna & perhaps Ninshubur (winged Apkulla / pilot on each end, Inanna, & Ninshubur)


‘Come, Ninshubur, once you were Queen of the East,

Now you are the faithful servant of the holy shrine of Uruk

My counselor, who gives me sound advice,

My warrior who fights by my side,

Save the Boat of Heaven with the sacred measures!’

             2 - Ninshubur (Ninshubur, loyal assistant to Inanna, the Goddess of Love & War)


‘My Lady, I stand here to serve you!

Together we will protect the Measures

Together we will take them to Uruk

(She traces a sigil in the air and utters an earth-shattering cry)

Look, my Lady!

The wild haired monsters are sent hurling back to Eridu!’


One, two, three, four, five, six times

Enki sent demons to retrieve the Holy Measures

Each time more powerful, each time more treacherous

But each time Ninshubur rescued the Boat of Heaven for Inanna


‘My queen, when the Boat of Heaven enters the Nigulla Gate of Uruk

Let high water flow in our city; Let the people rejoice!’


‘On the day the Boat of Heaven enters the Nigulla Gate of Uruk

Let high water sweep over the streets

Let all my people rejoice!

Let the drums and tambourines resound

Let sweet music be played

Let all the lands proclaim my noble name

Let my people sing my praises!’


And so it was. In Eridu,

Father Enki, who knows the hearts of all gods, spoke:

             2a - Enki keeper of the MUs-knowledge disks (Enki, 1st Anunnaki alien to arrive on Earth with crew of 50, son on Earth to god in heaven / Nibiru)


‘The Boat of Heaven has docked at the White Quay in Uruk

The queen has aroused wonder at the White Quay

Inanna has aroused wonder at the White Quay

            (Inanna in alien submersible sky-disc)

For the Boat of Heaven has arrived at Uruk.’


The Sacred Measures were being unloaded

As the Holy Measures were unloaded

They were announced and presented to the people of Sumer

Then more Sacred Measures appeared – more me (disks of knowledge) then Enki had given Inanna

And these, too, were announced,

And these, too, were presented to the people of Uruk

Inanna brought the Sacred Measures

She brought the placing of the garment on the ground

She brought allure

She brought the art of women

She brought the perfect execution of the Measures

She brought drums and tambourines.’


‘Where the Boat of Heaven has docked

That place shall be called the White Quay

Where the holy measures have been presented

That place I shall name the Lapis Lazuli Quay.’


Then Enki spoke to Inanna, saying:


‘In the name of my power! In the name of my holy shrine!

Let the measures that you have taken with you remain in the holy shrine of your city!

Let the high priest spend his days at the holy shrine in song.

Let the citizens of your city prosper,

Let the children of Uruk rejoice.

2c-uruk-anus-temple (Inanna‘s Uruk) 2ba-enkis-temple-ziggourat-in-eridu (Enki‘s Eridu)

The people of Uruk are allies of the people of Eridu

Let the city of Uruk be restored to its great place!’


‘Tonight the Sacred Measures are also given to the People of Talking Stick.

Please take one of the Sacred Measures contained in this silk pouch!

1e - Ishtar, goddess of loveJames Charles Kaelin, Jr. Webmaster & Digitizer EarthStation1 (sexy irresistible goddess Inanna & great-uncle Enki)

May the blessings of Inanna and Enki descend upon us all!’