Author Archives: nibirudb

Ereshkigal’s Choice, Partial Text to “Before All Befores”

“How Ereshkigal Chose the Underworld”

Earth’s Ancient History   A Website dedicated to Ancient Times

(Texts: All Artefacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)

           (Lord Air Enlil son & heir to King Anu, Anu’s Earth Colony Commander)

       After Ki, Mother Earth and Queen, was separated by Enlil, Lord Air,

          (Skyfather King Anu in his winged sky-disc, father in heaven / planet Nibiru to ruling gods on Earth)

       Master of Winds, their firstborn, from An (Anu), Skyfather and King,

       and the primal Unity of Heaven and Earth was forever lost, in the Heights Above,

       An wept for Ki, longing for her embrace and kiss.

       His heartfelt tears met Nammu the Sea.

       She reached out for the Sky Lord, and Mother and grieving son made for the first time sweet Love.

       From the mingling of their bodies a Boy and a Girl, Divine Twins were born.

       Enki and Ereshkigal, they were called.

         2a - Ereshkigal, Nannar's Daughter3 - Enki, god of the waters (Ereshkigal & Enki, had son Ningishzidda, the builder of pyramids / ziggurats, etc.)

       As time went by, Ereshkigal and Enki grew with the blessings of Creation’s dawn.

       Curious and sometimes wise beyond their years,

       brother and sister played especially in the Watery Deep of Nammu the Sea.

       Enki would float here and there, whereas Ereshkigal swam and dived everywhere.

       ‘Ereshkigal, I can’t see you! Come back to the surface, will you?

       Why do you have to hide within the waters

       when there is so much to see and do without?’ asked Enki with a sigh.

       ‘A rhetoric question, young brother, without doubt’,

       countered Enlil amusedly from the shore, where he kept watch over the Duke,

       the Holy Mound of Creation, and Mother Ki, his eyes gleaming with fond laughter.

       ‘Just let Ereshkigal be for a while.

       At least I could do without her whys and wherefores for a minute or so!’

       ‘I heard you, Big Brother (in this text)!’ replied Ereshkigal.

       She came out to the surface riding a wave,

       and immediately put all her efforts together to raise a mighty wall of splashing water

       towards the rock where Enlil watched over the Earth and Enki’s floating body.

       Both Enlil and Enki ran for cover.

       They were going to succeed and escape Ereshkigal’s watery rage… perhaps this time?

       “Not as yet”, thought Ereshkigal with a satisfied grin,

       dripping with water and as fresh as the purest springs of Mother Urash.

       She sat by Enlil’s and Enki’s feet.

       ‘So I ask too many questions, brothers of mine? Of course I do!

       I want to Know and to Know I must ask first!

       At least this is what I feel it should be!’

       Ereshkigal ignored the resigned amusement of Enlil and Enki and proceeded with confidence:

       ‘ There is a whole world within the Sea and I suspect in everything there is.

       Moreover, there must be things beyond and below I feel I should know, and I will, one day.

       While you, Enlil, devise the Plans of Creation,

       and you, Enki, busy yourself with forms and shapes these plans may take without,

       I am concerned with the power within that binds these plans and images together in combinations of all sorts.

       I don’t know how to explain it, but I simply feel there is a refulgence within,

       there is a Pattern that binds words and shapes together, beings and things,

       and it is this pattern I want to know. I will know. I just need to find out how.‘

       A fleeting shadow crossed Enlil’s smiling face.

        ‘I wish I saw things your way, Ereshkigal, just to understand and explain the unexplained.

       Take Kur, for example, and our dark little brothers and sisters who followed him to the land’s end.

       It is true Kur and the others looked different from us.

       But why did they leave the safety of the Duku, the mound of creation,

       why did they go beyond the Waters of Mother Nammu.’

        ‘You are worrying about Kur and the Dark Guardians again, Enlil.

       Why don’t you take them and Kur for what they are?

       Whatever and wherever they are?’ asked Ereshkigal.

        ‘Had you laid your eyes on Kur, you’d understand my concern.

       He and the others are different from us, from our younger sisters and brothers. ‘

       But why should we all be the same, Older Brother?

       Indeed, I believe we are all very, very different.

       In Form and Essence, despite some Resemblance in Appearance.

       I may be very wrong, Enlil, but I feel that if you keep fixing your eyes on but one thing,

       you’ll miss out what could be the other side of the same thing.

       Or person and being,’ remarked thoughtfully Ereshkigal.

       ‘Wise words, little sister!

       The point is that I take my Guardianship over the Earth too serious’, agreed Enlil.

       ‘But there is something odd I cannot understand about Kur.

