Author Archives: nibirudb



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)

MS in Sumerian on clay, Akkad, Sumer, 2291-2254 BC, 1 brick printing block, 13x13x10 cm, 3 lines in a large formal cuneiform script, large loop handle.

Context: There are only 2 more brick stamps of Naram-Sîn known, one intact with a cylindrical handle, and a tiny fragment in British Museum.

Commentary: Naram-Sîn was the first king to use blocks for printing bricks. Prior to him the inscriptions on the bricks were written by hand. These 3 brick stamps known, are the earliest evidence of printing, in this case blindprinting on soft clay.



(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(mixed-breed demigods in teal…)


MS in Sumerian on light green translucent alabaster, Akkad, Sumer, ca. 2217-2193 BC, 1 partial tablet, 10,0×11,5×4,7 cm, (originally at least ca. 20x25x5 cm), 2+2 columns (originally 5+5 columns), 18 compartments remaining in a formal archaizing cuneiform script of high quality.

Commentary: This was originally a luxury inscription of impressive size and beauty. No royal inscriptions have so far been published of this king, who is known from other sources, including monumental inscriptions. The king’s name have been re-cut, after another name had been erased, possibly of the previous king, Naram-Sîn (2254-2218 BC).


Letter From Ur-saga to a King

fearing the loss of his father’s household: composite text

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

         2bc-nanna-his-symbol  (Nannar, son to Prince Enlil, grandson to King Anu, & Moon Crescent God of Ur)

       1-2 Speak to my lord, the bull (1 ms. has instead: wild bull)

       (1 other ms. has instead: bison (?)) with sparkling eyes, who wears a lapis-lazuli (blue-hued gemstone) beard:

       3-5 Repeat to my golden statue born on a favourable day,


       to my water buffalo reared in a holy fold, chosen in the heart of holy Inana (Inanna)

         Cylinder seal and imprint, from Syria, 18th BCE. Presentation-scene before a warrior god. Steatite, H: 2,7 cm AO 21988  (Inanna, Ninsun, Utu with foot upon earthling, & Nannar)

       (1 ms. has instead: of holy Inana, …… of Suen) (Sin / Nannar), to my lord, the trusted one of Inana:

         3b-anu-of-planet-nibiru (Anu, King of alien giant Anunnaki on planet Nibiru, & their Earth Colony)

       6-9 You are fashioned like the son of An (Anu).

       As with the words of a god, what you say is irrevocable

       (1 ms. has instead: all the foreign lands cannot answer (?) your words).

       Your words, like rain pouring from the skies, are uncountable

       (1 ms. has instead: are uncheckable) (1 other ms. has instead: are uncontrollable (?)):

       this is what Ur-saga, your servant, says:

       10-14 My lord has taken care of me (2 mss. have instead: has not taken care of me);

         3ca-nannars-house-city-of-ur  (Nannar‘s temple residence in Ur, & “Stairway to Heaven“)

       I am a citizen of Urim (Ur).

       If my lord agrees (1 ms. has instead: If it pleases my lord), let no one waste my father’s household,

       let no one take away the home of my father’s estate (1 ms. has instead: my old man’s home)!

       May my lord know this!

Abraham, Ur of Chaldees

Fertile Crescent Travel

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue mixed-breed demigods in teal...)

Abraham hired an ox, Abraham leased a farm, Abraham paid part of his rent, how Abraham might have moved to Canaan. This Abraham is probably not the Biblical Abraham but from the account “books” we can understand something of his time. The Biblical Abraham had a different father and worshipped only one god. (1 of many in Sumer)

This version is from George Barton, Archaeology and the Bible.

       Abraham Hired an Ox

        1. One ox broken to the yoke,
        2. An ox from Ibri-sin, son of Sin-imgurani,
        3. From Ibni-sin
        4. through the agency of Kishti-Nabium,
        5. son of Eteru,
        6. Abarama, son of Awel-Ishtar,
        7. for one month has hired.
        8. For one month
        9. one shekel of silver
        10. he will pay.
        11. Of it 1/2 shekel of silver
        12. from the hand of
        13. Abarama
        14. Kisti-Nabium
        15. has received.
        16. In the presence of Idin-Urash, son of Idin-Labibaal,
        17. In the presence of Awele, son of Urri-bani,
        18. in the presence of Beliyatum, scribe.
        19. Month of the mission of Ishtar (i.e., Ammizadugga’s 11th year).
        20. The year of Ammizadugga, the king (built)
        21. The wall of Ammizadugga, (i.e., Ammizadugga’s 11th year).
        22. Tablet of Kisti-Nabium.

This is a copy made for Kishti-Nabium, the agent. The date is 1965 B.C.
Ammizadugga was the tenth king of that first dynasty of Babylon, of which Hammurabi was the sixth
        Abraham Leased a Farm

        1. To the patrician
        2. speak,
        3. Saying, Gimil-Marduk (wishes that)
        4. Shamash and Marduk may give thee health!
        5. Mayest thou have peace, mayest thou have health!
        6. May the god who protects thee thy head in luck
        7. Hold!
        8. (To enquire) concerning thy health I am sending.
        9. May thy welfare before Shamash and Marduk
        10. be eternal!
        11. Concerning the 400 shars of land, the field of Sin-idinam,
        12. Which to Abamrama
        13. To lease, thou hast sent;
        14. The land-steward (?) the scribe
        15. Appeared and
        16. On behalf of Sin-idinam
        17. I took that up.
        18. The 400 shars of land to Abamrama
        19. as thou hast directed
        20. I have leased.
        21. Concerning thy dispatches I shall not be negligent.

       Abraham Paid His Rent

       1. 1 Shekel of silver
        2. of the rent (?) of his field,
        3. for the year Ammizadugga, the king,
        4. a lordly, splendid statu (set up),
        5. brought
        6. Abamrama,
        7. received
        8. Sin-idinam
        9. and Iddatum
        10. Month Siman, 28th day,
        11. The year Ammizadugga, the king,
        12. a lordly, splendid statu (set up)

This was Amizadugga’s 13th year. Abraham is reported as paying part of his rent two years after he hired an ox.
Travel between Babylonia and Palestine

       1. A wagon
        2. from Mannum-balum-Shamash,
        3. son of Shelibia,
        4. Khabilkinum,
        5. son of Appani[bi],
        6. on a lease
        7. for 1 year
        8. has hired.
        9. As a yearly rental
        10. 2/3 of a shekel of silver
        11. he will pay.
        12. As the first of the rent
        13. 1/6 of a shekel of silver
        14. he has received.
        15. Unto the land of Kittim
        16. he shall not drive it.
        17. In the presence of Ibku-Adad,
        18. Son of Abiatum;
        19. in the presence of Ilukasha,
        20. son of Arad-ilishu;
        21. in the presence of ilishu….
        22. Month Ululu, day 25,
        23. the year the king Erech (Uruk) from the flood
        24. of the river as a friend protected.

This tablet is dated to the time of the migration of Abraham. Kittim is used in Jeremiah 2:10 and Ezekiel 27:6 of the coast lands of the Mediterranean. The contract protects the owner’s wagon from being driven the long, scenic route along the coast. This was like a mileage limit on renting a U-Haul for a time period.

Istaran’s (House in Der) – Temple Hymn

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


       O Dēr (Akkadian name; a Sumerian name is unknown) ,

       taking extreme care of decisions, ……, on your awesome and radiant gate

       a decoration displays a horned viper and a mušuš embracing.

       Your prince, a leader of the gods, fit for giving counsel and grand speech,

       the (eldest) son of Uraš (Ninhursag & Enlil) who knows thoroughly

       the true divine powers (alien technologies) of princeship,

          2ba - Ninurta with poppy in hand   (Ninurta, born of the “double seed”; Ninurta atop his winged beast)

       Ištaran (Ninurta), the …… sovereign of heaven, has erected a house in your precinct,

       O E-dim-gal-kalama (House which is the great pole of the Land), and taken his seat upon your dais.


       8 lines: the house of Ištaran in Dēr.

Letter From Nana-manshum to Ninisina

The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


       1-11 Speak to Ninisina (Bau / Gula), first-born child of holy An (Anu),

       eminent among ladies, …… of lord Nunamnir (Enlil);

       who perfects the divine powers (alien technologies) of E-kur (Enlil‘s ziggurat home),

        4b - Enlil & spouse Ninlil  (Earth Colony Commanders Enlil & spouse Ninlil carved into city wall)

        …… of great mother Ninlil (Enlil‘s spouse), with notions in her heart which are expressed (?);

        3 - Bau & her spouse Ninurta  (Royal Princess Bau & spouse Ninurta, 2nd in line for Anunnaki kingship)

       wife of the great hero, lord Pabilsaj (Ninurta), youth who has no rival;

       2 - Bau gives medical attention  (Bau & son Damu, doctors to alien gods & earthlings)

       holy Ninisina, you reapply (?) a dressing to soothe the dark place of sores

       which no one can understand; mother of the Land, great physician of the black-headed (earthlings),

       incantation priestess of the widespread people — from the namtar demon and ……

       which are settled in a man’s body and which no one knows how to expel,

      lady of the E-gal-mah, with the help of …… you will make that person well again.

       …… to keep a person alive ……, …… who knows and listens, to my lady:


         12-13 This is what Nanna-mancum, the scribe, son of Ilcu-muballi¡, your servant, says:


          14-20 When (?) …… took care (?), she placed on my (?) …….

       The barber ……, the throne-bearer of the gods has given me …….

       Nine times she (?) has placed on my head …… and battle-axe.

       …… gathered in Nibru and Isin.

       They approached me but did not give their …… for my life.

       They have applied and created a dressing which does not hold.

       She (?) made a fattened (?) dove come (?), for my …….

List of Kings and Cities From Before The Great Flood

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


         “IN ERIDU (Enki‘s patron city, it is not Uruk as suggested below!):


       ELALGAR RULED 43,200 YEARS.



       KINGSHIP WAS TAKEN TO BAD-TIBIRA (Dumuzi‘s patron city).



       DUMUZI RULED 28,800 YEARS.





       KINGSHIP WAS TAKEN TO SIPPAR (Utu‘s patron city).



       KINGSHIP WAS TAKEN TO SHURUPPAK (Ninlil‘s patron city).

       UBUR-TUTU (Noah‘s father) RULED 36,000 YEARS.

       TOTAL: 8 KINGS, THEIR YEARS: 222,600…”

Context: 5 other copies of the Antediluvian king list are known only: MS 3175, 2 in Oxford: Ashmolean Museum, one is similar to this list, containing 10 kings and 6 cities, the other is a big clay cylinder of the Sumerian king list, on which the kings before the flood form the first section, and has the same 8 kings in the same 5 cities as the present.

A 4th copy is in Berkeley: Museum of the University of California, and is a school tablet. A 5th tablet, a small fragment, is in Istanbul.

Commentary: The list provides the beginnings of Sumerian and the world’s history as the Sumerians knew it. The cities listed were all very old sites, and the names of the kings are names of old types within Sumerian name-giving. Thus it is possible that correct traditions are contained, though the sequence given need not be correct. The city dynasties may have overlapped. It is generally held that the Antediluvian king list is reflected in Genesis 5, which lists the 10 patriarchs from Adam to Noah, all living from 365 years (Enoch) to 969 years (Methuselah), altogether 8,575 years. It is possible that the 222,600 years of the king list reflects a more realistic understanding of the huge span of time from Creation to the Flood, and the lengths of the dynasties involved. The first of the 5 cities mentioned , Eridu, is (not) Uruk, in the area where the myths places the Garden of Eden, while the last city, Shuruppak, is the city of Ziusudra, the Sumerian Noah.

148 Named Minor Anunnaki Gods, Quotes From Texts

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal...)


          “When the gods, like man, bore the work, carried the labor-basket-

          the labor-basket of the great gods- the work was heavy, much was the distress.

          The seven great Anunnaki caused the Igigi to bear the work. …


          “These are the ones who seized power.

          The gods cast lots and divided (the Cosmos):

          [Anu] went up to [heaven]

          [Enlil had] the earth as his subject;

          [the lock,] the snare of the sea

          [was given] to Enki the wise.

          [After Anu] went up to heaven

          [and Enki went down [to the ap[su,

          . . .(they caused] the Igigi (common lesser gods) [to bear the work]. …”


Ab-Bau = Bau‘s son

       “Bau (Gula) has abandoned Iri-kug and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

        She has abandoned her flooded chamber

        and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

        Her son Ab-Bau has abandoned itand has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold.

        Ab-Bau has abandoned Ma-gu-ena and has let the breezes haunt his sheepfold.

        The protective goddess of the holy house has abandoned it

        and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold…”


Abu = son of Enki  & Ninhursag via Uttu, minor vegetation god sprung from head of Enki

        “Enki heard Ninhursag‘s voice resonate all over his being:

        ‘The first seed you ate and made you ill,

        I take its power into my myself and transform it into a newly born god,

        a younger brother and son to you, dearest.

        I therefore have given birth to the god Abu to set your body free.’…”


        “( Ninhursaja asked:)

        ‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

        ‘The top of my head (ugu-dili) hurts me.’

        She gave birth to Ab-u out of it…”


        “Let Abu be the master of plants;…”


        (Ninhursag said:)

        “For the little ones to whom I have given birth may rewards not be lacking.

        Ab-u shall become king of the grasses,…”


Adagbir = barge captain

        (Adagbir speaks:)

        “‘…… great net.

        …… the flood.

        …… the fisherman.”


        Holy Inanna embarked (?) on the …….

        The barge …….

        The rope …….

        Inanna spoke to Adagbir:

        ‘Youthful Utu …….

        The barge …….’

        Adagbir answered holy Inanna:

        ‘My lady, you cannot …….

        Your divinity …….

        The fisherman …… the south wind.

        My lady, if you travel on the barge,

        and he raises the south wind, that south wind,

        and he raises the evil wind, that evil wind,

        barges and small boats will sink in the marshes.’…”


        “Adagbir, …… of Enlil,

        …… through the reed thickets and the tall reeds…”


Adar = captain of the Igigi

        “Adar, the captain of the Igigi (truckers in orbit) and the Anunnaki,…”



Adjar-kidug = Utu & Aya’s daughter, Martu‘s spouse

        “At that time a festival was announced in the city; a festival was announced in the city of Inab.

        (Martu said:) ‘Come, friends, let us go, let us go there, let us visit the ale-houses of Inab, let us go there’…”


        “The god Numucda (Utu) participated in the festival; his beloved daughter Adjar-kidug participated in the festival,

        his wife Namrat (Aya), the lovely woman participated in the festival…”


        “Rejoicing over Martu, Numucda offered him silver, but he would not accept it.

        He offered jewels, but he would not accept them.

        Having done so a second time, having done so a third time

        (Martu says): ‘Where does your silver lead? Where do your jewels lead?

        I, Martu, would rather marry your daughter, I would rather marry your daughter Adjar-kidug.’…”


        (Numucda / Utu says:)  “You …… the wife with calves, as a marriage gift.

        Milch cows shall feed the calves.

        In the byre the calf and the cow shall lie down.

        Milch cows shall live in the …….

        Suckling calves shall stay at their right side.

        You must give your word thus and only thus, and then I will give you my daughter Adjar- kidug…”


        “’My girlfriend, why would you marry Martu?’

        Adjar-kidug replies to her girlfriend: ‘I will marry Martu!’…”


Alla = Utu, son to Nannar & Ningal, twin to Inanna, younger brother to Ereshkigal

        “stretching out a hand to Alla, master of the battle-net, being taken away on the barge, …”


        “Alla, master of the battle-net, let me sail away with you, {brother}

        {(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you….”


Amasilama = Ningishzidda‘s sister

        “His older sister removed the cover (?) from {the boat’s cabin}

        {(1 ms. has instead:) the cabin at the boat’s stern}:

        ‘Let me sail away with you, let me sail away with you, {brother}

        {(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you.

        {(2 mss. add 1 line:)

        My brother, let me sail on your barge with you, my brother, let me sail away with you.

        {(1 ms. adds 1 further line:)

        Let me sail on your splendid barge with you, my brother, let me sail away with you.}}’…”


        “Ama-šilama (Ninĝišzida‘s sister) said to Ninĝišzida:

        ‘The ill-intentioned demon may accept something — there should be a limit to it for you.

        My brother, your demon may accept something, there should be a limit to it for you.

        For him let me …… from my hand the ……, there should be a limit to it for you.

        For him let me …… from my hand the ……, there should be a limit to it for you.

        For him let me …… from my hips the dainty lapis lazuli beads, there should be a limit to it for you.

        For him let me …… from my hips the …… my lapis lazuli beads, there should be a limit to it for you.’…”


        “You are a beloved ……, there should be a limit to it for you.

        How they treat you, how they treat you! — there should be a limit to it for you.

        My brother, how they treat you, how haughtily they treat you! – there should be a limit to it for you.

        ‘I am hungry, but the bread has slipped away from me!’ — there should be a limit to it for you.

        ‘I am thirsty, but the water has slipped away from me!’ – there should be a limit to it for you.’…”


        “The evil demon who was in their midst, the clever demon, that great demon who was in their midst,

        called out to the man at the boat’s bow and to the man at the boat’s stern:

        ‘Don’t let the mooring stake be pulled out, don’t let the mooring stake be pulled out,

        so that she may come on board to her brother, that this lady may come on board the barge.’…”


        “When Ama-šilama had gone on board the barge, a cry approached the heavens, a cry approached the earth,

        that great demon set up an enveloping cry before him on the river:

        ‘Urim (Ur), at my cry to the heavens lock your houses, lock your houses, city, lock your houses!’…”


        “He …… to the empty river, the rejoicing (?) river:

       ‘You (addressing Ama-šilima) shall not draw near to this house, …….

         …… to the place of Ereškigala (Ereshkigal).

        My mother …… out of her love.’…”


Antu = Anu’s official spouse, mother to Enlil & others

        “My heart bleeds for the accused, my first-born Enlil, but it bleeds even more for my daughter Ninlil…”


Anunna / Anunnaki = gods from planet Nibiru, those who “came down” to Earth

        “the divine powers among the Anuna, the great gods…”


Anzu = Alalus pilot, stole the Tablets of Destiny from Enlil, Igigi leader on Mars

        “’Truly, O Shamash your net is the wide earth,

        ‘Your trap is the distant heaven,

       ‘The eagle must not escape from your net,

        ‘That malignant Anzu who harbored evil against his friends!’…”


Ashnan /Acnan /Asnan = Nisaba, grain goddess

        “The lord called the cultivated field, put there the checkered grain,

        Heaped up its . . grain, the checkered grain, the innuba-grain into piles,

        Enki multiplied the heaps and mounds,

        With Enlil he spread wide the abundance in the Land,

        Her whose head and side are dappled, whose face is honey-covered,

        The Lady, the procreatress, the vigor of the Land, the “life” of the black-heads,

        Ashnan (Nisaba, Goddess of Grains), the nourishing bread, the bread of all, Enki placed in charge of them. …”


        “The lord called the cultivated fields, and bestowed on them mottled barley.

        Enki made chickpeas, lentils and …… grow.

        He heaped up into piles the early, mottled and innuha varieties of barley.

        Enki multiplied the stockpiles and stacks, and with Enlil‘s help he enhanced the people’s prosperity.

        Enki placed in charge of all this her whose head and body are dappled,

        whose face is covered in syrup, the mistress who causes sexual intercourse,

        the power of the Land, the life of the black-headed – Acnan, the good bread of the whole world….”


        “May grain heaps be heaped up for him; may Acnan …….”


        “Acnan did not make dappled barley grow, furrows were not yet opened,

        they bore no yield; the high plain was not tilled, it bore no yield….”


        “Before Acnan who makes the seeds grow, they prostrated themselves and she made them grow (?).

        Before (?) Acnan who makes the dappled barley grow, they ……”


        “and make them rain all over the fields, to make Acnan lift her head in the furrows, to make vegetation …… in the desert,

        and to make orchards and gardens ripe with syrup and vines grow as tall as forests…”


        “Just like Acnan I am here to satisfy the hunger of the Land. I am her helper…

        Ashnan standing among the crops, A maid kindly and bountiful is she….”


        “A maid kindly and bountiful is she…

        But then Labar and Ashnan drank much wine and so they began to quarrel in the farms and fields.

        In the arguments which ensued, each deity extolled its achievements and belittled those of its opponent.

        Finally Enlil and Enki intervened,…”


        “Ašnan did not bring forth dappled barley, no furrow was plowed nor bore fruit!

        No land was worked nor bore fruit!…

        They bowed down before Ašnan who produces barley seed and began to work…”


        “Before Ašnan who produces the late barley,…

        The Lady, the procreatress, the vigor of the Land, the “life” of the black-heads,

        Ashnan, the nourishing bread, the bread of all, Enki placed in charge of them…”


        “At the pure word of Enki and Enlil,

        Lahar and Ashnan (brother & sister) descended from the Dulkug…

        For Ashnan they establish a house,

        Plow and yoke they present to her…”


Ashtoreth = Sarpanit, Marduk’s spouse

         “And Horus said: ‘Advance, O Ra (Marduk)!

         Look for the enemies who are lying below, upon the land!’

