(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)
(gods in blue)
1-8. Great light, heavenly lioness, always speaking words of assent!
Inana, great light, lioness of heaven, who always speaks words of assent!
(Inanna, Ninurta, & his mother Ninhursag)
Ninegala! (Inanna) As you rise in the morning sky (Venus) like a flame visible from afar,
and at your bright appearance in the evening sky (Venus),
the shepherd (i.e. the king) entrusts (?) the flocks of Sumer to you.
Celestial sign, …… glory of heaven!
All the countries are building a house for you as for the risen sun;
a shining (?) torch is assigned to you, the light of the Land.
9-10. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers (alien technologies),
(Inanna, Goddess of Love; Inanna, Goddess of War)
and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
11-19. When bright …… had raised its head in the Land,
and when you live …… with ……, the young woman …… the hero for you, she has grasped …… for you.
…… has brought the numerous …… to you.
They raise …… to your ……; kids …… are ordered,
and your Egal-edina, the place of calm, has been arranged for you.
You are the good woman who appears radiantly throughout the Land.
20-21. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
22-36. After the first watch of the night has passed, as like a shepherd you get up from the grass,
you seize your battle-mace like a warrior, you fasten the guma cloth on your arms,
and you bind on your indefatigable strength.
Thus you appear brilliantly, together with An (Anu), in the city.
(ziggurat / residence of Anu & Inanna in Uruk)
On earth, Inana, you emit awe-inspiring splendor from the holy dais.
Your feet are placed on seven dogs, your seat is set upon a lion and a leopard.
Cattle and sheep are brought to you for inspection.
Lulal stands by your feet, bearing in battle the pitiless (?) mace.
Beside them the cultic attendants stand at your service, lined up for you beside the dogs.
They have taken over the temple Gu-ena-ida, to provide for you.
37-38. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
39-43. The …… dog (?) has brought the sheep close to you;
the powerful dog (?) has …… a wild bull …… in its paws,
2 lines unclear
the lion, the warrior …….
44-56. Inana, in heaven you are lightning,
on earth you move swiftly …… against the foreign land that you are angry with, …….
When in your precinct and shrine the Ibgal you regulate the divine ordinances
like the divine powers of An (Anu), when you regulate the heavenly ordinances
(son Enki)
(grandson under Enlil, Nannar)
like the divine powers of Enki and cause awe of you to reach up to the heavens,
then your seat is on the …… dais on the terrace by your Gate of Four Faces.
Inana, you go into the interior of heaven like your father Suen (Sin / Nannar);
Ninegala, you appear like moonlight in your shrine the Ibgal,
placing your foot on your ordinances, and dividing them among the …… dogs (?).
56-57. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
58-65. When you slip through where brambles and foul great thorns grow,
when you stride along all the mountains, when you drink from puddles with the dogs,
when you share the stall with the horses, when with the storm you reduce everything to a mere shadow,
Inana, when you cause the rain to fall all day long,
(Enki‘s city Eridu, ruins after tens of thousands of years)
then your seat is in your E-kug-nuna at Eridug (Eridu), on the dais where destinies are determined.
66-76. At the New Year, at the festival of Dumuzid (Dumuzi),
your spouse Ama-ušumgal-ana, Lord Dumuzid, steps forward to you.
(Inanna & Dumuzi The Shepherd)
…… of weeping are brought to you, Inana, as offerings.
The tubes of the underworld are opened for you, and memorial libations are poured down them for you.
The en priests, the lumaḫ priests and the nindiĝir priestesses,
and the dead luzid and amalu, eat meals for you,
to keep away the ghosts (translation?), and drink water for you, to keep away the ghosts.
Your holy dais is set up beside them.
77-78. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!