       And I for sure wouldn’t like to visit the place where he chose to dwell either,

         4 - door to Ereshkigal's Underworld 4cc - Ninlil follows Enlil to the Underworld (entrance of the Under World, domain of Ereshkigal)

       at the entrance of the Underworld’, countered Enlil.

         ‘I am sort of curious about these unknowable things.

       And I don’t fear what I don’t know.

       Even this Kur you don’t understand, Enlil.

       Indeed, I am curious about Kur,’ replied Ereshkigal.

        ‘And where is this Underworld, by the way?’

        ‘None have gone there yet’, answered Enki.

       ‘It is beyond the edge of this world.

       Mother Nammu says that it spreads itself as deep below as the heights of Father An stretch above.’

       ‘This sounds really interesting!

       A whole new realm nobody has been to or knows so much about!’ exclaimed Ereshkigal.

        ‘O, sister, sometimes I wish you showed more respect for what you don’t know.

       Just for safety’s sake’, supplied Enki.

         ‘I am careful. And Inquisitive and Curious.’

       In her mind, Ereshkigal added silently “even about this mysterious Kur and the Underworld.”

       And so it was that Ereshkigal, the daughter of Nammu the Sea,

       born of the bittersweet loss that the Skyfather felt for Ki, twin Sister of Enki,

       grew with the Desire to Know the Unknown and Reveal Patterns Unseen.

       Everyday she would play with Enki, her Companion and Best of Friends, and pester Enlil with countless questions.

       Everyday Ereshkigal would dive into the deep waters of the Mother and swim longer distances

       to resurface energized, with more and more questions in her mind and a deeper resolve forming inside.

       One day, Ereshkigal chose not to return to the Middleworld.

       This was the day she had found Kur (or he had found her perhaps?),

       and the little dark half brothers and sisters of theirs.

       They looked ugly and threatening, scattered over the edge of the world, at the entrance of the Underworld.

       They seemed to be lonely too, for all kept to their spaces, alone and isolated, but looking pretty menacing.

       “So much pain and loneliness, such rage and hunger for what they know not what.

       Such desire to belong, but they know not where or how”, she thought, but didn’t say a word.

          (Ereshkigal, Queen of the Under World, sometimes Anu’s daughter, sometimes Nannar’s)

       Faithful to herself, Ereshkigal didn’t flinch at Kur’s features or at the misshapen faces of the dark little ones.

       Yes, he did not look like any of the other Anunnaki Ereshkigal knew very well, but this didn’t make him threatening to her.

       Kur was… different.

       Indeed, with his huge scaly body and wings, Primeval Snake and Dragon,

       Ereshkigal felt he was like the raw power of Mother Ninhursag-Ki.

       A Beast, but she knew there was beauty within him… or it?

       Still, Ereshkigal l felt no fear for the Unknown and a longing embrace it and make her it own.

         ‘I am not afraid of you. Of any of you’ she said out loud, and she meant it. ‘

       You are my half brother, Kur, and so are the dark little ones.

       And somehow I feel there is beauty within you all, even if you and others don’t have eyes to see. But I have.

       Dive into your Essence, brother, search for the seed that brought you, me and all into being.

       I also came from that seed.

       There you will find what unite us, what make us One of a Kind with the One who is All Kinds.’

       Thus she dived into the immensity of Kur’s anguish and loss, for she accepted Kur for what he was,

       ugliness, pain, rage and loneliness to find out his all whys.

         ‘I vowed to challenge and fight to the very end all who dared to fare to the world’s end’, said Kur.

         ‘And I take up the Challenge’, answered Ereshkigal.

         ‘But I’ve traveled long and far to come to you.

       You are a Challenge to me. I need to understand you.

       And myself along the process.’

       “Why are you doing this?”

       Ereshkigal heard the question in her mind, as she held Kur closer and closer to her own self.

       ‘I myself don’t know very well why, but I simply need to.

       Perhaps to grow in Understanding of who I am, of who and what you and your own are.

       To learn and Share, out of a Desire for Love and Healing

       that comes from the bottom of my heart, mind, body and Soul.

       And may this way, when I am wise about these things,

       may I perhaps earn my crown in a brand new Realm‘, she replied loud and clear.

       Kur’s features must have shown the equivalent to a smile, for his voice sounded also lighthearted and interested.

        ‘You are strange, half sister. I won’t fight you… as yet.

       Tell me about this new realm where you want to conquer your crown’, said Kur, his curiosity stirred.

          ‘How... I still must find out. Where…’

       Ereshkigal turned round pointed at the distance, where the Unknown lied yet unexplored.

        ‘There,’ she said, ’the Unknown, the Underworld, the Depths Within, where Appearances don’t count, just Essence.