         Then Ra, the Holy One, traveled forth; and Ashtoreth was with him …”


Aya / Aia = Utu‘s spouse, Martu‘s mother-in-law

        “She raised her hands to Shamash (Utu):…

        May Aya your bride fear you not and keep you mindful

        And may she also commend him

        To those who watch over the hours of the night!…”


        “May Aya…… life, …… your strength!…

        Aja, the Bride, without fear remind you, and command also the Watchmen of the Night, the stars,

        and at night your father (father-in-law), Sin (Nannar, Utu‘s father)….”


       Utu Speaking: “Escort me to my mother-in-law, to Ninsumun…”


Azimua / Ninazimua = Enki‘s daughter by Ninhursag via Uttu

As Azimua:

        “’What hurts you still, dear (Enki)?’

        ‘My throat hurts me. (Ninhursag)’

        ‘To the goddess Azimua I have given birth for you to set your throat free.’…”


        “’My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

        ‘My arm (a) hurts me.’

        She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Azimua out of it…”


        “Azimua shall marry Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda),…”


        “To Dimpimekug (1 ms. has instead: Dimpikug, who stands by his side,

        he gave a lapis-lazuli seal hanging from a pin, and a gold and silver toggle-pin with a bison’s head.

        To his spouse, Ninazimua (Azimua), the august scribe, denizen of Arali, in her palace,

        the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a headdress with the august ear-pieces (?) of a sage, made of alabaster,

        a …… stylus, the hallmark of the scribe, a surveyor’s gleaming line, and the measuring rod …….”


As Ninazimua:

        “To …… Ninjiczida, in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a …… sparkling with ……,

        ……. donkeys that bray loudly (?), followed by …….”


        “To …… Ninazimua, …… denizen of Arali, and to Jectin-ana (Geshtinanna), the king’s (1/2) sister,

        in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a ……, the hallmark of the scribe, ……, a peg and the measuring rod …….”


Babbar = unknown?

        “may the god Babbar the king of abundance (?),…”


Belili = sometimes Geshtinanna, (Dumuzi’s sister), sometimes an unknown old lady

As an old woman:

        “’so I can escape to the house of Old Woman Belili…”


        “so he evaded the demons and escaped with his life

        to the house of Old Woman Belili.

        He approached the house of Old Woman Belili…”


        “Come, let us go to the house of Old Woman Belili!’

        They caught Dumuzid at the house of Old Woman Belili…”


        “…… to the house of old woman Bilulu (source, erroneously): Belili.

        There the shepherd, head beaten in, ……,

        Dumuzid, head beaten in, ……;

        Ama-ucumgal-ana, head beaten in, …….”


Belit-Seri = Ereshkigal’s scribe

        “And also Ereshkigal, who is the Queen of the Underworld.

        Belit-Seri, her scribe, kneels before here.

        And she reads out from a tablet to her.

        She, the scribe, lifts her head, sees me and says:

        ‘Who brought this one?’…”


       “There sat Etana, there sat Sumukan,

        there sat Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Netherworld.

        Beletseri, the Scribe of the Netherworld, knelt before her,

        she was holding the tablet and was reading it out to her Ereshkigal. …”


Bilulu = sometimes Marduk, sometimes an old woman

As an old woman:

       “What was in holy Inanna’s heart? To kill old woman Bilulu was in her heart!

         To make good the resting place for her beloved young husband,…”


        “Then the son of old woman Bilulu, matriarch and her own mistress, —

        Jirjire, a man on his own, fit for the fields and a knowledgeable man…”


        “My lady went to Bilulu in Edin-lila.

        Her son Jirjire like the wind there did……”


        “May her son Jirjire together with her become the protective god of the desert

        and the protective goddess of the desert!…

        Let old woman Bilulu gladden his heart!…”


        “And immediately, under the sun of that day, it truly became so.

        She became the water skin for cold water that is used in the desert.

        Her son Jirjire together with her became the protective god of the desert

        and the protective goddess of the desert…”


Bunene = a faithful messenger

        “Wash yourself, O valiant Shamash,

        Let the great gods wash with you.

        And you too, Bunene, faithful messenger,

        Wash yourself in the presence of Shamash the judge…”


Cakkan = god of 4-legged animals

        “lord Nijir-si (Ninurta?), the precious lord, had not been born;

        Cakkan (the god of wild animals) had not gone out into the barren lands.

        The people of those days did not know about eating bread.

        They did not know about wearing clothes;

        they went about with naked limbs in the Land.

        Like sheep they ate grass with their mouths

        and drank water from the ditches…”


        “He raised a holy crown over the upland plain.

        He fastened a lapis-lazuli beard to the high plain,

        and made it wear a lapis-lazuli headdress.

        He made this good place perfect with grasses and herbs in abundance.

        He multiplied the animals of the high plain to an appropriate degree,

        he multiplied the ibex and wild goats of the pastures, and made them copulate.

        Enki placed in charge of them the hero who is the crown of the high plain,

        who is the king of the countryside, the great lion of the high plain,

        the muscular, the hefty, the burly strength of Enlil

        Cakkan, the king of the hills…”


        “Cakkan (the god of wild animals) had not gone out into the barren lands…”


        “Cakkan, the lord of donkeys, has positioned them at your feet…”


        “Grain answered Sheep:

        ‘As for you, Ickur (Adad) is your master,

        Cakkan your herdsman, and the dry land your bed.’…”


        “Because of my lady, the numerous beasts of Cakkan,

        the creatures of the plain, the four-legged animals under the broad heavens…”


        “Like a perfect donkey of Cakkan,

        he runs over (1 ms. has instead: cuts through) the mountains,

        he dashes like a large, powerful donkey.

        A slim donkey, eager to run, he rushes forth.

        A lion in the field at dawn, he lets out roars;

        like a wolf which has seized a lamb, he runs quickly…”


        “With his divine duties, namely to request; to command;

        to co-operate with the one speaking straightforwardly;

        to …… the one speaking evil;

        to inform Nin-jirsu (Ninurta), the warrior sitting on a holy dais in the E-ninnu,

        Gudea introduced Cakkan, the wild ram, the minister of the E-duga,

        his ……, to lord Nin-jirsu…”


        “Cakkan, king of the mountain,

        embosses the king’s emblems and puts his implements in order.

        He twists a giant rope against the great peaks of the rebel land.

        He …… the sling, the quiver and the longbows…”


Carur = Ninurta’s & Gudea’s general, Ninurta’s awesome nuclear weapons

        “With his divine duties, namely to carry the seven-headed mace;

        to open the door of the an-kara house, the gate of battle;

        to hit exactly with the dagger blades, with the mitum mace,

        with the ´´floodstorm´ ´weapon and with the marratum club, its battle tools;

        to inundate Enlil´s enemy land, Gudea introduced Lugalkurdub,

        the warrior Carur, who in battle subdues all the foreign lands,

        the mighty general of the E-ninnu, a falcon against the rebel lands,

        his general, to lord Nin-jirsu.

        After the heavenly mitum mace had roared

        against the foreign lands like a fierce storm –

        the Carur, the flood storm in battle, the cudgel for the rebel lands –

        after the lord had frowned at the rebellious land, the foreign country,

        hurled at it his furious words, driven it insane the…”


        “The weapon, its heart ……, was reassured:

        it slapped its thighs, the Car-ur began to run,

        it entered the rebel lands, joyfully it reported the message to Lord Ninurta:…

        The Car-ur made the storm-wind rise to heaven, scattering the people;

        like …… it tore….

        The weapon covered the Mountains with dust,…”


        “Nin-jirsu has directed Gudea into the impenetrable mountain of cedars

        and he cut down its cedars with great axes

        and carved the Car-ur, the right arm of Lagac,

        his master´s flood-storm weapon, out of it…”


        “He embedded its Car-ur weapon beside Lagac (Lagash) like a big standard,

        placed it in its dreadful place, the Cu-galam,

        and made it emanate fearsome radiance…”


Cerida = unknown? in Larsa

        “She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house,

        what should not come out of the house —

        the lovely Cerida(?) brought out of the house

        what should not come out of the house:

        ‘Welcome, welcome, welcome o boat!

        O boat of my father, welcome, welcome o boat!’

        She laid out flour before the barge and spread bran.

        At her feet stood a covered bronze gakkul vat.

        (1 ms. adds 1 line: With her fingers she pulled out the boxwood bung (?)

        for him (declaring):) ‘I shall rub precious oil on this peg.

        May ghee, syrup and wine be abundant in your midst,

        may the suhur carp and the ectub carp rejoice at the prow of your boat!’

        But the boat did not give her its cargo: …”


Cul-a-zida = Anu’s herdsman

        “Cul-a-zida, An’s herdsman, grasped the cosmic tethering rope in his hands.

        After he had brought the …… forth from the sky, he overcame the protective deities.

        He …… and kept it below the horizon…”


Cul-caga = Ninurta’s son, house-master

        “With his divine duties, namely to keep the house clean;

        to let hands always be washed;

        to serve water to the lord with holy hands;

        to pour beer into bowls; to pour wine into jars;

        to make emmer beer in the brewery fizz like the water of the Papsir canal,

        the house of pure strength;

        to make certain that faultless cattle and goats, grain-fed sheep,

        fresh bread and hind´s milk are available day and night;

        to wake from sleep the noble one,

        Enlil´s beloved son, warrior Nin-jirsu by offering (?) food and drink,

        Gudea introduced Cul-caga, the lord of the pure hand-washings (cu-luh),

        the first-born son of E-ninnu to Nin-jirsu…”


        “Young woman Nin-Nibru, lady …….

        Lord Ninurta, my king ……. Ig-alim, my king ……. Cul-cagana, my king …….”


Cul-pa-ed / Shulpaed = Ninhursag’s spouse, House Master

       “You are the throne-bearer of An (Anu) and Enlil,

        the fierce constable of the gods, and the table-steward of Enlil…”


        “Cul-pa-ed, of great divine powers, god who appears in glory, lordly in battle,

        who makes vegetation grow tall in the Land!

        Lord who raises his great arms, battle-club that smashes all enemies!

        Pre-eminent brother-in-law of father Enlil, good youth!

        Enlil has named your august name…”


        “Hero Cul-pa-ed, lordly in heaven and on earth, my ……,

        may your name be truly called upon in all the foreign lands!… “


        “– you, hero Cul-pa-ed, are the lord of orchards and gardens, plantations and green reed-beds,

        of the quadrupeds of the wide high desert, of the animals, the living creatures of the plains.

        An (Anu), king of the gods, has put them in your hands;

        he has put them in your hands, and you are their lord.

        Hero Cul-pa-ed, they cannot escape your clutches…”


        “your wife is an august queen.

        You are beloved by Ninhursaja (Ninhursag).

        You are a hero before whom the gods are very fearful.

        Hero Cul-pa-ed, lordly in heaven and on earth,…”


        “The mother of the gods, Ninhursaja (Ninhursag),

        had the mighty (?) (altar) light of the lord live with her in Kec (Kish);

        she had Cul-pa-eda, no less, help her with the construction work (altar)…”


        “Cul-pa-ed the ruler acts as lord…”


Dagan / Dakan = Enki, God of Waters

        “Dakan, a servant of the great gods in the lofty shrine”


Damu = son of Bau’s, brother to Ninazu, doctor, possibly sometimes depicted as a dog sitting by Bau?, Enlil’s barber (translation?), worshiped in Isin, healer, doctor

        “She tests the surgical lancet; Nininsina sharpens the scalpel.

        She has made perfect the divine powers of medicine,

        and hands them over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

        ‘My son, pay attention to everything medical!

        Damu, pay attention to everything medical!’

        He takes the bandages and wipes them;

        he treats the bandages with embrocation,

        and softens the plaster that had been put on them.

        He mops up the blood and suppuration,

        and places a warm hand on the horrid wound.

        My lady, the midwife of the mothers of the Land,

        is the chief doctor of the black-headed; Nininsina, the daughter of An,

        hands this all over to her son, the king of Jirsi, the kindly Damu:

        ‘My son, pay attention to everything medical!

        Damu, pay attention to everything medical!

        You will be praised for your diagnoses.’

        Holy Nininsina performs for him her role as incantation priest,

        which Enki bestowed on her…”


        “They have told Damu, the chief barber (?, mistranslation, physician) of Nunamnir (Enlil),

        healer of the living,

        to make the foreign countries bow at the feet of his father and mother!…”


Dimgal-abzu = Ninurta’s fowl supervisor

        “With his divine duties, namely to administer the open country,

        the pleasant place; to give directions concerning the Gu-edina,

        the pleasant open country; to make its birds propagate (?);

        to have them lay their eggs in nests (?);

        to have them rear their young;

        to see that the multiplication of the beasts of Nin-jirsu´s

        beloved countryside does not diminish,

        Gudea introduced Dimgal-abzu, the herald of Gu-edina, to lord Nin-jirsu…”


Dimpimekug = Ningishzidda’s assistant

         “To Dimpimekug (1 ms. has instead: Dimpikug), who stands by his side,

        he gave a lapis-lazuli seal hanging from a pin,

        and a gold and silver toggle-pin with a bison’s head.

        To his (Ningishzidda’s) spouse, Ninazimua (Azimua),

        the august scribe, denizen of Arali, in her palace,

        the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a headdress with the august ear-pieces (?)

        of a sage, made of alabaster, a …… stylus, the hallmark of the scribe,

        a surveyor’s gleaming line, and the measuring rod …….”


        “Gilgamec, the son of Ninsumun (Ninsun),…

        He set out their surprises for Dimpikug…”


        “He set out their surprises for Dimpikug….”


Dumuzid-abzu = Geshtinanna, Ninsun’s daughter, Dumuzi’s sister

        Gehstinanna’s (House) Temple Hymn

        “Dumuzid-abzu, has erected a house in your precinct,

       O shrine Kinirša, and taken her seat upon your dais.

        7 lines: the house of Dumuzid-abzu in Kinirša.

        Dumuzid-abzu was full of fear in the house of Kinirca.

        Kinirca, the city of her noble youth, was ordered to be plundered…”


        “So that the holy orchards (?) will be opened up,

        {Ama-abzu-E-kura} {(1 ms. has instead:) Dumuzid-abzu}

        stands by at your behest…”


Dun-shaga = unidentified?

        “Gudea…proclaimed afar among living creatures by the god Dun-shaga,…”


        “may the god Dun-shagana,…”


Enbilulu = son to Enlil & Ninlil, canal inspector, river warden

        “Enlil, as Silulim had her lie down in the latter’s chamber,

        made love with her, kissed her; and at his lovemaking, at his first kiss,

        he poured into the womb for her the sperm,

        germ of Enbilulu, the river warden!…”


        “he poured into her womb the seed of Enbilulu, the inspector of canals…”


        “The lord who decrees the fate, Enki the king of the Abzu,

        Enbilulu, the inspector of canals, [Enki] placed in charge of them…”


Enheduanna = Nannar’s high-priestess, Inanna’s scribe, Sargon’s daughter, Inanna’s daughter?, history’s earliest author of many texts SEE INANNA PAGE:

        “I am En-ḫedu-ana, the high priestess of the moon god.

        ……; I am the (high-priestess) …… of Nanna (Nannar)….

        The high priestess of the moon god ……. En-ḫedu-ana …….

        My king …….

        …… the great divine powers …….

        …… holy songs, light ……

        1 line fragmentary

        En-ḫedu-ana ……

        To bring offerings in baskets, to cause rejoicing,

        to make the house comfortable, to establish the house,

        to put in order the place of the holy purification rites —

        may Ningal, my En-ḫedu-ana, restore your …….

        …… Nanna, I shall praise you…”


Enkimdu = canal supervisor, irrigation god

        “He organised plows, yokes and teams.

        The great prince Enki bestowed the horned oxen that follow ……,

        he opened up the holy furrows,

        and made the barley grow on the cultivated fields.

        Enki placed in charge of them the lord who wears the diadem,

        the ornament of the high plain, him of the implements, the farmer of Enlil

        Enkimdu, responsible for ditches and dykes…”


        “As the early flood was filling the canals,

        their canal-inspector was already silenced (?);

        the mottled barley grown on the arable lands,

        the life of the land, was inundated.

        To the farmer, the fertile fields planted (?) by him yielded little.

         Enkimdu, the lord of levees and ditches,

        took away the levees and ditches from Urim (Ur)…”


        “Enkimdu, he of dykes and canals, says to the lord ……,

        ‘My king, I want to …….

        I will irrigate your fertile fields …….

        The early rain ……’ …”


Enlulim = Ninurta’s god over goats, dairy lord

        “With his divine duties, namely, to make the fat abundant;

        to make the cream abundant;

        to see that the fat and the milk of the holy goats,

        the milking goats, and the hind, the mother of Nin-jirsu,

        do not cease to flow in the E-ninnu sanctuary,

        Gudea introduced En-lulim, the herdsman of the hinds, to lord Nin- jirsu…”


        “To have the butter plentiful, the cream plentiful,

        to see to it that butter and milk from the sacred goats;

        the goats of milk for drinking, and of the hind,…”


En-me-cara = Enlil’s uncle

        (Namzidtara speaking to Enlil):

        “When your uncle En-me-cara was a captive,

        after taking for himself the rank of Enlil, he said:

        “Now I shall know the fates, like a lord….”


Ennugi = Enlil’s son, sheriff of the Anunnaki

        “I’ll call this seed of yours Ennugi, Lord of the Sexual Parts’,

        said Ninlil when intercourse was over.

        She kissed the ferryman in the mouth…”


        “Their counselor was hero-Enlil

        And their sheriff was Ennugi…”


        “and your sheriff [Ennugi]…”


        “Ninurta, and your bailiff Ennugi have sent me to say:…”


Enshag = Enki’s son by Ninhursag via Uttu, lord over Tilmun

        “’What hurts you still, dear (Enki)?’ ‘My limbs hurt me’.

        ‘To the god Enshag I (Ninhursag) have given birth for you to set your limbs free.’…”


        “‘My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’ ‘My sides (zag) hurt me.’

        She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Ensag out of it…”


        “and Ensag shall become lord of Dilmun…”


        “Let Enshag be the lord of Tilmun!…”


En-signum = Ninurta’s bailiff

        “With his divine duties, namely to yoke up the holy chariot decorated with stars;

        to harness the donkey stallion, Pirij-kase-pada, before it;

        to …… a slender donkey from Eridu ……;

        to have stallions joyfully transport their owner Nin-jirsu,

       Gudea introduced En-signun, who roars like a lion, who rises like a flood storm,

        Nin-jirsu´s hurrying bailiff, his donkey herd, to lord Nin-jirsu..”.


Ezina / Ezina-Kusu = sometimes Enlil’s daughter & spouse of Gibil, sometimes Enlil’s mother-in-law Nisaba, Ninlil’s mother, grain goddess, scribe

As Enlil’s daughter:

       “I am Ezina-Kusu (Grain) ; I am Enlil’s daughter…”


        “A plant sweeter than a husband, a plant sweeter than a child:

        may Ezina-Kusu (a goddess of grain) dwell in your house….”


        “may Enlil my lord and Ninlil my lady curse that man!

        May Enki, Ickur (Ishkur / Adad), Ezina,

         Cakkan (animal diety), the lords of abundance, ……”


        “He established gardens and provided plants.

        `He made grain abundant in the furrows.

        He made Ezina appear radiant as a beautiful maiden.

        The harvest, the great festival of Enlil, rose heavenward…”


As Nisaba:

        “ …Nisaba…amid her awe-inspiring splendor, still she weeps.

        Amid her awe-inspiring splendor, still Mother Ezina-Kusu weeps.

        Fate and fortune!

       Amid her awe-inspiring splendor, still she weeps.

         A cir-namcub of Nisaba…”


        “with no Sheep appearing, there were no numerous lambs,

        and with no goats, there were no numerous kids,

        the sheep did not give birth to her twin lambs,

        and the goat did not give birth to her triplet kids; the Anuna, the great gods,

        did not even know the names Ezina-Kusu (Grain) or Sheep.

        There was no muc grain of thirty days; there was no muc grain of forty days;

        there was no muc grain of fifty days;…”


        “may Ezina-Kusu (the goddess of grain) be your aid.

        May you have an eloquent protective goddess…”


Galalim / Ig-alim = Ninurta’s son

        “For the god Gal-alim, the favorite son of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

        for his king, Gudea, the patesi of Shirpurla

        his temple of E-me-ghush-gal-an-ki has constructed…”


        “Gudea,...the offspring of the goddess Gutumdug (Ninsun),

        dowered with sovereignty and the scepter supreme by the god Gal-alim,…”


        “Bau, lady …… true cream,

        As is fitting, she lets Lord Ig-alim have the scepter…”


        (Ninurta speaking)

        “The guardians of my house and the fair-looking protective goddesses …….

        My chief superintendent, Ig-alim, is the neck-stock of my hands.

        He has been promoted to take care of my house; …….

        My messenger does not forget anything: he is the pride of the palace.

        In the city named after (?) Enlil, I recognize true and false…”


        “Lugal-kur-dub walked in front of him (Gudea),

        Ig-alim directed him and Nin-jiczida (Ningishzidda),

         his personal god, held him by the hand throughout the time…”


        “With his divine duties, namely to guide the hand of the righteous one;

        to force the evil-doer´s neck into a neck stock;

        to keep the house safe; to keep the house pleasant;

        to instruct his city and the sanctuaries of Jirsu;

        to set up an auspicious throne; to hold the scepter of never-ending days;

        to raise high the head of Nin-jirsu´s shepherd, Gudea, as if he wore a blue crown;

        and to appoint to their offices in the courtyard of E-ninnu the skin-clad ones,

        the linen-clad ones and those whose head is covered,

        Gudea introduced Ig-alim, the Great Door (ig gal), the Pole (dim) of Jirnun,

        the chief bailiff of Jirsu, his beloved son to lord Nin-jirsu…”


        “Young woman Nin-Nibru, lady …….