(Anunnaki King An / Anu; Anu’s son & heir Enlil)
79-87. Inana, when you give judgment with An and Enlil;
Ninegala, when you decide destinies on earth with Enki,
when you shimmer (?), when you …… to a mere shadow,
when you come forth from the corner, when you come forth from the side,
when you are to be seen on the horizon, Inana,
when in your destructiveness you make storm-floods wash over everything,
then the great en priests ……, then the igi-dua priestesses wear the tonsure for you,
then your seat is on your Dais of Silence.
88-92. The young men fastened in neck-stocks …… before you,
the mother of the sick lays her child in your arms, the mother of the uprooted (?) …… in your great hall.
You cut the …… of the weak, you release (?) …… the weak.
(Ninshubur & Inanna)
93-94. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers (alien high-tech weaponry),
and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
95-106. When you act as a shepherd with the herdsman,
when …… with the cowherd you throw the halters on the cows,
when you mix the butter, when you purify the milk,

(Kish mixed-breed King Etana lifts off for heaven / planet Nibiru, & seated Dumuzi The Shepherd)
when you find joy in the embrace of your spouse Dumuzid,
when you have pleasure in the embrace of your spouse Dumuzid,
when you take your seat on the high dais in the great hall in your Kura-igi-ĝal
where judgment is passed, then the people of the holy uzga stand there at your service.
1 line unclear
They cannot compete with you, Inana.
As a prostitute you go down to the tavern and,
like (?) a ghost who slips in through the window, you enter there.
(Inanna skilled in combat)
107-108. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
109-115. When the servants let the flocks loose,
and when cattle and sheep are returned to cow-pen and sheepfold,
then, my lady, like the nameless poor, you wear only a single garment.
The pearls of a prostitute are placed around your neck, and you are likely to snatch a man from the tavern.
As you hasten to the embrace of your spouse Dumuzid,

(naked goddess of Venus, 8-pointed star; Inanna, Goddess of Love)
Inana, then the seven paranymphs share the bedchamber with you.
116-117. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
118-125. In the evening, when the stars return together again
(damaged king & Utu, the Sun god, Inanna‘s twin brother)
and when Utu enters into his chamber, when in heaven,
Inana, you diffuse awesomeness like fire, and when on earth,
Ninegala, you screech like a falcon, then you …… in play and dancing.
1 line unclear
You go from moonlight to star, you go from star to moonlight.
126-127. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers (alien technologies),
and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
128-143. 13 lines missing or unclear
The slavegirl …… her mistress.
…… her house and property.
…… her child.
144-145. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
146-158. 7 lines unclear
…… you are the great goddess.
2 lines unclear
The levy of troops is brought into the broad square like a crouching dragon.
(the 1st cities; alien houses)
The young woman abandons the E-maḫ, destroying the temple like my …….
The young man who has come to know your eminence makes a gesture of obeisance.
159-160. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
161-190. 5 lines unclear
20 lines missing
1 line fragmentary
…… has presented (?) …… to you there.
Your position …….
If …… beside the Egal-edina, then the evil demons and demonesses oppose it.
191-192. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
193-204. 1 line fragmentary
Inana, you are an object of admiration, like a charming young maiden.
…… has been opened for you.
Mistress, your …… priestess hangs the šuba jewels on you.
The great ……, responsible for the ordinances,
1 line unclear
You enter house after house, you peer into lane after lane.
Lady, when ……, when your emblem is displayed,
maiden, when you stand in ……, you are covered in loveliness.
Who …… finds …… in the sheepfold, ……, …… prayer …….
205-206. Inana, you are the lady of all the divine powers, and no deity can compete with you.
Here is your dwelling, Ninegala; let me tell of your grandeur!
207-217. Inana, you are the lady of the great divine powers (alien technologies).
Your mother Ningal …… great attributes.

(Ningal Ur King Ur-Nammu, damaged Ninsun, Ur-Nammu, & Ningal‘s spouse Suen / Nannar
Your father Suen …… great holy cows.
(Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal, twin brother to Inanna)
Your (twin) brother, the youth Utu…….
(Dumuzi the Shepherd with his stags)
Your spouse Ama-ušumgal-ana, the shepherd, Lord Dumuzid, …….
(Ninshubur, minister-companion to Inanna, also resided in Uruk)
Your beloved minister(?) Ninšubur …….
(Geshtinana, sister to Dumuzi, Inanna‘s sister-in-law, singer of songs)
Your beloved sister-in-law Ĝeštin-ana …….
3 lines fragmentary or missing