       Perhaps I’ll go further by going deeper. Who knows?’

       Kur came closer and closer still. Ereshkigal kept her ground, just waiting.

       So although he might think he was seizing her, indeed it was she who had captured him.

       To stretch his and her boundaries of being.

       Heart pounding, but keeping very still outwards,

       Ereshkigal felt her awareness grow as she experienced the wounds Kur had inside,

       his desire to belong anywhere, to fit in.

       Suddenly, she also realized how different she had always felt.

       Even from Enki and Enlil, whom she loved with all her heart, mind and soul,

       but who could never dive into the depths she longed to thread upon.

       Ereshkigal sighed deeply, and glanced into the distance for a brief moment,

         08-02-12/29 (Enlil & older 1/2 brother Enki carved into ancient city wall)

       in the direction where Enlil and Enki sure were.

       Maybe her Quest was another. She turned to Kur.

       ‘ What I will be from now on, I must discover’, was her cryptic reply to Kur’s unspoken question,

        but she knew he understood what she still was unable to say out loud.

          ‘It may be a long task,’ Kur replied.

         ‘Perhaps if I let each day bring what it has to offer, and see what I can do with what it brings,

       I will be able to accomplish something different.

       To learn something different and grow likewise. Will you do this with me?’

       Thoughtfully, but with an engaging smile, Ereshkigal stretched her hand to hold Kur’s scaly paw.

       Together, they crossed the threshold to the Underworld.

       Ereshkigal had always felt the pull to feel and experience the Unknown.

       Now she chose to go where no one had gone before,

       to stay in the uncharted realms of the Great Below, to fill up its Emptiness with her Being.

       Her voice then resonated loud and clear in all worlds of Creation,

       Heights Above, Middleworld, over the edge of the Earth and, for the first time, echoed in the Depths Below:

         ‘I claim the Realm of the Depths, the Underworld as my domain.’

       She had found her life’s Quest. Not looking back,

         (unidentified & Ninsun; Ereshkigal crossed the threshold & became “Queen of the Under World“)

       Ereshkigal crossed the threshold to the Below, never to come back.

“ Assembly of the Gods” – 12 Royal Anunnaki Family Members; King Anu & Selected Descendants

(ANU + ANTUKing & Queen, royal rulers of Nibiru)

The 12 main royal family of gods from Nibiru, & their ranking order numbers

         (Anunnaki King Anu)  (Anu in his sky-disc)  (son & heir Enlil, King Anu, & eldest son Enki in their sky-disc)

        1) King Anuranking #60

         2) ½ sister-spouse Antu#55

        . At least 21 divine couples preceded Anu as king of Planet Nibiru

          . chief of Heaven and Earth

          . father to the “sons of God” who came down to Earth

        . Anu‘s symbol is the 8-pointed star, ancient Hebrew symbol for God

        . Anu‘s patron city-state was Uruk / Biblical “Erech

        . Anu‘s temple – residence while on Earth was in Uruk, called “E.Anna”, “house of An

        . Anu‘s heavenly abode is an artificial garden sculptured in semi-precious stones

          . gateway to Anu once flanked by Tammuz / Dumuzi and Gizzida / Ningishzidda – his young descendants

        . Anu‘s throne room is the place of “The Assembly of the Gods

        . son Enlil sits on the right of Anu; son Enki sits on the left side of Anu at the “Assembly of the Gods

        . Anu had 6 concubines and 80 offspring, 14 by Antu as their

               1 – Prime Minister

               3 – Commanders in Charge of the Mu’s (rocket ships)

               2 – Commanders of the Weapons

               2 – Great Masters of the Written Knowledge

               1 – Master of the Purse

               2 – Chief Justices

               2 – “Who With Sound Impress”

                  2 – Chief Scribes, (with 5 asst. scribes)

        . Anu was visited in heaven by Inanna / Ishtar at least twice, also Dumuzi, Ningishzidda, Adapa, Kings Etana, Tyre, Enmeduranki, & others, such as Biblical Enoch

            (Enlil & father King Anu in their sky-disc)  (Enlil hands labor of farming over to the earthlings) (Enlil served by earthling worker)

     3) Enlil, son & heir to the king via mother Antu – ranking #50

       4) spouse Ninlil / Sud – ranking #45

       . Enlil was banished to the “Lower World” for raping Sud / Ninlil, who later married him, his crimes then forgiven

       . heir to father Anu, and son to Anu’s official sister-wife Antu, born on Nibiru of the “double seed”, placing him next to be king, even before older brother Enki

       . Lord Commander of Earth Colony – Chief Executive to the “Assembly of the Gods

       . founder of the “Garden of Eden” in Sumer / Mesopotamia / Southern Iraq (artifact above Enlil with plow)