        Lord Ninurta, my king …….

        Ig-alim, my king …….

        Cul-cagana, my king …….”


Geshtinanna / Jectinana = Enki & Ninsun’s daughter, Dumuzi’s sister, other gods (ex: Marduk) ½ sister, many kings (ex: Gilgamesh) ½ sister, etc.

As Geshtinanna:

        “Ama-g̃eštin-ana (Geshtinanna) went up onto the mound

        and looked around, G̃eštin-ana craned her neck.

        Her girl friend G̃eštin-dudu advised her:

        ‘The big men who bind the neck are already coming for him,

        they are …… coming for him!’…”


        “‘My adviser and girl friend! Are they coming?’

        ‘Yes, I will point out to you those who bind the neck!’

        ‘My brother, your demons are coming for you!

        Duck down your head in the grass!

        Dumuzid, your demons are coming for you!

        Duck down your head in the grass!’…

        They caught G̃eštin-ana at the sheepfold and cow-pen.

        They offered a river of water, but she wouldn’t accept it.

        They offered her a field of grain, but she wouldn’t accept it.

        The little demon spoke to the big demon, the wise demon,

        the lively demon, and the big demon who was between them,

        wise like …… destroying a ……, like …… barring a ……, they spoke:

        Who since the most ancient times has ever known

        a sister reveal a brother’s whereabouts?…

        They caught Dumuzid in the ditches of Arali.

        Dumuzid began to weep and was tear-stricken:

         ‘In the city my sister saved my life, my friend caused my death’…”


        “He approached the holy sheepfold, his sister’s sheepfold.

        G̃eštin-ana cried toward heaven, cried toward earth.

        Her cries covered the horizon completely like a cloth,

        they were spread out like linen.

        She lacerated her eyes, she lacerated her face, she lacerated her ears in public;

        in private she lacerated her buttocks.

        ‘My brother, I will go round in the streets …….’

        (The demons said:)

        ‘Unless G̃eštin-ana is aware of Dumuzid’s whereabouts,

        she is indeed looking frightened!’ …

         the drinking cups lay on their side, Dumuzid was dead…”


        “Dumuzid escaped alive to the dwelling of his sister Ĝeštin-ana.

        Ĝeštin-ana looked at her brother.

        She scratched at her cheek: she scratched at her nose.

        She looked at her sides: she …… her garment.

        She recited a lament of misfortune for the unfortunate lad:

        ‘O my brother! O my brother, lad who has not fulfilled those days!

        O my brother, shepherd Ama-ušumgal-ana (Dumuzi),

        lad who has not fulfilled those days and years!

        O my brother, lad who has no wife, who has no children!

        O my brother, lad who has no friend, who has no companion!

        O my brother, the lad who is not a comfort (?) to his mother!’…”


        “’Rather, for the shepherd let us go to the dwelling of Ĝeštin-ana.’

        The demons clap their hands and begin to seek him out.

        Ĝeštin-ana had barely finished that lament when the demons arrived at her dwelling.

        ‘Show us where your brother is,’ they said to her.

        But she spoke not a word to them.

        They afflicted her loins with a skin disease, but she spoke not a word to them.

        They scratched her face with ……, but she spoke not a word to them.

        They …… the skin of her buttocks, but she spoke not a word to them.

        They poured tar in her lap, but she spoke not a word to them.

         So they could not find Dumuzid at the house of Ĝeštin-ana…”


        “His sister wandered about the city like a bird because of her brother:

        ‘My brother, let me take the great misfortune, come, let me’ …….”



        But Inanna does not grieve alone.

        Geshtinanna, Dumuzi’s sister,

        Wandered about the city, weeping for Dumuzi…”



        “I grieve for my brother, lady, I grieve for the king

        Where is the Shepherd Dumuzi, my favorite kin?”



        When she saw the sister’s grief,

        When Inanna saw the grief of Geshtinanna

        She spoke to her gently:


         “Your brother’s house is no more

        Dumuzi has been carried away by the galla

        I would take you to him

        But I do not know the place….”



        ‘You will go to the Underworld half the year

        Your sister, since she has asked, will go the other half

        On the day you are called, that day you’ll be taken.

        On the day Geshtinanna is called, that day you’ll be set free.’

        (Inanna places Dumuzi and Geshtinanna the hands of Ereshkigal,

        bows and lends graces to her Holy Sister):…”


As Jectinana:

        “in song, for my (½) sister Jectin-ana,

        my own mother Ninsumun (Ninsun)…”


        (Inanna speaking:)

        “Escort me to my house, to my house in Zabalam.

        Escort me to my mother, to my mother Ningal (Nannar’s spouse).

        Escort me to my mother-in-law, to Ninsumun (Ninsun, mother to Dumuzi).

        Escort me to my sister-in-law, to Jectin-ana (Dumuzi’s sister)…”


        “Jectin-ana, the lady, did …….

        1 line fragmentary

        The maiden …… the admiration.

        Jectin-ana …….

        The sacred one, Inanna …… in her hand.

        …… together.

        …… replied:…”


        “The temple of Jectin-ana resembled an aljarsur instrument,

        the aljarsur of mother Jectin-ana that makes a pleasant sound…”


        “to Jectin-ana, the king’s ) sister,

        in her palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a ……,

        the hallmark of the scribe, ……,

        a peg and the measuring rod …….”


        “’I, Culgi, the king whose name is very suitable for songs,

        intend to be praised in my prayers and hymns.

        At the command of my (½) sister Jectin-ana,

        my scholars and composers of …… have composed adab, tigi

        and malgatum hymns about my being the Nintud (“birth mother”, Ninhursag)

        of all that is,about how wise I am in attending upon the gods,

        about how the god of intercession has given me favorable signs

        that years of abundance will elapse for me in due course.

        They have composed cir-gida songs, royal praise poetry,

        sumundu, kunjar and balbale compositions’…”


        “’I am Culgi, the great musician, superintendent of the art of music.

        If …… favorable …….

        My songs, lapsing from people’s mouths and passing out of memory,

        (?) in all the cult-places …….

        …… his king ……, in the music- rooms of the gods ……

        10 lines unclear

        King of the singer’s art, Suen ……,

        protective goddess of the singer’s art, Jectinana‘ ……”


        “So that the fame of my praises, the words which Enki composed about me,

        and which Jectin-ana joyously speaks from the heart

        and broadcasts far and wide, shall never be forgotten,

        I have had them written down line by line

        in the House of the Wisdom of Nisaba

        in holy heavenly writing, as great works of scholarship.

        No one shall ever let any of it pass from memory …….

        It shall not be forgotten,

        since indestructible heavenly writing has a lasting renown...”


        “King of the singer’s art, Suen ……,

        protective goddess of the singer’s art, Jectinana ……”


        “may Jectin-ana be their protective goddess.

        …… treasures, lasting property of the king’s heirs,

       jewels of lordship which cannot be ……,

         fixing them forever in the mouth of the singers…

        “I (Ishme-Dagon) made sure that my praises were spoken,

        by creating numerous songs to Jectin-ana, the honey-mouthed lady.

        I installed …… my scholars and chief singers.

        The skilful singers composed for me adab, tigi, sumunca,

        malgatum, cir-gida, royal praise poems perfect in content,

        arahi, balbale, zamzam and kunjar compositions…”


        “In the temple my (Ishme-Dagon) songs should be performed splendidly (?),

        and my odes should be handed down.

        Their attractiveness should be right in the heart of the Land,

        and mouths should carry the words as far as its borders.

        …… the requirements of the banquet;

        he should put their attractiveness into the heart ……;

        …… may Jectin-ana be their protective goddess.

        …… treasures, lasting property of the king’s heirs,

        jewels of lordship which cannot be ……,

        fixing them forever in the mouth of the singers…”



        In that city ……, festivals were not …….

        Daily …….”


As Belili:

        “When Belili was stringing her jewelry,

        And her lap was filled with “eye-stones,”

        On hearing the sound of her brother,

        Belili struck the jewelry on…

        So that the “eye-stones” filled the…

        “My only brother, bring no harm to me!

        On the day when Tammuz (Dumuzi) comes up to me,

        When with him the lapis flute and the carnelian ring come up to me,

        When with him the wailing men and wailing women come up to me,…”


Gestindudu = Geshtinanna’s good friend

        “Ama-g̃eštin-ana went up onto the mound

        and looked around, G̃eštin-ana craned her neck.

        Her girl friend G̃eštin-dudu advised her:

        ‘The big men who bind the neck are already coming for him,

        they are …… coming for him!’…

        My adviser and girl friend! Are they coming?’

        ‘Yes, I will point out to you those who bind the neck!’…”


Haia / Haya = Nisaba’s spouse, Ninlil’s father, junior administrator for Enlil, god of the stores

        “Haia, I will declare your greatness perpetually!

        Who among the gods is fitted like you for the holy divine powers?

        Your beloved spouse is the maiden Nisaba, the great queen of queens.

        Ninlil (Enlil’s spouse), who was born of her holy womb,…”


        “My name is Ninlil, a newcomer to your domains.

        I am the daughter of Haia, Lord of the Stores

        and Numbarshegunu, the Goddess of Barley….”


        “Haia, who holds the great tablets, who enriches wisdom with wisdom!

        Accountant of Hal-an-kug,

        having the final overview of the arts of Nisaba’s house of wisdom…

        seal-holder of Father Enlil!

        He who brings forth the holy objects from the treasure-house of E-kur…”


        “Enlil, Lord Air, comes often to the canal and the riverbank

        to kiss the fertile lands with the power of his breath that makes everything grow.

        Indeed, Enlil could be the best choice for you, dearest,

        but he should ask your hand first to me and your (Ninlil’s) father Haia.”


        “I am called Ninlil, a Maiden of the Holy House of An, daughter of Haia,

        God of the Stores and of the Barley Goddess Numbarshegunu…”


        “Haia, linen-clad priest of E-unir, who stocks the holy animal-fattening pens;

        learned scholar of the shrine E-kic-nujal,

        whose august name is great, whose mind is discerning;

        who dwells in the great dining-hall

        alongside the maiden Ningal (Nannar’s spouse)!

        Fair of features, beloved spouse of Nun-bar-ce-gunu

        and augustly renowned father-in-law of father Enlil the Great Mountain;

        junior administrator, possessor of wisdom, acknowledged in heaven and earth,

        who receives the tribute for the gods,…”


         “Ur- Ninmarki, the scribe and scholar:

         ……, his personal gods were Haya (Nisaba’s spouse)

         and Nisaba, he acted for X + 20 years…”


Hea-Manna = unidentified?

        “a temple to Ninip (Ninurta) my Lord I therein founded;

        when an image of Ninip himself which had not been made before,

        in the reverence of my heart for his great mighty god-ship,

        of mountain stone and brilliant gold I caused to make in its completeness;…

        an altar to Ninip my Lord I therein consecrated:

        a temple for Beltis (Inanna), Sin (Nannar), and Gulanu (Bau / Gula),

         Hea-Manna (Enki) and Yav (Adad) great ruler of heaven and earth I founded…”


Hendersaja / Hendursaga = son of Utu, older brother to Nanshe’s spouse Nindara, god of the law, manager of Nanshe’s house, accountant to Nindara

         “who confirms or contradicts what is uttered,

        who enters Nance’s house from outside (?),

        and does not leave it, the caretaker of Nance’s house,

        the child born to Utu, lord Hendursaja …….

        The king discriminates between the good and the evil deeds,

         Hendursaja discriminates between the good and the evil deeds…”


        “Her (Nanshe) herald lord Hendursaja …….”


        “He who extends his staff of office, the one respected within the Abzu,

        the lord who has no opposition in the terraced tower (?) of Nance’s house,

        the king, lord Hendursaja, promulgates the decrees of Nance’s house…”


        “praise be to Father Enki,

        who has kindly supported the excellent power of Ḫendursaĝa!…”


        “You are the accountant of Nindara (Nanshe’s husband), king of Niĝin…”


        “Ḫendursaĝa, you have great divine powers, more than anyone could require…”


        “You are the accountant of the black-headed.

        You are the chief constable of the dead people who are brought to the underworld.



        “she ordered her herald, lord Hendursaja to make them profitable (?)…”


        “Nanše (Nanshe) has placed a mighty symbol in your hand, Ḫendursaĝa.

        The mistress, Mother Nanše, speaks confidentially with you…”


       “If someone wants to buy a bull, then Utu asks Ḫendursaĝa;

        he does not communicate his wisdom to the man who wants to buy the bull.

        If Ḫendursaĝa tells him that the buyer may buy the bull,

        then Utu determines the destiny for the building of his cattle-pen.

        If someone wants to buy sheep, then Utu asks Ḫendursaĝa;

        he does not communicate his wisdom to the man who wants to buy sheep.

        If Ḫendursaĝa tells him that the buyer may buy the sheep,

        then Utu determines the destiny for the fencing of his sheepfold.

        If someone wants to buy a slave, then Utu asks Ḫendursaĝa;

        he does not communicate his wisdom to the man who wants to buy the slave.

        If Ḫendursanga tells him that the buyer may buy the slave,

        then Utu confirms his ownership by means of the weighing scales.

        If someone wants to marry a wife, then Utu asks Ḫendursaĝa;

        he does not communicate his wisdom to the man who wants to marry the wife.

        If Ḫendursaĝa tells him that the man may marry the wife,

        then not only does that person marry the wife but also she bears children;…”


        “lord Hendursaja, tears them apart.

        He can discriminate between the just and the wicked,

        and he can bring justice to the orphan as well as to the widow…”


        “O Hendursagga, first born of Enlil[ ]

        Holder of the sublime scepter,

        herdsman of the black-headed folk, shepherd of mankind,

        O Ishum (Ninurta), zealous slaughterer,

        whose hands are suited to brandish fierce weapons,

        And to make his sharp spear flash,…”


        “Lord Ḫendursaĝa: because you were that too,

        after Enki had had intercourse with ……,

        he destined the seven sons that she had born to him – those seven sons of a crab –

        for the starvation of heaven; he placed them by at your behest,

        for the crushing (?) of the people of earth…”


Ig-alim / Galalim = Ninurta’s son, superintendent

        “Agal, whose god was Igalim , reigned 660 years…”


        “For the god Gal-alim, the favorite son of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

        for his king, Gudea, the patesi of Shirpurla

        his temple of E-me-ghush-gal-an-ki has constructed…”


        “Bau, lady …… true cream,

        As is fitting, she lets Lord Ig-alim have the scepter…”


        “Gudea,...the offspring of the goddess Gutumdug,

        dowered with sovereignty and the scepter supreme by the god Gal-alim,…”


        (Ninurta speaking)

        “The guardians of my house and the fair-looking protective goddesses …….

        My chief superintendent, Ig-alim, is the neck-stock of my hands.

        He has been promoted to take care of my house; …….

        My messenger does not forget anything: he is the pride of the palace.

        In the city named after (?) Enlil, I recognize true and false…”


        “Bau, lady …… true cream,

        As is fitting, she lets Lord Ig-alim have the scepter…”


        “Lugal-kur-dub walked in front of him (Gudea),

         Ig-alim directed him and Nin-jiczida (Ningishzidda),

         his personal god, held him by the hand throughout the time…”


        “With his divine duties, namely to guide the hand of the righteous one;

        to force the evil-doer´s neck into a neck stock;

        to keep the house safe; to keep the house pleasant;

        to instruct his city and the sanctuaries of Jirsu;

        to set up an auspicious throne; to hold the scepter of never-ending days;

        to raise high the head of Nin-jirsu´s shepherd, Gudea, as if he wore a blue crown;

        and to appoint to their offices in the courtyard of E-ninnu the skin-clad ones,

         the linen-clad ones and those whose head is covered,

         Gudea introduced Ig-alim, the Great Door (ig gal), the Pole (dim) of Jirnun,

         the chief bailiff of Jirsu, his beloved son to lord Nin-jirsu…”


        “Young woman Nin-Nibru, lady …….

        Lord Ninurta, my king …….

        Ig-alim, my king …….

        Cul-cagana, my king …….”


Igigi / Anunna / Anunnaki = minor Anunnaki, group of younger sky gods, carriers / space-truckers of good, supplies, & people from planet to planet…Nibiru to Mars, to Earth, Earth to Mars, to Nibiru, came down, in groups of fifty on shore leave / Marduk’s wedding, and had sex with the daughter of men, & took as spouses who they wanted

Nefilim / Nephilim – Hebrew “those who from Heaven came to Earth”

The Book of Enoch: “the Nephilim came down to Earth in groups of fifty, and had sex with the daughters of men…”

Genesis: “The Nephilim were on the Earth in those days – and also afterward – when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown…”

As the Bible put it: “When man began to increase in number on the Earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and they married any of them that they chose…”

Genesis 6:4 “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them,…”


Ilabrat = Anu’s visier, minor god, and minister of state for Anu

        “An called out to his vizier Ilabrat,…

        His vizier Ilabrat answered him..”


Indagara = high-priest, procurer of food for the gods, craftsman

        “Indagara, administrator who performs the opening of the mouth

        for the gods in the heavens and in the underworld,

        and who is versed in the meaning of obscure tablets;

        craftsman of the great gods!…”


        “Kugsud and Indagara, without whom heaven would not be pure nor earth bright,

        continual providers of the great meals of An and Enlil in their grand dining-hall!…”


Isimud / Usma = Enki’s vizier,1st two-faced being (front & back), arriving on Earth with Enki and the fifty Anunnaki on Earth for the first time, messenger of the god Enki

        “He said to his minister Isimud:

        ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed?

        Is this nice Ninsar not to be kissed?’

        His minister Isimud answered him:

        ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed?

        Is this nice Ninsar not to be kissed?

        My master will sail, let me navigate.

        He will sail, let me navigate.’

        First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

        He clasped her to the bosom, kissed her, Enki poured semen into the womb…”


        “He said to his minister Isimud:

        ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed?

        Is this nice Ninkura not to kissed?’

        His minister Isimud answered him:

        ‘Kiss this nice youngster.

        Kiss this nice Ninkura.

        My master will sail, let me navigate.

        He will sail, let me navigate.’

        First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

        He clasped her to the bosom, kissed her, Enki poured semen into the womb…”


        “He laid eyes on Ninimma (Enki & Ninkura’s daughter) on the riverbank

        and said to his minister Isimud:

        ‘Have I ever kissed one like this nice youngster?

        Have I ever made love to one like nice Ninimma?’

        His minister Isimud answered him:

        ‘My master will sail, let me navigate.

        He will sail, let me navigate.’

        First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

        He clasped her to the bosom, lying in her crotch,

        made love to the youngster and kissed her.

        Enki poured semen into Ninimma‘s womb…”


        “He said to his minister Isimud:

        ‘I have not determined the destiny of these plants.

        What is this one? What is that one?’

        His minister Isimud had the answer for him.

        ‘My master, the ‘tree’ plant,’ he said to him, cut it off for him and Enki ate it.

        ‘My master, the ‘honey’ plant,’ he said to him, pulled it up for him and Enki ate it.

        ‘My master, the ‘vegetable’ plant,’ he said to him, cut it off for him and Enki ate it.

        ‘My master, the alfalfa grass (?),’ he said to him, pulled it up for him and Enki ate it.

        ‘My master, the atutu plant,’ he said to him, cut it off for him and Enki ate it.

        ‘My master, the actaltal plant,’ he said to him, pulled it up for him and Enki ate it.

        ‘My master, the …… plant,’ he said to him, cut it off for him and Enki ate it.

        ‘My master, the amharu plant,’ he said to him, pulled it up for him and Enki ate it.

        Enki determined the destiny of the plants, had them know it in their hearts…”


        “Isimud the minister followed his master’s instructions closely.

        He let the maiden into the abzu and Eridug.

        He let Inanna into the abzu and Eridug…”


        “Enki spoke to the minister Isimud:

        ‘Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!’

        ‘Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?’

        ‘Since she said that she would not yet depart from here for Unug Kulaba,

        that she would not yet depart from here to the place where Utu ……,

        can I still reach her?’

        But holy Inanna had gathered up the divine powers

        and embarked onto the Boat of Heaven.

        The Boat of Heaven had already left the quay…”


        “The minister Isimud spoke to holy Inanna:

        ‘My lady! Your father has sent me to you.

        Inanna, your father has sent me to you.

        What your father said was very serious.

        What Enki spoke was very serious.

        His important words cannot be countermanded.’

        Holy Inanna replied to him:

        ‘What has my father said to you, what has he spoken?

        Why should his important words not be countermanded?’

        ‘My master has spoken to me, Enki has said to me:

        ‘Inanna may travel to Unug,

        but you are to get the Boat of Heaven back to Eridug for me’.

        Holy Inanna spoke to the minister Isimud:

        ‘How could my father have changed what he said to me?’…”


        “and then for the second time the prince spoke to his minister Isimud,

        Enki addressed the Sweet Name of Heaven:

        ‘Isimud, my minister, my Sweet Name of Heaven!’

        ‘Enki, my master, I am at your service! What is your wish?’

        ‘Where has the Boat of Heaven reached now?’

        ‘It has just now reached the holy …….’

        ‘Go now! The fifty giants of Eridug

        are to take the Boat of Heaven away from her!’…”


Jicbar-ed = Enlil’s surveyor, farmer of Guedina

        “With his divine duties, namely to see that the great fields grow rich;

        to see that the levees and ditches of Lagac (Lagash) will be full to the brim;

        to see that Acnan, the bright and long one, the pure stalk,

        will raise its head high in the furrows in Gu-edina, the plain befitting its owner;

        to see that after the good fields have provided wheat, emmer

        and all kinds of pulses, the numerous grain heaps –

        the yield of the land of Lagac – will be heaped up,

        Gudea introduced Jicbar-ed, Enlil´s surveyor,

        the farmer of Gu-edina, to lord Nin-jirsu…”


Jir-jire = old woman Bilulu’s son in Dumuzi tales

        “Then the son of old woman Bilulu, matriarch and her own mistress, —

        Jirjire, a man on his own, fit for the fields and a knowledgeable man…”


        “My lady went to Bilulu in Edin-lila.

        Her son Jirjire like the wind there did……”


        “May her son Jirjire together with her become the protective god of the desert

        and the protective goddess of the desert!…

        Let old woman Bilulu gladden his heart!…”


        “And immediately, under the sun of that day, it truly became so.

        She became the water skin for cold water that is used in the desert.

        Her son Jirjire together with her became the protective god of the desert

         and the protective goddess of the desert…”


Ka-hejala & Igi-hejala = doorkeepers of Enki’s house in Eridu

        “Ka-hejala and Igi-hejala, the doorkeepers of the house (of Enki)…”


        “Eridug, floating on great waters, was deprived (?) of drinking water.

        In its outer environs, which had turned into haunted plains, …….

        The loyal man in a place of treachery ……. Ka-hejala and Igi-hejala ……”


Kakka = Anu’s son?, Anu’s visier, minor god and minister of state for Anu and Anshar,

        “When the seventh day arrived, Anu made his voice heard and spoke,

        Addressed his words to Kakka, his vizier,

        ‘Kakka, I shall send you to Kurnugi,

        To the home of Ereshkigal who dwells within Erkalla,

        To say, “That god, whom I sent you,

        Forever [ ]’…”


        “Kakka went down the long stairway of heaven.

        When he reached the gate of Ereshkigal, he said,

        ‘Gatekeeper, open the gate to me!’

         ‘Kakka, come in, and may the gate bless you.’

         He let the god Kakka in through the first gate,

        He let the god Kakka in through the second gate,

        He let the god Kakka in through the third gate,

        He let the god Kakka in through the fourth gate,

        He let the god Kakka in through the fifth gate,

        He let the god Kakka in through the sixth gate,

        He let the god Kakka in through the seventh gate.

        He entered into her spacious courtyard,

        He knelt down and kissed the ground in front of her.

        He straightened up, stood and addressed her,

        ‘Anu your father sent me’…”


        “Ereshkigal made her voice heard and spake,

        she addressed her words to Kakka.

        ‘O messenger of Anu our father’…”


Kalkal = Enlil’s butler, doorkeeper of Ekur

         “Kalkal observed and was disturbed.

        He slid the bolt and looked [outward].

        Kalkal awakened [Nusku].

        They listened to the noise of [the Igigi].

        Nusku awakened [his] lord, made [him] get out of bed….”


        “Ekur was surrounded, Ellil had not realized.

        Yet Kalkal was attentive, and had it closed,

        He held the lock and watched the gate.

        Kalkal roused Nusku.

        They listened to the noise of the Igigi…”


        “Rejoicing, the porter rejoicing, the porter rejoicing opened the house.

        Kalkal, the doorkeeper, rejoicing, the porter rejoicing opened the house.

        Kalkal, in charge of the bolt-handle, rejoicing,

        the porter rejoicing, opened the house.

        At the house of Enlil, ……, Nanna-Suen made the offerings…”


       “Open the house, Kalkal, open the house!

        Kalkal, doorkeeper, open the house!

        Doorman, doorkeeper, open the house!

        Porter, open the house! Kalkal, open the house!

        I, Nanna-Suen,…”


Ki = official spouse of Anu, personified of the earth and the underworld,

sometimes Antu, sometimes Ninhursag

Ki As Antu:

        “So did the Skyfather An (Anu) array himself in a cloak of the purest azure

        to greet his dearest (½) sister-spouse Ki.

        Then in great joy and reverence An,

        who called himself then Heaven approached Ki, whom he called Earth…”


        “’The accused has spoken,’ said Ki, then turning to Ninlil.

        ‘Let’s hear the victim.

        Daughter, would you like to address to the Assembly?’

        Ninlil stood up and graciously bowed to the judges…”


        “’Is your defense based on just desire and passion?’,

        asked Ki to Enlil, her voice sharp as a razor…”


        “Mother Nammu (Anu’s concubine, Enki & Ninhursag’s mother) the Sea

        who in an act of selfless Self-Love engendered the Skyfather (An)

        who the Assembly presides and myself as the Cosmic Mountain Ki…”


        “An, who presided all judgments, sided by Ki on his right and Enki on his left.

        Father (Anu), Mother (Antu) and (½) Brother (Enki), to Enlil they were,…”


Kinda-zid = Ninurta’s chamber steward

        “With his divine duties, namely to clean with water; to clean with soap;

        to …… with oil from white bowls and with (?) soap;

        to urge him to sweet sleep on his bed strewn with fresh herbs;

        to let him enter the E-duga, his bed chamber, from outside (?)

        and to make him not wish to leave it,

        Gudea introduced Kinda-zid, the man in charge of the E-duga, to lord Nin-jirsu…”


Kugsud = Enlil’s cook

       “Kugsud and Indagara, without whom heaven would not be pure nor earth bright,

        continual providers of the great meals of An and Enlil in their grand dining-hall!”


Kulla = Ningishzidda, master brickman, god who restores temples, god of builders

        “The great prince fixed a string to the hoe, and organised brick moulds.

        He penetrated the …… like precious oil.

        Enki placed in charge of them him whose sharp-bladed hoe

        is a corpse-devouring snake that ……,

        whose brick mould in place is a tidy stack of hulled grain for the ewes –

        Kulla, who …… bricks in the Land…”


        “whose firmly set brickmold is a … sets the…straight.

        Kulla, mighty brickman of the land, Enki placed in charge of them…”


        “Whose . . mold directs . . . . ,

        Kulla, the brick-maker (?) of the Land,

        Enki placed in charge of them…”


Kur-cuna-buruam = Ninurta’s second general

        “With his divine duties, Gudea introduced the lord´s second general,

        Kur-cuna-buruam to the son of Enlil…”


Kusu = Gibil’s spouse, Enlil’s daughter

        “Kusu establishes the lustration rituals created in their specific house —

        the oven for oxen, sheep and bread beside the interior of the bathing chamber (?),

        those sacred lustration rituals beside the shrine!

        Kusu purifies the oil for the house.

        It is placed in readiness and the limbs are …….

        To ensure the sacred lustration rituals are not neglected,..”


       “In their ……

        Kusu has consecrated the ……,

        she has purified the oven. ……,

        she has filled the …… purified …….

        Kusu has then put numerous bulls and numerous sheep into the great oven.

        Kusu has then put numerous bulls and numerous loaves into the great oven…”


        “From Eridug (?) praise to lady Kusu, the princess of the holy abzu, …….

        O Nun-bar-ana (Gibil?, spouse to Kusu), angry avenger (?) ……,

        bringing forth the great torch from the abzu,

        lifting his head with the noble divine powers!…”


        “So that you should place sacred hands upon your offering table

        in the banqueting hall, the great place, your steward Kusu

        she who purifies hands and cleanses hands — consecrates the hands…”


La = Enki?, Enki’s messenger to Noah about the flood

        “Enkidu, it is your wrong thoughts you must change!

        It is Gilgamesh whom Shamhat loves,

        and Anu, Enlil, and La (unidentified?, Enki?) have enlarged his mind.”


        “Even before you came from the mountain

        Gilgamesh in Uruk had dreams about you…”


        “La (unidentified?, Enki?, Enki‘s messenger?) spoke to Valiant Enlil, saying:

        ‘It is yours, O Valiant One, who is the Sage of the Gods.

        How, how could you bring about a Flood without consideration

        Charge the violation to the violator, charge the offense to the offender,

        but be compassionate lest (mankind) be cut off, be patient lest they be killed.

        Instead of your bringing on the Flood,

        would that a lion had appeared to diminish the people!

        Instead of your bringing on the Flood,

        would that a wolf had appeared to diminish the people!

        Instead of your bringing on the Flood,

        would that famine had occurred to slay the land!

        Instead of your bringing on the Flood,

        would that (Pestilent) Erra (Nergal) had appeared to ravage the land!

        It was not I who revealed the secret of the Great Gods,

        I (only) made a dream appear to Atrahasis (Noah),

        and (thus) he heard the secret of the gods.

        Now then! The deliberation should be about him!’ …”


Lahar = god of the livestocks

        “For Lahar they (Enlil and Enki) set up the sheepfold,

        Plants, herbs, and . . . they present to him;…

        Lahar standing in his sheepfold,

        A shepherd increasing the bounty of the sheepfold is he…

        Abundance of heaven…,Lahar and Ashnan caused to appear…

        But then Labar and Ashnan drank much wine

        and so they began to quarrel in the farms and fields…”


Lama = Ninurta’s fishery inspecter

       “With his divine duties, namely to make sure that Imin-catam,

        the messenger of Gu-edina,

        informs Nin-jirsu about the amount of carp and perch yielded by the marshes,

        and about the quantity of new shoots of reed yielded by the green reedbeds,

        Gudea introduced Lama, the inspector of the fisheries of Gu-edina,

        to lord Nin-jirsu…”


Lu-Inanna = the chief leatherworker of Enlil

       “Written according to the word of Lu-Inanna, Enlil’s head saddler…”


Lugalcubur = unknown?, Enki?, Ninshubur?, Marduk?

        “May Lugalcubur place on your head the sacrosanct (?) crown of kingship!

        May Enki, the lord of life, …… life, and in the E-unir,

        the house of the plans of heaven and earth which rides upon all the divine powers,

        may he cover your priestly headdress in awe and splendor!…”


Lugal-ennu-irikugakam = Ninurta’s resident constable, security guard

        “With his divine duties, namely to erect cities; to found settlements;

        to build guard-houses for the wall of the Iri-kug;

        to have its divine resident constable,

        the mace of white cedar with its enormous head, patrol around the house,

        Gudea introduced Lugal-ennu-irikugakam to lord Nin-jirsu…”


Lugal-igihuc = Ninurta’s drummer

        “With his divine duties, namely to soothe the heart, to soothe the spirits;

        to dry weeping eyes; to banish mourning from the mourning heart;

        to …… the heart of the lord that rises like the sea,

        washes away like the Euphrates, that hits like a flood storm,

        that has overflowed with joy after inundating a land which is Enlil´s enemy,

        Gudea introduced his balaj drum, Lugal-igihuc, to lord Nin-jirsu (Ninurta)…”


Lugal-sisa = Ninurta’s adviser

        “With his divine duties,

        namely to send entreaties on behalf of the land of Lagac;

        to perform supplications and prayers for it, propitious ones;

        to greet pleasantly the warrior departing for Eridu;

        and until (?) Nin-jirsu (Ninurta) comes from Eridu,

        to keep the throne of the built-up city firm;

        to pray, with hand placed before the nose,

        together with Gudea, for the life of the true shepherd,

        Gudea introduced his adviser, Lugal-sisa, to lord Nin-jirsu…”


Lugal-sud-e & Lugal-ki-bura = Ningishzidda?, brothers to Ningishzidda?

        “’Lugal-šud-e, let me (Ama-silama) sail away with you, {brother}

        {(1 ms. has instead:) my brother}, let me sail away with you.

        {(1 ms. adds 1 line:)

        Lugal-ki-bura, let me sail away with you, my brother, let me sail away with you.}’

        The evil demon who was in their midst called out to {Lugal-ki-suna}

        {(2 mss. have instead:) ‘Ninĝišzida}:

        {Lugal-ki-suna} {(1 ms. has instead:) Lugal-ki-bura}, look at your sister!’

        Having looked at his sister, {Lugal-ki-suna}

        {(1 ms. has instead:) Lugal-ki-bura} said to her:

       ‘He sails with me, he sails with me.

        Why should you sail {(1 ms. adds:) to the underworld}?

        Lady, the demon sails with me.

        Why should you sail {(1 ms. adds:) to the underworld}?

        The thresher sails with me.

        Why should you sail {(1 ms. adds:) to the underworld}?

        The man who has bound my hands sails with me.

        Why should you sail?

        The man who has tied my arms sails with me.

        Why should you sail?’…”


Lulal = Inanna’s attendant

        “At the E-muc-kalama in Bad-tibira, Lulal, in his own city,

        threw himself at her feet.

        He had sat in the dust and clothed himself in a filthy garment.

        The demons said to holy Inanna:

        ‘Inanna, proceed to your city, we will take him back’…”


        “Holy Inanna answered the demons:

        ‘Outstanding Lulal follows me at my right and my left.

        How could I turn him over to you? Let us go on.

        Let us go on to the great apple tree in the plain of Kulaba’…”


Mak-hir = god of dreams

        “May Mak-hir, god of dreams, my couch invest!…”


Marbitl = unknown?

        “Nabû returned to Esagila,

        sheep offerings in front of Bêl (Marduk) and the god Mârbîti


Martu = son of Anu & Ninhursag, married Utu’s daughter, patron god of the city of Ninab…


        “engendered by great An (Anu) and brought up on his holy knees, ……,

        born by Uraš (Ninhursag),

        cherished and granted a favorable destiny by the Great Mountain Enlil,…”


        “Martu, august youth,

        who completely controls the distant mountains as far as their borders,…

        who occupies a holy dais in the mountains, the pureplace!…

        whom holy An (Anu) engendered,

        who appears gloriously with numerous divine powers!

        His own mother Ninḫursaĝa (Ninhursag) made his form excel Medim-ša’s

        so that no one should threaten him.

        The Anuna (Anunnaki), the great gods,

        enhanced his strength with warrior qualities, and spoke favorably to him.

        They invested (?) him with authority that accompanies him in battle

        like a coat of armor, …… to him mace, divine weapon, a great bow,

        arrows and quiver in his august hands,

        made his divinity magnificently perfect,…

        He grasps the seven winds, makes fire ……,

        subduing all in battle and fight, …… like lightning…”


        “For the king, he annihilates all enemy lands that are not compliant to him.

        Martu, the son of An, extends a hand to the good shepherd…

        his own father, the lord of the gods,…

        he presented to him the Martu lands, the lapis-lazuli mountains…

        he is the king’s helper in battle…

        Martu, son of An…”


Musdamma / Mucdamma = Enlil’s master mason, builder

       “He tied down the strings and coordinated them with the foundations,

        and with the power of the assembly he planned a house

        and performed the purification rituals.

        The great prince put down the foundations, and laid the bricks.

        Enki placed in charge of all this him whose foundations once laid do not sag,

        whose good houses once built do not collapse (?),

        whose vaults reach up into the heart of the heavens like a rainbow –

        Mucdama, Enlil’s master builder…”


        “The one whose footers once laid down do not sag,

        whose lasting house once built does not collapse,

        whose vault reaches to mid-sky like a rainbow,

        Musdamma, great builder of Enlil,

        Enki placed in charge of them…”


Namma / Nammu = Anu’s main concubine, “mother of the gods” to Enki, Ninhursag, Martu, Bau, Nisaba, etc.,, some of her many offspring have their own file

        “At the word of his mother Namma, Enki rose up from his bed…”


        “And after Enki, the fashioner of designs by himself, had pondered the matter,

         he said to his mother Namma:My mother,’…”


        “Namma, the primeval mother who gave birth to the senior gods,…”


         “It was Enki, lord of Wisdom, Magic and of the Sweet Waters,

         son of An (Anu) the Sky and Nammu the Sea, (I/2) brother to Enlil,..”.


        “The waters of Mother Nammu, the Source of Life,

        were defiled by one of her own….”


        “Enki …… brought joy to their heart.

        He set a feast for his mother Namma and for Ninmah (sister Ninhursag)…”


       “Mother Nammu the Sea who in an act of selfless Self-Love

        engendered the Skyfather (Anu) who the Assembly presides

        and myself as the Cosmic Mountain Ki…”


Namrat / Aya / Aia = Utu’s spouse

        “The god Numucda (Utu) participated in the festival;

        his beloved daughter Adjar-kidug participated in the festival,

        his wife Namrat, the lovely woman participated in the festival.

        In the city, bronze cem drums were rumbling,

        and the seven ala drums resounded as strong men, girdled champions,

        entered the wrestling house to compete with each other

        for Numucda in the temple of Inab…”


NAMTAR = Ereshkigal’s son, gatekeeper to the Underworld, messenger god for the goddess Ereshkigal

At each of the seven gates, one of Inanna’s accoutrements and weapons was from her removed, Then, unclothed and powerless before Ereshkigal’s throne, Of scheming an heir by Nergal, Dumuzi’s brother, she was accused! Trembling with fury, Ereshkigal to her sister’s explanations would not listen.

        “’Let loose against her the sixty diseases!’

        Er’hkigal her vizier, Namtar, in anger ordered…”


        “To Namtar, who decrees all the fates,

        in his palace, the shepherd Ur-Namma offered perfectly wrought jewelery,

        a golden ring cast (?) as a …… barge,..

         To Hucbisag, the wife of Namtar, in her palace,

        the shepherd Ur-Namma offered a chest (?) with a lapis-lazuli handle,

        containing (?) everything that is essential in the underworld,

        a silver hair clasp adorned with lapis-lazuli, and a comb of womanly fashion…”


        “When before Ereshkigal they came, Ereshkigal by their appearance was puzzled:

        Are you Anunnaki? Are you Earthlings?

        With bewilderment she asked them.

        Namtar the magical weapons of power against them directed,

        but unharmed the two were.

        To the lifeless body of Inanna he took them, hanging from a stake she was…”


       “SukkalNamtar, the young woman from the Worlds Above

        requests to be seen by the Great Queen,’ provided Neti.

        Namtar nodded and appraised Ninlil with cold assurance…”


        “Follow me,” Namtar answered after a time that looked like eternity…”


        “’is it your will to get into the domains of the Great Queen Ereshkigal?’

        asked quietly Namtar…”


        “Ninlil followed Namtar across the silent courtyard,

        countless passageways, chambers and staircases.

        Finally, they stopped in the Grand Hall.

        Namtar bowed deeply.

        Ninlil wisely imitated him before raising her eyes

        and to see what laid before her eyes…”


        “Ereshkigal made her voice heard and spake,

        she addressed her words to her vizier Namtar,

        “O Namtar my vizier, I shall send you to the heaven of our father Anu.

        Namtar, go up the long stairway of heaven.

        Take from the table and accept a present for me.

        Whatever Anu gives to you, you must present to me…”


        “The evil demons and the evil demonesses who beset mankind,

        Dim-me and Dim-mea who enter by night,

        Namtar and Asag who will not leave a man alone,…”


        “Namtar with no hands or feet takes away …….”


Nana / Nanaya = Nabu’s spouse, Inanna’s protoge’, fertility goddess

        “he brought the statue of Nanaya, the goddess of the Ezida, the beloved of Nabû,..”


       “Nanaya, ornament of E-ana (Uruk’s temple), worthy of the Lady!

        Wise one, correctly chosen as lady of all the lands by the Mistress:

        Nanaya, you instruct the Land, bestowing wisdom in E-ana…

        As fine as An (Anu), woman with a holy (?) head, made perfect by the …… lady!

        Nanaya, properly educated by holy Inana (Inanna / Ishtar),

        woman who is as bright as the stars, wise lady who is available for everything,

        righteous sympathetic woman, lady who is always available on request,

        counseled by holy Inana, beloved by the Mistress!

        Nanaya, great judge, deity who occupies the high throne of Unug (Uruk)!…”


        “Nanaya, the goddess has created your holy powers …… for you.

        You have …… turned the favorable eye of life onto the bedchamber,

        and Icbi-Erra is the youth chosen for his beauty…”


        “Nanaya (Nabu’s spouse), …… the mother of all,

        …… she who exists for luxury, …… a great destiny …….

        ……, the queen, ……, restoring the destroyed E-me-urur

        and building the …… which were abandoned,

        has created the …… which had not been built up since ancient days.

        ……, you fix the rules……., excelling in the Land,

        you pray justly …… in its fine …….

        Standing steadfastly in prayer ……, you determine food offerings.

        And you, ……, lady, great goddess who goes by one’s side,

        have determined a great destiny until distant times for him

        who has set up permanent statues in E-ana and E-me-urur,

        …… for the man whose destiny will not be spoiled,

         1 line unclear

        The lady, the nurse Nanaya,

        who stands there like a great wall at the door of E-ana,

        has decreed throughout heaven and earth that ……

        and should spend long days in heartfelt joy;

        and she has fixed life, progeny and luxury as your lot….

        The lady, the nurse Nanaya, who stands there

        like a great wall at the door of E-ana,

        has decreed throughout heaven and earth that ……

        and should spend long days in heartfelt joy;

        and she has fixed life, progeny and luxury as your lot…”


Nanshe / Nanse / Nance / Nazi = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter, via Uttu, goddess of fish & fowl of the sea, Nindara’s spouse, dream interpreter for the gods

As Nanshe:

        “as she escaped from Isin. Nanshe cried, ‘O my devastated city…’

        her beloved dwelling place was given over to misfortune….”


        “Who . . s the izi-bird and the lil-fish, who . . . . ,

        Who comes out from the zipag, who . . . . ,

        The Lady of Sirar[a, Mother Nansh]e,

        Of the sea, of its . . . . places, Enki placed in charge…

        Nanshe, the lady, the lord – the holy . . . fell at her feet,

        She has become the fishery inspector of the se[a] (?),

        Fish, tasty, (and) . . . . ,

        She presents to her [father] Enlil…”


        “the child of Enki, acting as a good woman for a good household,…”


As Nance:

        (Enki speaking):

        “Nance (Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu), the august lady,

        who rests her feet on the holy pelican (her symbol),

        is to be the fisheries inspector of the sea.

        She is to be responsible for accepting delectable fish

         and delicious birds from there to go to Nibru (Nippur) for her father Enlil…”


        “He filled the E-kur, the house of Enlil, with goods of all sorts.

        Enlil was delighted with Enki, and Nibru was glad.

        Enki placed in charge of all this, over the wide extent of the sea,

        her who sets sail …… in the holy shrine, who induces sexual intercourse ……,

        who …… over the enormous high flood of the subterranean waters,

        the terrifying waves, the inundation of the sea ……,

        who comes forth from the ……, the mistress of Sirara, …… –Nance …”


        “Nance, the noble daughter, was settled outside the city…”


        “Father Enki determined a fate for you.

         Nance, child born in Eridug (Eridu, Enki’s city), sweet is your praise…”


        “He who confirms or contradicts what is uttered,

        who enters Nance’s house from outside (?), and does not leave it,

        the caretaker of Nance’s house, the child born to Utu, lord Hendursaja …….”


        “He who extends his staff of office, the one respected within the Abzu,

        the lord who has no opposition in the terraced tower (?) of Nance’s house,

        the king, lord Hendursaja, promulgates the decrees of Nance’s house…”


        “The lady of precious rites, Nance, versed in singing holy songs,

        sang songs for the house…”


        “Nance, the queen of the fishermen, will be delighted with you…”


        “The city of Nance, Nijin (Isin), was delivered to the foreigners.

         Sirara, her beloved dwelling, was handed over to the evil ones.

        ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly…”


        “Nance, what you say is trustworthy and takes precedence.

        You are the interpreter of dreams among the gods,…”


        “’And now, may the mother …… with me;

        and now, may Nance (Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter) …… with me.

        May she put bread in my leather bag, may she pour water into my waterskin.

        May she stand by for me …….

        May she say to me, ‘Farmer, eat the bread!’.

        may she say to me, ‘Farmer, drink the water!”

        ellu mallu!”


        “In the temple he lay down to dream with Nance.

        He said good night (?) to Nance.

        He had his leather bag filled with bread, he had water poured into his waterskin.

        She stood by for him …….

        The farmer had a vision (?): a young bull was talking ……,

        …… tied the feet (?).

        The farmer said to his mother,

        ‘Bread was put for me in my leather bag,

        water was poured for me into my waterskin.

        …… stood by for me.’…”


        “You have taken your place upon the throne-dais of Lagac (Lagash).

        Speak to holy mother Nance,…”


        “Nance answered the ruler:

        ‘My shepherd, I will explain your dream for you in every detail.

        The person who, as you said, was as enormous as the skies,

        who was as enormous as the earth, whose head was like that of gods,

        whose wings, as you said, were like those of the Anzud bird,

        and whose lower body was, as you said, like a flood storm,

        at whose right and left lions were lying,

        was in fact my brother Nin-jirsu (Ninurta)

        ´The young woman …… sheaves,

        who held a stylus of refined silver in her hand,

        who had placed it on a tablet with propitious stars and was consulting it,

        she was in fact my sister Nisaba‘….”


        “Nin-jirsu, I want to build up your house for you,

        I want to make it perfect for you, so I will ask your sister, the child born of Eridu,

        an authority on her own, the lady, the dream-interpreter among the gods,

        my divine sister from Sirara, Nance, to show me the way.”


        His call was heard; his master, Lord Nin-jirsu accepted from (King) Gudea…”


        “Now the ruler imposed a levy on his land.

        He imposed a levy on his realm of abundant ……, on Nin-jirsu’s Gu-edina.

        He imposed levy on his built-up cities and settlements, on Nance´s Gu-jicbara…”


        “There was a levy for him on the clan of Nance

        Both river banks and shores rising out of the waters,

        the huger river, full of water, which spreads its abundance everywhere,

        and he placed the holy pelican (?), the standard of Nance, in front of them…”


As Nanse:

        “When the mistress, Mother Nanše, floats her holy barge to visit you,

        sweet and noble singers perform for her on board…”


        “Nanše (Nanshe) has placed a mighty symbol in your hand, Ḫendursaĝa (Utu’s son).

        The mistress, Mother Nanše, speaks confidentially with you…”


        “Nindara, the king of Lagaš (Lagash).

        Also with her help, monthly and at the New Year on the days of regular offerings,

        in your house Nindara makes the wedding-gifts on your behalf

        for the mistress, Mother Nanše…”


        “The one who sets sail…in the holy shrine, the innin who induces copulation…

        great flood-wave of the sea, turbulent flood-wave, the inundation of the sea…

        who springs forth out of the sea-foam…the innin of Sirara,

        mother Nanse, the sea in all its breadth, Enki placed in charge of it…”


        “Nanse, the noble nin/en, at whose feet the holy u-bird stands,

        is now the customs inspector of the sea.

        Good fish, tasty birds, she grants her father Enlil in Nippur…”


As Nazi:

        “Let Nazi marry Nindara;…”


        “Nazi shall marry Nindara,…”


        “’My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

        ‘My throat (zi) hurts me.’

        She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Nazi out of it…”


Neti = Ereshkigal’s gatekeeper of the underworld

        “Neti, the chief doorman of the underworld,

        entered the house of his mistress Erec-ki-gala and said:

        ‘My mistress, there is a lone girl outside.

        It is Inanna, your sister, and she has arrived at the palace Ganzer’…”


        “Erec-ki-gala slapped the side of her thigh.

        She bit her lip and took the words to heart.

        She said to Neti, her chief doorman:

        “Come Neti, my chief doorman of the underworld,

        don’t neglect the instructions I will give you.

        Let the seven gates of the underworld be bolted.

        Then let each door of the palace Ganzer be opened separately.

        As for her, after she has entered,

        and crouched down and had her clothes removed,

        they will be carried away…”


        “Sooner than Ninlil expected, a stern gate towered over her,

        opened by an even sterner gatekeeper holding a torch upright.

        He was Neti, she was told, Ereshkigal’s guardian of the Underworld thresholds.

       This time, she was sure, the Guardian had not been Enlil in disguise.

        Eyes were not light of color, there were no emotions on sight,

        just impartiality and efficiency…”


         “when another even more serious face greeted her and Neti.

         ‘SukkalNamtar, the young woman from the Worlds Above

         requests to be seen by the Great Queen (Ereshkigal),’ provided Neti…”


Nezila = Bau / Gula / Nininsina / Nungal’s house secretary

        “Nezila arranges joyous (1 ms. adds: and valued (?) occasions (?)…”


Nijerim-cu-tabbi etc. = Nannar’s guards of the gates of Ur

        “O Rim-Sîn, pre-eminent prince of the foreign lands and of the Land of Sumer! —

        in the Dul-barag-gal-mah, the habitation of Urim,

        may Nijerim-cu-tabbi in the Dul-barag-gal-mah,

        may Nijerim-cu-urur in the Dul-barag-gal-mah,

        may Dugab-cu-gigi in the Dul-barag-gal-mah,

        may Dugab-cu-tabbi in the Dul-barag-gal-mah —

        may they, the standing gods of the Great Gate

        and the benevolent gods of entering,

        stand at your right and left to assure you a destiny of life until distant days.

        May they bring your greeting to Nanna and Ningal…”


Nimdimgul = Bau / Gula / Nungal’s chief prosecutor, jailer

        “When someone has been brought into the palace of the king

        and this man is accused of a capital offense, my chief prosecutor,

        Nindimgul, stretches out his arm in accusation (?).

        He sentences that person to death, but he will not be killed;

        he snatches the man from the jaws of destruction

        and brings him into my house of life and keeps him under guard.

         No one wears clean clothes in my dusty (?) house…”


Nimgirsig = Enki’s boat captain

        “Nijir-sig, the captain of my barge,

        holds the golden scepter for me. I am Enki! …”


        “Nijir-sig, the captain of the barge, holds the holy sceptre for the lord. …”


        “Nimgirsig, the ensi of the magur-boat holds the golden scepter for me,

        steers my boat – the Ibex of the Abzu – for me, Enki.

        I – the lord – I will go. I am Enki,…”


        “Nimgirsig, the ensi of the magur-boat,

        He[ld] the holy scepter for the lord,

        The lahama’s of the sea, the fifty, did ho[mage to him],

        The kara’s . . d like a . . –bird of heaven.

        For the king standing proudly, father Enki – in the Land …”


Nina = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter, [“goddess of Oracles”]

        “O Nina, Hea’s (Enki’s) daughter! Zi!…


        “may the goddess Ninâ the mistress of interpretations,…”


        “For the goddess Ninâ, the lady of destinies (?), the lady of oracles (?),

        for his lady, Gudea the patesi of Shirpurla

        has made the dedicatory inscriptions (?).

        In Ninâ-ki, her favorite city, her temple of E-ud-mâ-Ninâ-ki-tag

        which rises from the Kur-ê he has constructed..”


        “For the goddess Ninâ, the lady of destinies (?), the lady of oracles (?),

        for his mistress, Dungi (King Shulgi) the puissant prince, the king of Ur,

        the king of Shumer and Accad, the temple of E-shish-shish-e-ma-ra,

        her favorite temple, has constructed…”


        “he (Ur-Nanshe) has erected.

        The temple of the goddess Ninâ…”


        “may the goddess Nin-marki the eldest daughter of the goddess Ninâ…”


        “For the goddess Nin-mar-ki (Enki’s daughter), the good lady,

        the eldest daughter of the goddess Niná…”


        “En-anna-tumma, the patesi Of Shirpurla-ki,

        the chosen of the heart of the goddess Ninâ,

        the great patesi of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

       the son of Entena the patesi of Shirpurla-ki…”


        “By harvesting, the men of Umma had eaten one storehouse-full

        of the grain of Nina [goddess of Oracles], the grain of Ningirsu;…”


        “Urlumma, ruler of Umma drained the boundary canal of Ningirsu,

        the boundary canal of Nina;…”


         “Ili, ruler of Umma, wickedly flooded the dyked and irrigated field;

        he commanded that the boundary canal of Ningirsu;

        the boundary canal of Nina be ruined….

        Enlil and Ninkhursag did not permit [this to happen].

        Entemena, ruler of Lagash, whose name was spoken by Ningirsu,

        restored their canal to its place according to the righteous word of Enlil,

        according to the righteous word of Nina,…”


        “Ur-Bau (mixed-breed), the patesi of Shirpurla-ki,

        the offspring begotten by the god Nin-âgal (Enki’s son),…

        chosen by the immutable will of the goddess Niná,…”


Ninazu = son of Ereshkigal sometimes, & sometimes son of Enlil & Ninlil, married to Ninsutu / Ningiriudu

As Ereshkigal’s son:

        “To Ereckigala (Ereshkigal), the mother of Ninazu,…

        “Praise be to Enki.

        Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda), son of Ninazu!…”


As Enlil’s son:

        “made love with her, kissed her; and at his lovemaking, at his first kiss,

         he poured into the womb for her the sperm, germ of Ninazu,

         owner of the temple manor Egida!…”


        “Ninazu dines on your platform.

        Your sovereign, the great lord, the son of Enlil,…

        The true seed born of the Great Mountain and Ninlil,

        your sovereign, the warrior Ninazu, has erected a house in your precinct,

        O E-sikil, O Ešnunna, and taken his seat upon your dais.

        the house of Ninazu in Ešnunna…”


        “Ninazu of the words of prayer, has erected a house in your precinct,

        O house Enegir, and taken his seat upon your dais.

        the house of Ninazu in Enegir…”


        (Culgi speaks:)

        “‘Seed placed by the prince in the holy womb, born on the bright mountain,

        Ninazu, who like a wild bull which lows in its drinking,’

         8 lines missing or unclear

        (Ninazu speaks:)

        ‘…… like syrup …… ghee …….

        You, the hero, coming from the rebel land …….

        O king, the lord of prayers and supplications has chosen you in his heart;

        shepherd Culgi, the lord of prayers and supplications has chosen you in his heart.

        Who can rival (?) a king to whom Enlil has given strength?’..”


        “Then Ninazu ……, and said to his brother Ninmada:

        ‘Let us go to the mountain, to the mountain where barley and flax grow;

        …… the rolling river, where the water wells up from the earth.

        Let us fetch the barley down from its mountain,

        let us introduce the innuha barley into Sumer.

        Let us make barley known in Sumer, which knows no barley.’

        Ninmada, the worshiper of An (Anu), replied to him:

        ‘Since our father has not given the command,

        since Enlil has not given the command, how can we go there to the mountain?’…”


Cultivated cereals by Ninmada in Sumer, they genetically altered grains from Nibiru (hemp, wheat, barley), mountain strains to valley strains, etc.

        “Ninazu deposited his weapon in a corner in the E-gida…”


        “Lay with me, lady Air (Ninlil), and share a night of passion by the cataract.

        I need your care to guide me through this lonely night”.


        ‘Will you carry me afterwords, as you did… to Enlil?”


        “Yes”. “This seed of yours, I’ll call him Ninazu,

        the Water-Knower, Lord of the Depths that Heal.

        His will be the knowledge to wound too,

        because healing and wounding are two sides of the same coin…”


        “Let Ninsutu marry Ninazu;…”


        “Ningiriudu shall marry Ninazu,…”


Ninbarag = assistant to Ninhursag

        “Let Ninmah (Ninhursag) act as your assistant;

        and let Ninimma, Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug, ……

        and Ninguna stand by as you give birth…”


Nincubar / Ninshubur / Ninsubur = Inanna’s minister

        “Holy Inanna addressed her minister Nincubur:

        ‘Come, my good minister of E- ana!

        My fair-spoken minister! My envoy of reliable words!

        Water has never touched your hand, water has never touched your feet!’

        So Inanna got hold again of the divine powers

        which had been presented to her, and the Boat of Heaven;…”


        “May Ninšubur, …… whom Nanna (Nannar / Sin) declared (?),……

        good fortune on your head, and declare life for you…”


        “Her minister Nincubur spoke to holy Inanna:

        ‘My lady, today you have brought the Boat of Heaven

        to the Gate of Joy, to Unug Kulaba.

        Now there will be rejoicing in our city,

        now there will be rejoicing in our city.

        …… barges on our river’ …….”


         “the true minister of E-ana (Anu’s temple in Uruk)

         who holds a holy scepter in her hand.

         Ninšubur, the true minister of E-ana, has erected a house in your precinct,

         O E-akkil (House of lamentation), and taken her seat upon your dais.

         8 lines: the house of Ninšubur in Akkil…”


        “Inanna had not returned.

        Ninshubur set up a lament for her everywhere

        Ninshubur, the faithful servant, dressed as a beggar in mourning

        Set out for the temple of the Great Gods

        To seek out help for Inanna.

        Ninshubur (talking to Enki):

        ‘Father Enki, God of Wisdom, help our Morning and Evening Star

        Or the world will never be the same as it was’…”


        “Ninšubur, the good minister of E-ana,

        clasps him by his right hand and brings him in bliss to Inana’s embrace:…”


        “Inanna spoke to her faithful servant Ninshubur:

        ‘Ninshubur, my support and counselor’,…”


        “Inanna traveled towards the underworld.

        Her minister Nincubur traveled behind her.

        Holy Inanna said to Nincubur:

        ‘Come my faithful minister of E-ana’,…”


        “’I, like my mother, I, Kaka, will ride high in joy like my mother!

         I, Nincubur I, Kaka, will ride high in joy like my mother.’…”


Nindara = Nanshe’s husband, Enki & Ninhursag’s son-in-law, older brother to Hendursaga

        “Nindara, the king of Lagaš (Lagash).

        Also with her help, monthly and at the New Year on the days of regular offerings,

        in your house Nindara makes the wedding-gifts on your behalf for the mistress,

        Mother Nanše…”


        “may the god Nin-dara (Nanshe’s husband) the royal warrior,…”


        “Let Nazi marry Nindara;…”


        “Nazi shall marry Nindara,…”


        “You are the accountant of Nindara (Nanshe’s spouse),

        king of Niĝin in its spacious location…”


       “My husband is the tax collector of the sea,

        Nindara is the tax collector of the sea.

         2 lines unclear

        A balbale of Nanše….”


        “For the god Nin-dara, the lord of destinies (?), his temple he has constructed….”

        “Gudea…dowered with power by the god Nin-dara…”


Nindimgul = Bau / Gula / Nininsina / Nungal’s chief prosecutor

        “When someone has been brought into the palace of the king

        and this man is accused of a capital offense,

        my chief prosecutor, Nindimgul, stretches out his arm in accusation (?).

        He sentences that person to death, but he will not be killed;

        he snatches the man from the jaws of destruction

        and brings him into my house of life and keeps him under guard…”


Nin-dub = Ninurta’s architect plus, chief purification priest of Eridu

        “The second one, who was a warrior and whose arm was bent,

        holding a lapis lazuli tablet in his hand, was Nin-dub,

        putting the plan of the house on the tablet…”


        “On the day when the true god was to arrive,

        Gudea was busy with the evening meal from early morning.

        Asari cared for the maintenance of the house.

        Nin-mada took care of its cleaning.

        King Enki gave oracular pronouncements concerning it.

        Nin-dub, the chief purification priest of Eridu,

        filled it with the smoke of incense…”


        “Nin-dub caused the sanctuary to be full of clatter and noise (?)

        and with fresh bread and hind´s milk available day and night,

        he woke from sleep the noble one,

        the beloved son of Enlil, the warrior Nin-jirsu…”


Ninehama = Marduk’s spouse

        “On that day, the storm forced people to live in darkness.

        In order to destroy Kuara, it forced people to live in darkness.

        Ninehama in her fear wept bitter tears.

        ‘Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly.

         Asarluhi (Marduk) put his robes on with haste and ……. …”


Ningikuga = daughter of Anu & Nammu, Ningal’s mother, a lover of Enki’s, goddess of reeds and marshes

        “your own mother Ningikuga.

        Ningal, I shall go with you to your house…”


        “Young Ningal lived out in the marshlands

        close to the ancient settlement of Eridu,

        the beloved daughter of Ningikuga, the Goddess of Reeds,

        and Enki, the God of Magic, Crafts and Wisdom…”


        “Mother Ningikuga would nod, but not say a word.

        She, the wise Goddess of Reeds, Sovereign of the Marshlands,

        Enki’s dear friend, and the diligent Weaver

        who had brought to humankind the art of binding reeds for the first ruts

        and temples of the land, knew what the maiden’s natural shyness could not,

        would not yet reveal:

        Ningal had fallen in love with Nanna.

        Thus Ningikuga watched over Ningal,…”


        “Ningikuga knew Ningal would soon come to her power.

        Then she would know whom to choose,

        she would announce her choice in a love song.

        Would he be Nanna though?…”


        “Mother Ningikuga’s eyes followed her through the grooming rites.

        Ningikuga did raise an eyebrow and opened her mouth

        to utter a couple of questions but did not say a word in the end…”


        (Ningal addresses Nanna:)

        “……, my beloved, if only I could come to you without my mother to ……!

        If only I could come to you without Ningikuga (?)…”


        “If it were not for my mother Ningal,

        he would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert!

        If it were not for Ningikuga,

        he would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert!

        If it were not for Father Suen (Nannar / Sin),

        he would be chasing me along the dark (?) paths of the desert..”


Ningirida / Ningiriudu / Nintusu = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu, Ninazu‘s spouse, Ningishzidda’s mother, Ereshkigal’s daughter-in-law

As Ningirida:

         “Ninjiczida, who brings together giant snakes and dragons!

        Great wild bull who, in the murderous battle, is a flood that ……!

        Beloved by his mother, he to whom Ningirida gave birth

        from her luxurious body, who drank the good milk at her holy breast,

        who sucked in lion’s spittle, who grew up in the abzu!…”


        “She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house,

        what should not come out of the house —

         Ningirida (Ninazu’s spouse) brought out of the house

        what should not come out of the house:

        ‘Welcome, welcome, welcome o boat!

        O boat of Suen, welcome, welcome o boat!’

        She laid out flour before the barge and spread bran.

        At her feet stood a covered bronze gakkul vat.

        (1 ms. adds 1 line: With her fingers she pulled out the boxwood bung (?)

        for him (declaring):) ‘I shall rub precious oil on this peg.

        May ghee, syrup and wine be abundant in your midst,

        may the suhur carp and the ectub carp rejoice at the prow of your boat!’

        But the boat did not give her its cargo: …”


        “Lady Ningirida, say to you:

        ‘Your house, your city!’ as she steps before you in prayer,

        god of the Land, my lord Ninazu!…”


        “Praise be to Enki.

         Ninjiczida, son of Ninazu!…”


Ningirida As Ningiriudu:

        “’My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

        ‘My nose (giri) hurts me.’

        She gave birth to Ningiriudu out of it…”


        “Ningiriudu shall marry Ninazu,…”


Ningirida As Ninsutu:

        “Let Ninsutu marry Ninazu;…”


        “Where else do you hurt, dearest?’ ‘ My tooth hurts me.’ ‘

         To the goddess Ninsutu I have given birth for you to set your tooth free…”


Ningirim = unidentified?, (Enki’s & NInhursag’s daughter?)

        “Ningirim, the lady of the shining lustration water,

         has erected a house in your precinct, O house Murum,

         and taken her seat upon your dais. the house of Ningirim in Murum…”


“they saw the body of the man arise, the MA-god of the man had come out,

spoke the incantation of Ningirim.”


Ninguna / Ninunuga = one of Ninhursag’s assistants?

        “Let Ninmah (Ninhursag) act as your assistant;

        and let Ninimma, Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug, ……

        and Ninguna stand by as you give birth…”


        “She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house,

        what should not come out of the house —

        Ninunuga brought out of the house

        what should not come out of the house:…”


Ninharana = Bau / Nungal’s barber?, chambermaid?

        “Ninharana brings the news and puts it before me.

        My chief barber (mis-translation) sets up the bed for me

        in the house imbued with awesomeness…”


Niniagar = Utu’s spouse?, daughter?, stewardess of Ur’s storehouses

        “Ningubalag (Utu) took an unfamiliar path away from the Ja-bur (Sipper).

        Niniagar wept bitter tears all alone.

        ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly.

        Its sacred Jipar of en-ship was defiled.

        Its en priest was snatched from the Jipar and carried off to enemy territory…”


       “The great stewardess Niniagar ran away from the storehouse….(of Ur)”


Ninildum / Ninilduma = Marduk’s carpenter, god of carpenters

        “Where is Ninildum, great carpenter of my supreme divinity,

        Wielder of the glittering hatchet, who knows that tool,

        Who makes it shine like the day and puts it in subjection at my feet?…”


        “May your timber be returned to its forest,

        may it be timber cursed by Ninilduma!…”


Ninimma = Enki’s daughter by Ninkurra

        “Ninkura in turn gave birth to Ninimma.

        She brought the child up and made her flourish…”


        “Ninimma in turn went out to the riverbank.

        Enki was towing his boat along and was able to see up there, …….

        He laid eyes on Ninimma on the riverbank and said to his minister Isimud:

        ‘Have I ever kissed one like this nice youngster?

        Have I ever made love to one like nice Ninimma?’

        His minister Isimud answered him:

        ‘My master will sail, let me navigate.

        He will sail, let me navigate.’

        First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

        He clasped her to the bosom, lying in her crotch,

        made love to the youngster and kissed her.

        Enki poured semen into Ninimma’s womb

        and she conceived the semen in the womb, the semen of Enki.

        To the woman its one month was but its one day,

        its two months were but its two days, its three months were but its three days,

        its four months were but its four days, its five months were but its five days,

        its six months were but its six days, its seven months were but its seven days,

        its eight months were but its eight days, and at its nine days,

        in the month of womanhood, like juniper oil, like juniper oil,

        like oil of abundance, Ninimma, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

        gave birth to Uttu, the exalted (?) woman…”


        “Let Ninmah (Ninhursag) act as your assistant;

        and let Ninimma, Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug, ……

        and Ninguna stand by as you give birth…”


Ninirigal = unknown?, she lived in Uruk

        “The good lady Ninirigal, mother of Kulaba (in Uruk’s E-anna temple),

        …… prayer and supplication ……,

        …… lady with an august name …….

        …… long life…”


Ninjirida / Ningirida / Ningiriudu / Ninsutu = Enki & Ninhursag‘s daughter via Uttu, Ninazu’s spouse, Ningishzidda’s mother sometimes

        “Ninjiczida (Ningishzidda), who brings together giant snakes and dragons!

        Great wild bull who, in the murderous battle, is a flood that ……!

        Beloved by his mother,

        he to whom Ningirida gave birth from her luxurious body,

        who drank the good milk at her holy breast,

        who sucked in lion’s spittle, who grew up in the abzu!…”


        “Praise be to Enki. Ninjiczida, son of Ninazu!…”


        “Lady Ningirida, say to you: ‘Your house, your city!’

        as she steps before you in prayer, god of the Land, my lord Ninazu!…”


        “Enegir lay ahead of the offerings, Urim lay behind them.

        She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house,

        what should not come out of the house —

        Ningirida (Ninazu’s spouse) brought out of the house

        what should not come out of the house:

        ‘Welcome, welcome, welcome o boat!

        O boat of Suen, welcome, welcome o boat!’

        She laid out flour before the barge and spread bran.

        At her feet stood a covered bronze gakkul vat. (1 ms. adds 1 line:

        With her fingers she pulled out the boxwood bung (?) for him (declaring):)

        ‘I shall rub precious oil on this peg.

        May ghee, syrup and wine be abundant in your midst,

        may the suhur carp and the ectub carp rejoice at the prow of your boat!’

        But the boat did not give her its cargo: ‘I am going to Nibru!’…”


        “’Where else do you hurt, dearest (Enki)?’

        ‘My tooth hurts me.’

        ‘To the goddess Ninsutu

         I (Ninhursag) have given birth for you to set your tooth free’…”


        “Let Ninsutu marry Ninazu;…”


        “Ningiriudu shall marry Ninazu,…”


        (Ninhursag) “‘My brother, what part of you hurts you?’

        (Enki) ‘My nose (giri) hurts me.’

        She gave birth to Ningiriudu out of it…”


Ninkarnunna = Ninurta’s son, attendant of Ninurta

        “the most bright-faced of warriors,

        Ninkarnuna, having heard the favorable pronouncement of Ninurta,

        stepped before lord Ninurta and prayed to him:…”


        “The content of that prayer of the offspring of a prince,

        Ninkarnuna, his sprinkling Ninurta’s heart with an offering of cool water,

        and the matter of prosperity about which he spoke were pleasing to Ninurta’s heart

        as he went in procession to E-cumecato manifest the eternal divine powers.

        Lord Ninurta gazed approvingly at Ninkarnuna…”


Ninkasi / Ninkashi / Ninguenaka = sometimes Enki’s & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu; sometimes Enki & Ninti’s daughter; beer maker for the gods

        “’Where do you still feel much pain, dearest? What hurts you?’

        ‘My mouth hurts me.’ Ninhursag kissed Enki in the mouth.

        ‘To the goddess Ninkasi I have given birth for you to set your mouth free’…”


        ‘”My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

        ‘My mouth (ka) hurts me.’

         She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Ninkasi out of it…”


        “Your father is Enki, the lord Nudimmud,

        and your mother is Ninti (Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter), the queen of the abzu.

        Ninkasi, your father is Enki, the lord Nudimmud,

         and your mother is Ninti, the queen of the abzu…”


        “An (Anu) will fetch Ninguenaka (Ninkasi) for me from her mountain home —

        the expert woman, who redounds to her mother’s credit,

        Ninkasi the expert, who redounds to her mother’s credit:

        her fermenting-vat is of green lapis lazuli,

        her beer cask is of refined silver and of gold;

        if she stands by the beer, there is joy, if she sits by the beer, there is gladness;

        as cupbearer she mixes the beer, never wearying as she walks back and forth,

        Ninkasi, the keg at her side, on her hips;

        may she make my beer-serving perfect…”


        “Ninkasi shall be what satisfies the heart,…”


        “Let Ninkashi be she who sates the thirsts;…”


        “When the beer dough has been carefully prepared in the oven,

        and the mash tended in the oven,

        Ninkasi (the goddess of beer) mixes them for me…”


        “Ninkasi, it is you who pour out the filtered beer of the collector vat;

        it is like the onrush of the Tigris and the Euphrates…”


        “I am Ninkasi’s help, for her I sweeten the beer, with as much cold water,

        the tribute of the hills, as you brought…”


Ninki / Damkina As Damgalnuna = sometimes Enki’s spouse Ninki, & sometimes Ninhursag

Damgalnuna speaks:

         ‘My beloved, who has ever seen such a destruction as that of your city Eridug (Eridu)!’…”


         “The mother of E-mah, holy Damgalnuna, left her city… In Eridug everything was reduced to ruin…”


        “Enki took an unfamiliar path away from Eridug.

        Damgalnuna, the mother of the E-mah, wept bitter tears.

        ‘Alas the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly.

        Its sacred Jipar of en-ship was defiled.

        Its en priest was snatched from the Jipar and carried off to enemy territory…”


        “Your husband, the great lord Nudimmud (Enki)…”


        “Eridu’s lady, holy Damgalnuna…”


        “Enki, lord, firstborn son of An ……,

        Nudimmud (Enki), great bull of the Abzu ……,

        may you …… with your consort, holy Damgalnuna…”


Ninkurra = Enki’s daughter by Ninsar, who is Enki’s daughter by Ninhursag, Uttu & Ninimma’s mother

        “Ninsar gave birth to Ninkurra, another girl-child,

        the future goddess of Mountain Pastures.

        As before, Enki rejoiced at Ninkurra’s loveliness,

        at her cheerful smile and sweet face.

        Again, Enki saw in Ninkurra twice the mark of his beloved Ninhursag…”


        “Ninkurra, who, like herself, grew in record time.

        Lovely, resourceful Ninkurra demonstrated enormous energy

        by climbing the highest heights, up to the mountain tops,

        but also keeping her essence tied to the ground.

        This way Ninkurra, the Goddess of Mountain Pastures

        grew safe from all hatred or harm.

        Another nine days passed by, and as Ninkurra played at a mountain top,

        curiosity led her to explore a well that surfaced out of the blue to water the greens

        and wild flower beds she had just made grow.

        To her sheer surprise and delight, the well took the shape of a handsome god,

        who introduced himself to her as Enki the Sweet Waters Lord.

        Again, Enki looked at Ninkurra’s young and cheerful face,

        and desired to dive into the maiden’s embrace,

        for she reminded him twice of Ninhursag,…”


        “Ninkurra, who had lived a life so sheltered at the mountain heights,

        was fully bewitched by the easy charm of the older, more experienced god.

        Thus she joyously yielded to him and love they made for nine days and nine nights.

        But Enki soon realized that as lovely as Ninkurra was,

        she could not be compared to Ninhursag.

        As before, the Sweet Waters Lord left Ninsar after nine days,

        when Ninkurra gave birth to another lovely girl-child called Uttu,

        the Spider, the Weaver of Patterns and Life Desires…”


        “Ninhursag…frowned at the sadness reflected in Ninsar’s and Ninkurra’s eyes,

        and frowned at Enki’s unbridled lust…”


         “In turn Ninkura went out to the riverbank.

        Enki was able to see up there from in the marsh, he was able to see up there, he was.

        He said to his minister Isimud:

        ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed? Is this nice Ninkura not to kissed?’

        His minister Isimud answered him:

        ‘Kiss this nice youngster. Kiss this nice Ninkura.

        My master will sail, let me navigate.

        He will sail, let me navigate.’

        First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

        He clasped her to the bosom, kissed her,

        Enki poured semen into the womb and she conceived the semen in the womb,

        the semen of Enki.

        But her one month was one day, but her nine months were nine days.

        In the month of womanhood, like juniper oil, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

        Ninkura, like juniper oil, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

        gave birth to Uttu, the exalted (?) woman…”


        “Ninkura in turn gave birth to Ninimma.

        She brought the child up and made her flourish…”


Ninmada = son of Enlil’s, as is Ninazu in some texts; son of Ereshkigal’s, as is Ninazu in some texts

        “Then Ninazu (son of Enlil sometimes, son of Ereshkigal sometimes)……,

        and said to his brother Ninmada:…

        ‘Let us fetch the barley down from its mountain,

        let us introduce the innuha barley into Sumer.

        Let us make barley known in Sumer, which knows no barley’….”


        “Ninmada, the worshipper of An (Anu), replied to him:

        ‘Since our father has not given the command,

        since Enlil has not given the command,

        how can we go there to the mountain?

        How can we bring down the barley from its mountain?’…”


        “Let Ninmah (Ninhursag) act as your assistant;

        and let Ninimma, Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug, ……

        and Ninguna stand by as you give birth…”


Ninmarki = Enki & Nina’s daughter (Nina is a daughter to Enki),

        “may the goddess Nin-marki the eldest daughter of the goddess Ninâ…”


        “Ur-Bau;…For the goddess Nin-mar-ki the good lady,

        the eldest daughter of the goddess Niná (Enki’s daughter),

        the Esh-gu-tur (?), the temple (residence) of her constant choice, he has constructed…”


        “Nance, the noble daughter, was settled outside the city.

        Fire approached Ninmarki in the shrine Gu-aba.

        Large boats were carrying off its silver and lapis lazuli.

        The lady, sacred Ninmarki, was despondent because of her perished goods.

        Then the day ……, burning like …….

        The province of Lagac (Lagash) was handed over to Elam…”


        “For the goddess Nin-mar-ki the good lady,

        the eldest daughter of the goddess Niná, the Esh-gu-tur (?),

         the temple of her constant choice, he (UrNanshe) has constructed…”


        “She of Gu-aba has abandoned it and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold.

        Ninmarki has abandoned the shrine Gu-aba

        and has let the breezes haunt her sheepfold…”


Ninmug = daughter to Anu, sister to Enki & Ninhursag, metal / wood worker of the gods

(Enki speaking):

        “My illustrious sister, holy Ninmug (Anu’s daughter),

        is to get the golden chisel and the silver burin.

        She is to carry off her big flint antasurablade.

        She is to be the metal-worker of the Land.

        The fitting of the good diadem when a king is born

        and the crowning with the crown when a lord is born are to be in her hands…”


        “Let Ninmah (Ninhursag) act as your assistant;

        and let Ninimma (Enki’s daughter), Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada (Enlil’s son), Ninbarag,

        Ninmug, …… and Ninguna stand by as you give birth…”


        “My (Enki) noble sister, the holy Ninmug,

        the golden chisel, the silver hammer, the large flint knife,

        her antasurra, has carried off, is now the metal/wood-worker of the land.

        Fastening the lasting diadem on the one born king,

        placing the crown on the head of the one born en, have been put in her hands…”


        “That sister of mine (Enki), the holy Ninmug,

        Has taken for herself the gold chisel (and) the silver hammer (?),

        Has become the met[alwor]ker (?) of the Land,…”


        “So that everywhere …… and holy places will be established,

        and so that Gibil the pure (i.e. fire) will be available before the E-kur

        (Enlil’s temple in Nippur),

        Lady Ninmug stands by at your behest….”


Ninmul = Ninlil, Enlil’s spouse

        “He (Gilgamesh) …… the audience-gifts for Enki, Ninki, Enmul, Ninmul,

        Endulkuga, Nindulkuga, Enindacurima, Nindacurima, Enmu-utula, Enmencara,

        the maternal and paternal ancestors of Enlil;

        for Cul-pa-ed, the lord of the table,

        for Sumugan and Ninhursaja (Ninhursag),

        for the Anuna (Anunnaki) gods of the Holy Mound,…”


        “the Enki and Ninki deities; Enmul and Ninmul…”


        “the Enki and Ninki deities; Enmul and Ninmul.”


         “A violent storm blew over Umma, brickwork in the midst of the highlands.

         Cara (Shara, Inanna’s son) took an unfamiliar path away from the E-mah,

         his beloved dwelling (residence).

         Ninmul cried bitter tears over her destroyed city.

         ‘Oh my city, whose charms can no longer satisfy me,’ she cried bitterly…”


Nina = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu, mother to Ninmarki

         “O Nina, Hea’s (Enki’s) daughter! Zi!…


        “may the goddess Ninâ the mistress of interpretations,…”


        “For the goddess Ninâ, the lady of destinies (?), the lady of oracles (?),

        for his lady, Gudea the patesi of Shirpurla

        has made the dedicatory inscriptions (?).

        In Ninâ-ki, her favorite city, her temple (residence) of E-ud-mâ-Ninâ-ki-tag

        which rises from the Kur-ê he has constructed…”


        “For the goddess Ninâ, the lady of destinies (?), the lady of oracles (?),

        for his mistress, Dungi (King Shulgi) the puissant prince, the king of Ur,

        the king of Shumer and Accad, the temple of E-shish-shish-e-ma-ra,

        her favorite temple, has constructed…”


        “he (Ur-Nanshe) has erected.

        The temple of the goddess Ninâ…”


        “may the goddess Nin-marki the eldest daughter of the goddess Ninâ...”


        “For the goddess Nin-mar-ki (Enki’s daughter), the good lady,

        the eldest daughter of the goddess Niná…”


        “En-anna-tumma, the patesi (high-priest) Of Shirpurla-ki,

        the chosen of the heart of the goddess Ninâ,

        the great patesi of the god Nin-girsu (Ninurta),

        the son of Entena the patesi of Shirpurla-ki…”


        “By harvesting, the men of Umma had eaten one storehouse-full

        of the grain of Nina [goddess of Oracles], the grain of Ningirsu;…”


        “Urlumma, ruler of Umma drained the boundary canal of Ningirsu,

        the boundary canal of Nina;…”


        “Ili, ruler of Umma, wickedly flooded the dyked and irrigated field;

        he commanded that the boundary canal of Ningirsu;

        the boundary canal of Nina be ruined….

        Enlil and Ninkhursag did not permit [this to happen].

        Entemena, ruler of Lagash, whose name was spoken by Ningirsu,

        restored their canal to its place according to the righteous word of Enlil,

        according to the righteous word of Nina,…”


        “Ur-Bau (giant mixed-breed), the patesi (high-priest) of Shirpurla-ki,

        the offspring (go-between) begotten by the god Nin-âgal (Enki’s son),…

        chosen by the immutable will of the goddess Niná,…”


Ninnigbunara / Ningargargar / Ninbisukale = priests, guards at the door, female welcoming party

        “So that the bolts of holy houses will be opened,

        {Ninniĝbunara} {(1 ms. has instead:) Ninĝarĝarĝar (?)} stands by at your behest.

        So that there will be joy in Umma, Ninbi-šu-kale stands by at your behest…”


Ninsar = Ninhursag & Enki’s daughter, Ninkurra’s mother

        “Nine days later, without the slightest labor or pain,

        the Great Mother Goddess gave birth to a lovely girl

        without the slightest travail or pain.

        The girl was called Ninsar, Lady Verdure,

        the Mistress of Vegetation, the green carpet of grass, leaves

        and flower beds that cover the surface of the earth…”


        “Enki was overjoyed with the birth of his and Ninhursag’s child (Ninsar):…”


        “’How perfect, how lovely is our Ninsar!

        I love already the woman in the girl-child,

        the young Anunnaki goddess and Mistress of Velvet Meadows and Green Fields.

        The ties that bind me to Ninsar are strong’ and tempered by an even greater love,

        for in her face I see also Ninhursag’s, the one and only to my wandering heart.’

        The Great Lady, holding Ninsar in her arms, kissed Enki in the mouth, and said:

        ‘Soon my time to leave Dilmun will come,

        ‘I endow Ninsar with the power to grow in record time,

        and in holy Dilmun I’ll leave my youngster daughter

        safe and sound from any illness, hatred or harm.’ …

        nine days later Ninsar was fully grown,

        charming and graceful, a sight to behold.

        …Enki saw Ninsar walking on her own along the marshlands.

        Indeed, a lovely goddess she had become, and Enki’s eyes fell on the Maiden’s,…”


        “Enki did not lose time and immediately started wooing the young lady,

        encouraging her to love him wildly by the riverside.

        Curious and eager as Ninsar was to experience the power of love in her body,

        mind, soul, and heart,

        she, the young goddess of Green Fields and Luscious Meadows,

        yielded to the Sweet Waters Lord, and together they made wild love.

        But when morning came, Enki looked into Ninsar’s eyes and found her a loving,

        but pale portrait of Ninhursag…”


        “Enki stayed with Ninsar for a while,

        because he knew his seed could be her womb.

        So he stayed with her until the ninth day, when Ninsar gave birth to Ninkurra,

        another girl-child, the future goddess of Mountain Pastures…”


        “Sadly, Ninsar realized that although she had been

        passionately loved by Enki for a time,

        there was a longing in his eyes, his body, soul and mind she could not satisfy.

        ‘Bonded to him I for a time was,’ thought Ninsar,

        ‘but he does not want me for myself, this I can tell.

        Mine is not the mind, body, soul and heart

        that holds his for a minute that means eternity,

        so I’ll let him go, now and forever’…”


        “In turn Ninsar went out to the riverbank.

        Enki was able to see up there from in the marsh,

        he was able to see up there, he was.

        He said to his minister Isimud:

        ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed? Is this nice Ninsar not to be kissed?’

        His minister Isimud answered him:

        ‘Is this nice youngster not to be kissed? Is this nice Ninsar not to be kissed?’…”


        “First he put his feet in the boat, next he put them on dry land.

        He clasped her to the bosom, kissed her,

        Enki poured semen into the womb

        and she conceived the semen in the womb, the semen of Enki.

        But her one month was one day, but her two months were two days,

        but her nine months were nine days.

        In the month of womanhood, like juniper oil, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

        Ninsar, like juniper oil, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance, gave birth to Ninkura…”


Ninshubur / Ninsubur / Nincubur = Inanna’s counselor, companion, minister of E-ana

As Ninsubur:

        “the true minister of E-ana (Anu’s temple in Uruk)

        who holds a holy scepter in her hand,

        the true minister of E-ana, has erected a house in your precinct,

        O E-akkil (House of lamentation), and taken her seat upon your dais.

        8 lines: the house of Ninšubur in Akkil…”


        “May Ninšubur, …… whom Nanna (Nannar / Sin) declared (?),

        …… good fortune on your head, and declare life for you…”


As Ninshubur:

        “Inanna had not returned.

        Ninshubur set up a lament for her everywhere

        Ninshubur, the faithful servant, dressed as a beggar in mourning

        Set out for the temple of the Great Gods

        To seek out help for Inanna.

        Ninshubur (talking to Enki):

        ‘Father Enki, God of Wisdom, help our Morning and Evening Star (Venus / Inanna)

        Or the world will never be the same as it was’…”



        ‘Ninshubur, once you were Queen of the East,

        Now you are the faithful servant of the holy shrine of Uruk

        My counselor, who gives me sound advice,

        My warrior who fights by my side,

        Save the Boat of Heaven (Sky Chariot) with the sacred measures!…’


        ‘My Lady, I stand here to serve you!

        Together we will protect the Measures

        Together we will take them to Uruk

        (She traces a sigil in the air and utters an earth-shattering cry)

        Look, my Lady! The wild haired monsters are sent hurling back to Eridu!’…”


        “Inanna spoke to her faithful servant Ninshubur:


        ‘Ninshubur, my support and counselor,’…”


As Nincubur:

        “Holy Inanna addressed her minister Nincubur:

        ‘Come, my good minister of E- ana!

        My fair-spoken minister!

        My envoy of reliable words!

        Water has never touched your hand, water has never touched your feet!’…”


        “Her minister Nincubur spoke to holy Inanna:

        ‘My lady, today you have brought the Boat of Heaven (alien technologies)

        to the Gate of Joy, to Unug Kulaba.

        Now there will be rejoicing in our city, now there will be rejoicing in our city.

        …… barges on our river …….’…”


        “Inanna traveled towards the underworld.

        Her minister Nincubur traveled behind her.

        Holy Inanna said to Nincubur:

        ‘Come my faithful minister of E-ana,’…”


        “I , like my mother, I, Kaka, will ride high in joy like my mother!

         I, Nincubur I, Kaka, will ride high in joy like my mother….”


Ninsikila = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu, patron goddess of the paradise land of Dilmun

        “My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?”

        “The locks of my hair (siki) hurt me.”

         She gave birth to Ninsikila out of it…”


        “He laid her down all alone in Dilmun,

        and the place where Enki had lain down with Ninsikila,

        that place was virginal, that place was pristine…”


        “Ninsikila said to her father Enki:

        ‘You have given a city. You have given a city.

        What does your giving avail me? You have given a city, Dilmun’…”


        “(Enki answered Ninsikila:)

        ‘When Utu steps up into heaven,

        fresh waters shall run out of the ground for you

        from the standing vessels (?) on Ezen’s (?) shore,

        from Nanna’s (Nannar’s) radiant high temple,

        from the mouth of the waters running underground’…”


        “from Nanna’s (Nannar’s) radiant high temple,

        from the mouth of the waters running underground,

        fresh waters ran out of the ground for her.

        The waters rose up from it into her great basins.

        Her city drank water aplenty from them.

        Dilmun drank water aplenty from them…”


        “Ninsikila shall become lord of Magan,…”


        “He cleansed, purified the [land Di]lmun,

        Placed Ninsikilla in charge of it,…”


        “He cleanses and purified the kur-Dilmun, set Ninsikilla in charge of it…”


        “Nin-sikil was also instructed and she made large halub logs, ebony,

        and aba wood reach the ruler building the E-ninnu…”


Ninsutu = Ningirida, Enki & Ninhursag’s child

        “Where else do you hurt, dearest?’ ‘ My tooth hurts me.’ ‘

        To the goddess Ninsutu (Ningiriudu?)

        I have given birth for you to set your tooth free…”


Ninti = Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter via Uttu, “Lady Life”

         “Your father is Enki, the lord Nudimmud,

        and your mother is Ninti, the queen of the abzu.

        Ninkasi, your father is Enki, the lord Nudimmud,

        and your mother is Ninti, the queen of the abzu…”


        “’What hurts you most, dearest (Enki)?’

        ‘My rib hurts me.’

        ‘To the goddess Nin-ti, the Lady of the Rib and the One who makes Live,

        I (Ninhursag) have given birth for you to set your rib free.’…”


       ‘”My brother (Enki), what part of you hurts you?’

        ‘My ribs (ti) hurt me.’

        She (Ninhursag) gave birth to Ninti out of it…

        Ninti shall become the lady of the month,…”


Ninti,Lady of the Rib”, shared her emotions with the other Anunnaki on board her ship. They watched as all living things left upon the Earth were drowned.

       “The Anunnaki, great gods, were sitting in thirst, in hunger…

        Ninti wept and spent her emotion; she wept and eased her feelings.

        The gods wept with her for the land.

        She was overcome with grief; she thirsted for beer.

        Where she sat, the gods sat weeping; crouching like sheep at a trough.

        Their lips were feverish of thirst, they were suffering cramp from hunger…”


        “The Goddess saw and she wept…her lips were covered with feverishness….”


        ”My creatures have become like flies – they filled the rivers like dragonflies,

        their fatherhood was taken by the rolling sea…”


Nintu-kalama = architect?

        “The shepherd (Gudae) was going to build the (Ninurta’s) house with silver,

        so he sat together with silversmiths.

        He was going to build the E-ninnu with precious stone, so he sat with jewelers.

        He was going to build it with copper and tin,

        so Nintu-kalama directed before him the chief of the smiths…”


Nintulla / Nintul = son of Enki’s & Ninhursag’s via Uttu

        “The Great Lady (Ninhursag) continued her mighty healing ritual,

        as king Enki for the names of the organs that had been affected.:

        ‘Dearest, what hurts you?’

        ‘My jaw hurts me.’

        ‘To the god Nintulla I have given birth for you to set your jaw free’…”


Ninunuga = mistress of Shuruppak?

       “Curuppag (Shuruppak) lay ahead of the offerings, Unug lay behind them.

        She brought out of the house what should not come out of the house,

        what should not come out of the house —

        Ninunuga brought out of the house what should not come out of the house:

       ‘Welcome, welcome, welcome o boat!

        O boat of Suen welcome, welcome o boat!’

        She laid out flour before the barge and spread bran.

        At her feet stood a covered bronze gakkul vat.

        (1 ms. adds 1 line: With her fingers she pulled out the boxwood bung (?)

        for him (declaring):) ‘I shall rub precious oil on this peg.

        May ghee, syrup and wine be abundant in your midst,

        may the suhur carp and the ectub carp rejoice at the prow of your boat!’

        But the boat did not give her its cargo: …”


Ninzaga = coppersmith

        “Nin-zaga was commanded and he made his copper,

        as much as if it were a huge grain transport, reach Gudea,

        the man in charge of building the house…”


Ninzuana = Bau?, daughter of Ninurta & Bau?

        “Lugal-Marda (Ninurta?, Ninurta’s son?) stepped outside his city.

        Ninzuana took an unfamiliar path away from her beloved dwelling.

        ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly.

        Isin, the shrine that was not a quay, was split by onrushing waters.

        Ninisina (Bau), the mother of the Land, wept bitter tears.

        ‘Alas, the destroyed city, my destroyed house,’ she cried bitterly…”


Nisaba / Nidaba / Nanibgal / Ninbarshegunu / Nunbarcegunu = Uras’s daughter, Ninlil’s mother, Enlil’s mother-in-law, goddess of scribes, goddess of grain and reeds

As Nisaba:

        “Nisaba (Enlil’s mother-in-law), great wild cow born by Uraš (Nammu), …

        Nisaba, born by Uraš…”


        “Nisaba, lady Nanibgal, the matriarch, the mother-in-law of Enlil,

        the lady …… who creates (?) life ……, the book-keeper ……,

        the wise one, the holy woman ……,

        …… the oracle, has placed his (?) name on the tablet of life…”


        (Enki speaking):

        “My illustrious sister, holy Nisaba (Enlil’s mother-in-law),

        is to get the measuring-reed.

        The lapis-lazuli measuring tape is to hang over her arm.

        She is to proclaim all the great powers.

        She is to demarcate boundaries and mark borders.

        She is to be the scribe of the Land.

        The planning of the gods’ meals is to be in her hands…”


        “Haia, I will declare your greatness perpetually!

        Who among the gods is fitted like you for the holy divine powers?

        Your beloved spouse is the maiden Nisaba, the great queen of queens.

        Ninlil (Enlil’s spouse), who was born of her holy womb,…”


        “(Enlil speaks:)

        ‘May my beautiful wife, who was born by holy Nisaba,’…”


        “My butter will be eaten by Nisaba (Ninlil’s mother),

        my milk will be drunk by Nisaba.

        My cheese, skillfully produced bright crown,

        was made fitting for the great dining hall, the dining hall of Nisaba.

        Until my butter is delivered from the holy animal pen,

        until my milk is delivered from the holy byre, the steadfast wild cow Nisaba,

        the first-born of Enlil (Ninurta), will not impose any levy on the people.”


        “Nisaba, the woman radiant with joy, the true woman, the scribe,

        the lady who knows everything, guides your fingers on the clay:

        she makes them put beautiful wedges on the tablets

        and adorns them with a golden stylus.

        Nisaba generously bestowed upon you the measuring rod,

        the surveyor’s gleaming line, the yardstick, and the tablets which confer wisdom…”


        “He called for Nuska. ‘What is your wish?’

        He gave the following instructions to him:

        ‘I want you to go back to Erec (Uruk), the city of Nisaba,’…”


        “Nuska, the head of the assembly, had received Enlil’s instructions,

        he wasted no time ……; he directed his steps to Erec.

        He entered E-zagin, the residence of Nanibgal

        and prostrated himself before Nanibgal on her dais.

        …… of Enlil ……,”


        “It is destroyed. …… of Nisaba is destroyed.

        The house of Nisaba, her of the tablets, is destroyed.

        The house of …… is destroyed.

        The house of Nunbarcegunu is destroyed …”


        “Nun-bar-ce-gunu faithfully gave birth to ……,

        she brought her up in her …… and suckled her at her breasts full of good milk.

        The …… of the young girl burgeoned, and she became full of flourishing beauty.

        In the …… of Nisaba, at the gate of the E-zagin, …… she stood,…”


        “Praise be to the lady who completed the great tablets,

        the maiden Nisaba, that Curuppag,

        the son of Ubara-Tutu gave his instructions!…”


         “Enlil spoke the praises of Keš.

         Nisaba was its decision-maker (?); with its words she wove it intricately like a net.

         Written on tablets it was held in her hands:

         House, platform of the Land, important fierce bull!

         House Keš, platform of the Land, important fierce bull!…

         Growing as high as the hills, embracing the heavens,…”


         “Is not Nisaba the Hoe’s inspector? Is not Nisaba its overseer?

        The scribe will register your work,…

        The Hoe having engaged in a dispute with the Plow,

        the Hoe triumphed over the Plow — praise be to Nisaba!”


        “and the maiden Nisaba was made responsible

        for keeping records of the decisions…”


        “as if he himself (Gudea) were Nisaba

        knowing the inmost secrets (?) of numbers,

        he started setting down (?) the ground plan of the house…”


        “In the house, Enki drove in the the foundation pegs,

        while Nance, the daughter of Eridu, took care of the oracular messages.

        The mother of Lagac, holy Jatumdug, gave birth to its bricks amid cries (?),

        and Bau (Ninurta’s spouse), the lady, first-born daughter of An (Anu),

        sprinkled them with oil and cedar essence.

        En and lagar priests were detailed to the house to provide maintenance for it.

        The Anuna (Anunnaki) gods stood there full of admiration…”


        “Nance (Enki & Ninhursag’s daughter)

        also inspects the servants during the appointments.

        Her chief scribe Nisaba places the precious tablets on her knees

        and takes a golden stylus in her hand.

        She arranges the servants in single file for Nance …”


        “That sister of mine, the holy Nidaba,

        Has taken for herself the measuring rod,

        Has fastened the lapis lazuli line (?) on her arm,

        Proclaims all the great me’s,

        Fixes the borders, marks off the boundaries – has become the scribe of the Land,

        In her hands you have placed the food of the gods…”


        “My noble sister, the holy Nidaba, got the measuring rod,

        and tied about her arm the lapis measuring line,

        proclaims all the great me, fixes the borders, marks off the boundaries,

        is now the scribe of the land.

        Feeding the gods has been put in her hand…”


As Nanibgal / Nisaba:

        “May fair Nanibgal, Nisaba, make no clay covering for his grain piles…”


        “Nanibgal, the mother-in-law of Enlil,

        the woman who had been slandered, was treated kindly by Nuska…”


        “beautiful Nanibgal, grown with a fair luxuriance,

        Nisaba, the lady of broad wisdom, opened for him her holy house of wisdom…”


        “The fair Nanibgal, Nisaba,

        provided me amply with knowledge and comprehension…”


        “Then Nanibgal went on speaking flatteringly to the minister:…”


        “I am called Ninlil, a Maiden of the Holy House of An, daughter of Haia,

        God of the Stores and of the Barley Goddess Numbarshegunu…”


As Numbarshegunu / Nisaba: Enlil’s mother-in-law, Haia’s spouse, Ninlil’s mother

        “Haia, linen-clad priest of E-unir, who stocks the holy animal-fattening pens;

        learned scholar of the shrine E-kic-nujal, whose august name is great,

        whose mind is discerning;

        who dwells in the great dining-hall alongside the maiden Ningal (Nannar’s spouse)!

        Fair of features, beloved spouse of Nun-bar-ce-gunu

        and augustly renowned father-in-law of father Enlil the Great Mountain;

        junior administrator, possessor of wisdom, acknowledged in heaven and earth,

        who receives the tribute for the gods,…”


        “Just Enlil was its young man just Ninlil

        was its young maiden just Ninbarshegunu, was its matron…”


        “In those days did the mother who gave her birth advise the girl,

         Ninbarshegunu advised Ninlil:…”


        “’I knew this day would come!’

        Numbarshegunu exclaimed overjoyed, hugging Ninlil affectionately.

        ‘May you be proud of your womanhood,’…”


        “’Mother, if Enlil is such a great lord, how will he notice me?’

        ‘Who wouldn’t notice you, dearest?’ countered Numbarshegunu softly.

        She gave to Ninlil the exquisite mirror which rested on her bedside table.

        ‘Look at yourself in the mirror, Ninlil, what do you see?…

        You are my daughter! What else did you expect me to say?

        So on your way, young lady,’…”


        “My name is Ninlil, a newcomer to your domains.

        I am the daughter of Haia, Lord of the Stores

        and Numbarshegunu, the Goddess of Barley…”


Nusku / Nuska = Enlil’s chancellor, spouse to Sandarnunna, Enlil & Ninlil’s daughter

As Nuska:

        “Nuska, the lord who stocks the E-kur (Enlil’s temple – residence in Nippur)…”


        “O minister, pour out liquor for your lord,

        O Nuska, pour out liquor for Enlil!

        Beer has now been poured out: let me give you this beer to drink.

        Liquor has now been poured out: let me give you this liquor to refresh yourself.

        O lord, eat and drink! May it be acceptable (?) to you!

        O Enlil, eat and drink! May it be acceptable (?) to you!

        No god excels like Enlil and Ninlil;

        they are powerful princes, lords who can decide destinies.

        In your midst they have given divine powers to Nuska as minister. …


        “Your prince, the prince who is the counselor of Enlil

        and worthy of Eš-ma, the udug demon of E-kur,

        the leader Nuska, has erected a house in your precinct,…”


        “He called for Nuska. ‘What is your wish?’

        He gave the following instructions to him:

        ‘I want you to go back to Erec (Uruk), the city of Nisaba‘, …”


        “Nuska, the head of the assembly, had received Enlil’s instructions,

        he wasted no time ……; he directed his steps to Erec.

        He entered E-zagin, the residence of Nanibgal (a name of Nisaba)

        and prostrated himself before Nanibgal on her dais.

        …… of Enlil ……,”


        “’Nuska is knowing and wise.

        …… to his presence and pour him beer.’

        ….. indeed, to give command with grandeur

        is now consummately and irrevocably yours.

        Moreover, you are indeed Nuska, the prince and the counselor of the E-kur!…”


        “The Anuna, the gods of the earth, as many as they are,

        will gather before you in the assembly-hall

        where the great verdicts are pronounced and the great commands are given.

        It is you who …… for them the forceful decisions made by Enlil…”


As Nusku:

        “Enlil opened his mouthand said to his vizier Nusku,

        ‘Nusku, lock your gate, take your weapon, stand before me.’

        Nusku locked his gate, took his weapon and stood before Enlil…”


        “The deities Papsukal, Nusku, and Shala

        Shall then be seated in the court of the god Anu….”


        “His great minister and commander Nusku

        learns his commands and his intentions from him, consults with him

        and then executes his far-reaching instructions on his behalf…”


        “In reply to Enlil’s call, a man slightly older came.

        Nusku, Enlil’s sukkal, his closest helper in the temple,

        best friend, adviser and counselor…”


        “Enlil said to his page, Nusku:

        ‘Nusku, my page!’ …”


Papsukal = son to Nannar, vizier of the great gods

        “Then Papsukkal, vizier of the great gods,

        hung his head, his face [became gloomy];

        He wore mourning clothes, his hair unkempt.

        Dejected(?), he went and wept before Sin his father,

        His tears flowed freely before kingEa.

        ‘Inanna has gone down to the Earth and has not come up again’…”


        “The deities Papsukal, Nusku, and Shala

        Shall then be seated in the court of the god Anu…”


        “Pap-sukal who changes not (his) command…”


        “The countenance of Papsukkal, the vizier of the great gods,

        Was fallen, his face was clouded

        He was clad in mourning, long hair he wore.

        Forth went Papsukkal before Ea (Enki), the king:…”


Pasag = unknown?, job boss, master workman

        “may the god Pasag the master workman of men,…”


Sabit = offspring of Enki & Damkina (boy?, girl?)

        “As Hea’s (Ea / Enki) face, and heaving breast divine!

        ‘O Sabit, to your father Hea take our prayer!

        And may Dao-ki-na (Damkina), your bright mother, hear!’…”


        “O hear us, Hea! hear us, dear Dao-ki-na!…”


Sadarnunna = Enul & Ninul’s (Enlil & Ninlil’s) daughter, Nusku’s spouse

        “just woman dwelling among the great divine powers

        is the lady unsurpassed in ladyship!

        Sadarnuna, the just woman of far-reaching and just counsel, is the beloved of An!

        The great authority (?), the majestic quay,

        made fitting for the Ec-mah by Enul (Enlil) and Ninul (Ninlil),…

        The beloved offspring of Anher spouse, the assembly leader Nuska, …….”


        “The beloved offspring of An (Anu) the king,

        as she is worthy of the Pada-nunus (?), …… the Ec-mah…”


        “I led Sin, Ningal, Nusku, and Sadarnunna -my lords-

        in procession from Babylon, my royal city,…”


Sarpanit / Sarpanitum = Marduk’s spouse

        “In the Gate of Conciliation, I appeared with Marduk,

        In the Gate of Joy I kissed the foot of Sarpanitum (Marduk’s spouse),

        I was assiduous in supplication and prayer before them,

        I placed fragrant incense before them,…”


       “Who but Marduk revived him as he was dying?

        Besides Sarpanitum, which goddess bestowed his breath of life?…”


        “Marduk can restore to life from the grave,

        Sarpanitum knows how to rescue from annihilation,…”


Shala / Shalla = daughter of Anu & Antu, Adad’s spouse, war goddess

        “The deities Papsukal, Nusku, and Shala

        Shall then be seated in the court of the god Anu…”


        “Rimon (Adad) and His wife Shalla, the corn goddess, the compassionate one;

        they are the earthly presence of the great gods….”


Shamkan = cattle-god

        “The cow was pregnant, the cow is giving birth,

        In the paddock of Shamash, the pen of Shamkan…”


Shamhat = harlot (temple priestess) of Uruk ordered by the gods to tame Enkidu

        “Gilgamesh said to the trapper:

        “Go, trapper, bring the harlot, Shamhat, with you. …

        The trapper went, bringing the harlot, Shamhat, with him.

        They set off on the journey …

        Then he, Enkidu, offspring of the mountains, who eats grasses with the gazelles,

        came to drink at the watering hole with the animals,

        with the wild beasts he slaked his thirst with water.

        Then Shamhat saw him–a primitive,

        a savage fellow from the depths of the wilderness!

        “That is he, Shamhat! Release your clenched arms,

        expose your sex so he can take in your voluptuousness.

        Do not be restrained–take his energy!

        When he sees you he will draw near to you.

        Spread out your robe so he can lie upon you,

        and perform for this primitive the task of womankind! …

        His animals, who grew up in his wilderness, will become alien to him,

        and his lust will groan over you.”

        Shamhat unclutched her bosom, exposed her sex,

        and he took in her voluptuousness.

        She was not restrained, but took his energy. …

        Come, let me bring you into Uruk-Haven, to the Holy Temple,

        the residence of Anu and Ishtar, the place of Gilgamesh,

        who is wise to perfection, but who struts his power over the people like a wild bull.” …


        [Shamhat to Enkidu:]

        “Come, let us go, so he may see your face.

        I will lead you to Gilgamesh …”


Shara / Cara Gerra = King Shu-Sin & Inanna’s son

        “Your own mother, holy Inana,…”


         “To divine Shara, heavenly hero, the beloved son of Inanna:

        his father Shu-Sin, the powerful king, king of Ur, king of the four regions,

        has built for him the temple Shagipada, his beloved shrine;

        may the king have life…”


        “Inanna (i.e. the evening star (Venus)), the daughter of Suen (Sin / Nannar),

        arose before him like a bull in the Land.

        Her brilliance, like that of holy Cara (Shara, Inanna’s son),…”


        “Lugalbanda, he of beloved seed, stretched his hand out (and said)

        ‘Like divine Shara am I, the beloved son of Inanna…”


        “Cara sat down on (1 ms. has instead: got onto) Enlil’s knees,

        and Enlil gave him what he had desired (al-dug):

        he had mentioned the mace, the club, arrows and quiver, and the hoe…”


        “Like Cara, Inanna’s beloved son,

        shoot forth with your barbed arrows like a sunbeam,

        shoot forth with reed-arrows like moonlight!…”


        “By the immutable word of Enlil, king of the lands, father of the gods,

        Ningirsu (Ninurta) and Shara set a boundary to their lands.

        Mesilim, King of Kish, at the command of his deity Kadi (unidentified?),

        set up a stele [a boundary marker] in the plantation of that field.

        It was the ninth year of Shu-Sin’s reign.

        It was also his last…”


        “They called Shara, Ishtar´s (Inanna) son,

        He (Anu) proposed a solution, spoke to him,

        ‘Powerful Shara, ferocious Shara, your attack cannot be deflected!

        Strike Anzu with [ ……..] your weapon!

        Your name shall be great in the great gods´assembly,

        You shall have no rival among the gods your brothers,’…”


        “Shara answered the speech, addressed his words to Anu his father,

        ‘Father, who could rush off to the inaccessible mountain?

        Which of the gods your sons will be Anzu´s conqueror?’…”


        “At the Sig-kur-caga in Umma,

        Cara (Shara, Inanna’s son), in his own city, threw himself at her feet.

        He had sat in the dust and dressed himself in a filthy garment.

        The demons said to holy Inanna:

        ‘Inana, proceed to your city, we will take him back.’…”


        “Holy Inanna answered the demons:

        ‘Cara is my singer, my manicurist and my hairdresser (translation?).

        How could I turn him over to you?

        Let us go on’…”


Gerra As Shara:

           “They called Gerra, Anunitu´s (Inanna‘s) son.

            The decision-maker spoke to him,

            ‘Powerful Gerra, ferocious Gerra, your attack cannot be deflected;

            Burn Anzu with fire, your weapon!

            Your name shall be great in the great gods´ assembly,

            You shall have no rival among the gods your brothers,

            Then surely shall shrines be created!

            Establish your cult centers all over the four quarters!

            Your cult centers shall enter Ekur!

            Show prowess to the gods, and your name shall be Powerful!’

            Gerra answered the speech, addressed his words to Anu, his father (grandfather),

            ‘Father, who could rush off to the inaccessible mountain?

            Which of the gods your sons will be Anzu´s conqueror?

            For he has gained the Tablets of Destinies for himself,

            Has taken away the Enlil power: rites are abandoned!

            His utterance has replaced that of Duranki´s god!

            He has only to command, and whoever he curses turns to clay!

            At his utterance, the gods must now tremble!’

            He turned away, saying he would not make the expedition …”


Sharur = Enlil’s command communicator

        “Sharur bowed, took the message,

        Carried the battle dispatch to far-sighted Ea.

        ‘The Lord´s message is:’…”


        “Ninurta was encircling Anzu

        And Ninurta was wrapped in devastation´s dust,

        But when he set the shaft to the bow, drew it taut

        And aimed the shaft at him from the bows curve,

        It did not go near Anzu: the shaft turned back

        As Anzu shouted at it:..”


        “Called out and instructed Sharur:

        ‘Repeat to your lord what I say,

        and everything I tell you, repeat to him’:

        ‘Don´t let the battle slacken, press home your victory!

        Tire him out so that he sheds his pinions in the clash of tempests!

        Take a throw-stick to follow your arrows

        And cut off his pinions, detach both right and left’….

        Everything Ea (Enki) told him, he repeated to him…”


Sigsig = Utu’s son, god of dreams

        “Sisig (a god of dreams), the son of Utu,

        will provide light for him in the nether world, the place of darkness…”


Sud / Ninlil = Enlil’s spouse, Numbarshuganu & Haia’s daughter, mother to Nannar & Adad

        “Curupppag (Shuruppak), was given to Sud…”


        “from now on, Sud …… Ninlil …….”


        “Proud woman, surpassing the mountains!

        You who always fulfill your desires — from now on,

        Sud, Enlil is the king and Ninlil is the queen.

        The goddess without name has a famous name now, ……”


        (Nuska speaks:)

        ‘…… Sud …….

        What you have told me’ …….”


        “’Tell Enlil, the Great Mountain: ‘Do as you wish!’

        Let his sister come from her side, and she shall accompany Sud from here.

        Aruru (Ninhursag) shall become Sud’s sister-in-law:

        let her be shown the household’…”


Sulazida = Anu’s herdsman

        “’Šul-a-zida, An’s (Anu) herdsman,

        grasped the cosmic tethering rope in his hands.

        After he had brought the …… forth from the sky,

        he overcame the protective deities.

        He …… and kept it below the horizon’…”


Sul-pae = lord of Ninhursag’s house in Kish, Ninhursag’s spouse?, Enki?,

        “House Keš, given birth by a lion…

        Ninursaĝa (Ninhursag) sits within like a great dragon.

        Nintur the great mother assists at births there.

        Šul-pa-e the ruler acts as lord…”


Sumugan = god of the steppe, cattle god

        “the king of the steppe, great lion of the high steppe,

        powerful, the lofty hand of Enlil,

        Sumugan, king of the hursag, Enki placed in charge of them…”


        “Matted hair was all over his body, like the skins of the cattle.

        Yes, like the body of that god.

        Who is the cattle, he, Samugan (cattle god). …”


        “He knew neither people nor settled living, but wore a garment like Sumukan…”


        “There sat Etana, there sat Sumukan,

        there sat Ereshkigal, the Queen of the Netherworld.

        Beletseri, the Scribe of the Netherworld, knelt before her,

        she was holding the tablet and was reading it out to her Ereshkigal. …”


        “There sat Etana, once king of Kish,

        There sat Sumugan, he, the god of the Cattle,

        And also Ereshkigal, who is the Queen of the Underworld.

         Belit-Seri, her scribe, kneels before here.

         And she reads out from a tablet to her.

        She, the scribe, lifts her head, sees me and says:

        ‘Who brought this one?’…”


Suziana / Cuziana = Enlil’s junior wife, one of Ninhursag’s nurses?

        “Šu-zi-ana, the junior wife of father Enlil,

        has erected a house in your precinct,

        O Du-saĝ-dili, and taken her seat upon your dais.

        the house of Šu-zi-ana in Ĝa-gi-ma…”


        “Let Ninmah (Ninhursag) act as your assistant;

        and let Ninimma, Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada, Ninbarag, Ninmug, ……

        and Ninguna stand by as you give birth…”


Tashmetu / Tashmetum / Tashimmetish = Nabu’s spouse, Hurrian goddess

        “Tashmetum dangles a gold garment in my Nabu´s lap,

        ‘My lord, put an earring on me,

        That I may give you pleasure in my garden,

        Nabu, my darling, put an earring on me,’…”


        “our trust is in Nabu,

        We give ourselves over to Tashmetum.

        What is ours is ours:

        Nabu is our lord,

        Tashmetum is the mountain we trust in…”


        “Nabu, who comes, stands over, and watches.:

        He is the criminal who is with Bel …..”


        “Because he is with Bel (Marduk) Tashmetu, who bows down with him.

        She has come to greet him.

        The Lady of Babylon, who does not go to the Akitu temple.

        She is the governess of the temple ….”


Ucumgal-ana = Anu’s friend

        “The lord, the friend of An (Anu), met me (Inanna);

        the lord took me in his hands,

        Ucumgal-ana embraced me about my neck…”


Ucumgal-kalama = the musician for Ninurta’s house

       “With his divine duties, namely to tune properly the sweet-toned tigi instrument;

        to fill the courtyard of E-ninnu with joy;

        to make the algar and miritum, instruments of the E-duga,

        offer their best in the E-ninnu to the warrior with an ear for music,

        Gudea introduced his beloved musician, Ucumgal-kalama, to lord Nin-jirsu…”


Umul = a creature, Enki & Ninhursag’s failure in producing the mixed-breeds

        “Enki said to Ninmah:

        For your creatures I have decreed a fate,

        I have given them their daily bread.

        Now, you should decree a fate for my creature,

        give him his daily bread too.’

        Ninmah looked at Umul and turned to him.

        She went nearer to Umul asked him questions but he could not speak.

        She offered him bread to eat but he could not reach out for it.

        He could not lie on ……., he could not …….

        Standing up he could not sit down, could not lie down,

        he could not…… a house, he could not eat bread…”


Urash / Urac / Uras = Nammu, mother of the great gods, Anu’s concubine, mother to Enki, Ninhursag, Bau, Nisaba, Martu, etc.; sometimes as Ninhursag, sometimes as Marduk

Urash As Nammu:

        “Nudimmud (Enki), the mighty one of the Ekur (Enlil’s temple),

        the strong one of An (Anu) and Uras (mother of Enki, Bau, Ninhursag, etc.)…”


        “Nisaba (Enlil’s mother-in-law), great wild cow born by Uraš, …

        Nisaba, born by Uraš...”


        “’I am the beautiful woman Nininsina (Bau), daughter of holy An (Anu)!

        My father An the king, shepherd of the gods, sat me in the Land on a holy dais.

        My mother Urac (mother to Enki, Ninhursag, etc.), the lady of the gods,

        had momentous sexual intercourse with An, relaxing in the holy bedchamber;

        my place of engendering by holy An was a holy place.’…”


         “Utu, king of justice that befits the true offspring,

         made Culgi (mixed-breed King Shulgi), the trustworthy shepherd, glorious in the battle.

         The great wild bull, youthful Utu, who like a torch illuminates the Land from the holy heavens;

         the wise one of all the countries, the fearsome radiance of (?) Urac, …”


        “’I am the forceful one of An (Anu) and Urac, I am the great lady of the gods!’… “


Uttu = Enki & his daughter Nindurra / Ninkurra’s (or Ninimma’s) daughter, goddess of clothing, vegetation goddess

        “There was no cloth to wear;

         Uttu had not been born — no royal turban was worn;…”


        “He picked out the tow from the fibres, and adapted it for rags (?).

        Enki greatly perfected the task of women.

        For Enki, the people …… in suluhu garments.

        Enki placed in charge of them the honor of the palace, the dignity of the king –

        Uttu, the conscientious woman, the silent one…”


        “Ninkurra, who had lived a life so sheltered at the mountain heights,

        was fully bewitched by the easy charm of the older, more experienced god.

        Thus she joyously yielded to him and love they made for nine days and nine nights.

        But Enki soon realized that as lovely as Ninkurra was,

        she could not be compared to Ninhursag.

        As before, the Sweet Waters Lord left Ninsar after nine days,

        when Ninkurra gave birth to another lovely girl-child called Uttu,

        the Spider, the Weaver of Patterns and Life Desires…”


        “Nintud said to Uttu:

        ‘Let me advise you, and may you take heed of my advice.

        Let me speak words to you and may you heed my words.

        From in the marsh one man is able to see up here, is able to see up here, he is;

        from in the marsh Enki is able to see up here, is able to see up here, he is.

        He will set eyes on you.’…”


        “Ninhursag…frowned at the sadness reflected in Ninsar’s and Ninkurra’s eyes,

        and frowned at Enki’s unbridled lust.

        Ninhursag knew how charming Enki could be,

        but no matter what, young Uttu the Weaver

        should be advised to avoid the riverbanks,

        or the places where Enki and herself could be found alone or unchaperoned:

        ‘Daughter Uttu, beware of the marshes and the riverbanks,

        where Enki, the Sweet Waters god, reigns as Sovereign.

        There he will see you, there he will desire you and want to make of you his own,

        only to leave you all alone later on!’ was Ninhursag’s stern advice to Uttu.

        For a time young Uttu did follow the Great Lady’s advice

        and kept her distance from Enki’s lusty sight.

        But one day Enki’s desire won the young goddess’ heart,

        when he brought to her delicacies from the garden of delights:

        apples, cucumbers and grapes, all this and more Enki offered to the young goddess.

        Then Uttu, full of joy, opened herself to welcome Enki, the crafty god,

        and he embraced her with heartfelt glee, lying in her lap content and happy.

        Loving strokes, kisses and hugs they shared,

        until Enki’s seed found its way to Uttu’s young and yet untried womb.

        Later, still lying on Enki’s powerful arms,

        doubt entered Uttu’s mind, body and heart:

        ‘Tonight you loved me so dearly, tonight I was your spouse,

        the one and only, your dearest,’ she thought .

        ‘But will you love me in the morning, o lustiest of all gods?

        Will you stay in my arms and never let me go

        And will you love for more than a holy night,

        and share with me happy and hard times?’

        But when morning came and Uttu looked into Enki’s eyes,

        she knew she still was not the one to hold captive the Sweet Waters Lord.

        With a tender kiss Enki took his leave,

        but did not say when he was going to come back, or ever returned to stay.

        Uttu swallowed stubborn tears,

        but decided not to surrender to loss and sorrow, and more.

        ‘I vow not to be bonded to Enki from this moment on,’

        she promised herself with a deep-rooted resolve.

        ‘If he does not want me for myself, for what we can together be,

        I will not carry any of his seeds within or without my very being!’

        Uttu immediately turned then to Ninhursag for help.

        The Great Mother goddess, beloved by all, would know what to do,

        would ensure the best course of action.

        ‘Wipe out Enki’s seed of your body,

        and bury within the depths of the Earth the promise of life you shared with him,’

        said the Great Lady and Womb of Creation.

        ‘Let the Earth receive and transform yours and Enki’s seed.

        And after you do this all, take your time so that your body,

        heart, mind and soul may heal.

        And I, who have known love, pain, sorrow and immense joy, give you,

        daughter, a very special blessing:

        may the wisdom of experience brought by such pain enter your being again

        and may you learn to ask as much as you give from your future lovers

        for as long as you live.

        Reciprocation is the key for everlasting relationships!’…”


        “Ninimma, like juniper oil, like oil of abundance,

        gave birth to Uttu, the exalted (?) woman.

        Nintud (Ninhursag) said to Uttu:

        ‘Let me advise you, and may you take heed of my advice.

        Let me speak words to you and may you heed my words.

        From in the marsh one man is able to see up here, is able to see up here, he is;

        from in the marsh Enki is able to see up here, is able to see up here, he is.

        He will set eyes on you.’

        10 lines fragmentary

        …… Uttu, the exalted (?) woman ……

        3 lines fragmentary

        (Uttu said:)

        ‘Bring cucumbers in ……, bring apples with their stems sticking out (?),

        bring grapes in their clusters, and in the house

        you will indeed have hold of my halter,

        O Enki, you will indeed have hold of my halter.’

        When he was filling with water a second time,

        he filled the dykes with water, he filled the canals with water,

        he filled the fallows with water.

        The gardener in his joy rose (?) from the dust and embraced him:

        ‘Who are you who …… the garden?’

        Enki (said to) …… the gardener:

        4 lines missing

        He brought him cucumbers in ……,

        brought him apples with their stems sticking out (?),

        brought him grapes in their clusters, filled his lap.

        Enki made his face attractive and took a staff in his hand.

        Enki came to a halt at Uttu’s, knocked at her house (demanding):

        ‘Open up, open up.’ (She asked): ‘Who are you?’

        (He answered:) ‘I am a gardener.

        Let me give you cucumbers, apples, and grapes for your ‘Yes’.’

        Joyfully Uttu opened the house. Enki gave Uttu, the exalted (?) woman,

        cucumbers in ……, gave her apples with their stems sticking out (?),

        gave her grapes in their clusters. (1 line not in the ms. from Nippur:

        He poured beer for her in the large ban measure.)

        Uttu, the exalted (?) woman, …… to the left for him, waved the hands for him.

        Enki aroused Uttu. He clasped her to the bosom, lying in her crotch,

        fondled her thighs, fondled her with the hand.

        He clasped her to the bosom, lying in her crotch,

        made love to the youngster and kissed her.

        Enki poured semen into Uttu’s womb

        and she conceived the semen in the womb, the semen of Enki.

        Uttu, the beautiful woman, cried out :

        ‘Woe, my thighs’. She cried out: ‘Woe, my liver. Woe, my heart.’

        Ninhursaja (Ninhursag) removed the semen from the thighs…

        Ninhursaja cursed the name Enki:

        ‘Until his dying day, I will never look upon him with life-giving eye.’…”


        “and since in the Land he neither fashioned the yarn of Uttu

        (the goddess of weaving) nor pegged out the loom for Uttu…”


        “All the yarns of Uttu, the splendor of kingship, belong to me…”


        “For Enki the people…the…garment.

        The one who is the dignity of the palace, the decorum of the king,

        Uttu, the unfailing woman of silence, Enki placed in charge of them…”


        “An (Anu) spawned the Anuna (Aninnaki) gods,

        since he neither spawned nor created Grain with them,

        and since in the Land he neither fashioned the yarn of Uttu

        (the goddess of weaving) nor pegged out the loom for Uttu

        with no Sheep appearing, there were no numerous lambs,

        and with no goats, there were no numerous kids,…”


        “The tiara (?) of the palace, the jewel of the king,

        Uttu, the trustworthy woman, the joyous (?), Enki placed in charge of them…”


Zarpanitu / Sarpanit = consort of Marduk, marriage celebrated annually at New Year in Babylon, birth goddess

Suziana Quotes From Texts

Suziana / Cuziana = One of Ninhursag’s Nurses

Enlil’s Junior Wife

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


E-nga-duda (House, chamber of the mound) temple to Shu-zi-ana in Nga-gi-mah


          “Šu-zi-ana, the junior wife of father Enlil, has erected a house in your precinct,

          O Du-saĝ-dili, and taken her seat upon your dais.

          the house of Šu-zi-ana in Ĝa-gi-ma…”


          “Let Ninmah (Ninhursag) act as your assistant;

          and let Ninimma, Cu-zi-ana, Ninmada,

          Ninbarag, Ninmug, …… and Ninguna stand by as you give birth…”

Shara Quotes From Texts

Shara = Inanna & King Shu-Sin’s son

minor love & war god

(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in bluemixed-breed demigods in teal…)


E-bur-sigsig (House with beautiful bowls) temple to Shara in Umma

E-mah (Great house) temple to Shara in Umma


          “Your own mother, holy Inana, …”


          “To divine Shara, heavenly hero, the beloved son of Inanna:

          his father Shu-Sin, the powerful king, king of Ur, king of the four regions,

          has built for him the temple Shagipada, his beloved shrine; may the king have life …”


          “Inanna (i.e. the evening star), the daughter of Suen (Sin / Nannar), arose before him like a bull in the Land.

          Her brilliance, like that of holy Cara (Shara, Inanna’s son), …”


          “Lugalbanda, he of beloved seed, stretched his hand out (and said)

          ‘Like divine Shara am I, the beloved son of Inanna…”


          “Cara sat down on (1 ms. has instead: got onto) Enlil’s knees, and Enlil gave him what he had desired (al-dug):

          he had mentioned the mace, the club, arrows and quiver, and the hoe …”


          “Like Cara, Inanna’s beloved son, shoot forth with your barbed arrows like a sunbeam,

          shoot forth with reed-arrows like moonlight! …”


          “By the immutable word of Enlil, king of the lands, father of the gods,

          Ningirsu (Ninurta) and Shara set a boundary to their lands.

          Mesilim, King of Kish, at the command of his deity Kadi,

          set up a stele [a boundary marker] in the plantation of that field.

          It was the ninth year of Shu-Sin’s reign.

          It was also his last …”


          “They called Shara, Ishtar’s (Inanna) son,

          He (Anu) proposed a solution, spoke to him,

          ‘Powerful Shara, ferocious Shara, your attack cannot be deflected!

          Strike Anzu with [ ……..] your weapon!

          Your name shall be great in the great gods´assembly,

          You shall have no rival among the gods your brothers’, …”


          “Shara answered the speech, addressed his words to Anu his father,

          ‘Father, who could rush off to the inaccessible mountain?

          Which of the gods your sons will be Anzu´s conqueror?’…”


           “At the Sig-kur-caga in Umma, Cara (Shara, Inanna’s son), in his own city, threw himself at her feet.

           He had sat in the dust and dressed himself in a filthy garment.

          The demons said to holy Inanna: ‘Inana, proceed to your city, we will take him back.’

          Holy Inanna answered the demons: ‘Cara is my singer, my manicurist and my hairdresser.

          How could I turn him over to you?

          Let us go on’ …”