       . Larsa was Enlil‘s 1st patron city-state, built 2nd, later he moved inland to Nippar

       . Nippar was built 3rd – “Mission Control Center”, the communication “Bond Between Heaven and Earth”

       . Enlil‘s temple – residence in Nippur was named “E.Kur”, “House Which is Like a Mountain”

         . overseer of purifying the gold taken from the “Abzu” & lower part of the world

       . Enlil had son Ninurta with his ½ sister Ninhursag / Ninmah / Ninti, who was born of the “double-seed” law of succession, & therefore to be Enlil‘s heir

       . Enlil and Ninlil had 2 main sons together, Nannar & Adad, plus others…

       . Enlil is accredited with giving mankind agriculture, sheep, etc., in Eden

       . Enlil gave the final approval for kingship to be “lowered from heaven”, & established high-priests & high-priestesses (positions of authority over earthlings for the giant mixed-breed offspring of the gods, therefore acting as go-betweens)

       . after Noah, Enlil decided gods would no longer mix with earthlings, their years will be only one hundred and twenty

             (Ninurta inside his sky-disc) (Ninurta riding his winged storm-beast)    (Royal Princess Bau & her spouse Ninurta)   (Ninurta)

     Ninurta, next heir to King Anu following father Enlil, assigned the number of Enlil as his heir

          . #50, when he steps into the “Enlilship” / rulership, spouse Bau will then be #45

        . Ninurta was born on Nibiru. he & Marduk were only ones from that generation born there, the younger were born on Earth

        . Ninurta married Bau / Gula, King Anu‘s daughter, father Enlil‘s ½ sister, & his own aunt

        . Ninurta‘s 1st patron city-state was Larak, the 5th city built, “Lord who completes the foundation       

        . Ninurta battled & shot down Zu / Anzu retrieving the “Tablets of Destines” stolen from father Enlil, technologies needed to command

        . Ninurta & cousin Nergal nuked Marduk‘s patron cities, brought down Marduk‘s Tower of Babel in Borsippa, & confused their tongue –

        . he & Inanna, with help of others, again defeated Marduk in the battle of the pyramids

        . usurper Marduk imprisoned by Enlilites within the Great Pyramid, & was left there to die

         . Lagash was later a patron city-state of Ninurta‘s, with a temple-residence

        . another patron city-state was Nimrud, with a temple – residence there

        . Ninurta‘s symbol is the double-headed eagle, very much still in use

        . Ninurta was in charge of Cain, banished to the east of E.din / Eden

         3b - Enki image  (Enki, oldest & wisest of gods on Earth)  (Enki in his winged sky-disc, landing on Earth)  (newly fashioned modern man & Enki)

       5) Enki / Ea, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest son via a concubine – ranking #40

       6) spouse Ninki / Damkina, ex-king Alalu‘s daughter – ranking #35

        . son of Anu & Urash, a concubine, born on Nibiru

        . wisest of the gods, wrote his own biography, tales of his contributions to Earth       

        . master engineer, keeper of the ME’s (discs of knowledge)

        . god over the “Waters”, ruler of the Abzu (marshlands of Persian Gulf)

        . builder of ships, mined the gold in South Africa, shipped it bulk to Enlil

        . at first the moon eclipse was Enki‘s symbol, later discarded as Nannar / Sin took on the moon crescent symbol

        . a watery god 1/2 fish-1/2 man named Dagan was once used as his symbol (Enki in a wet suit)

        . Enki‘s patron city was Eridu, the 1st city built, “Place of the Water”, his temple – residence was there

        . Enki / E.A. “he whom home is water”, is accredited with forming the rivers and draining the marshlands

        . Enki rivaled his younger ½ brother Enlil for Earth’s Command, etc., as King Anu‘s heir he was once promised through his arranged marriage to Alalu’s daughter Damkina / Ninki, for the agreed upon compromise to gain planet Nibiru unity

        . Enki had six main sons – Marduk, Nergal, Ninagal, Gibil, Ningishzidda, Dumuzi, & many others

        . Enki, sister Ninhursag, & son Ningishzidda genetically altered Homo erectus, giving him the “Tree of Knowledge”

        . he provided his DNA for the fashioning of modern man, spouse Ninki carried baby Adapa up to the 10th month

        . they made the mold to “Model Man” – “Adapa” – who would then reproduce

        . Enki used “Model Man’s” descendants as “Workers” in the gold mines of South Africa, Enlil used them in Eden

        . he genetically altered early man a second time to allow procreation of the new “Mighty Man” mixed-breed giant

        . Enki had sex with the “Daughters of Man”, at the disgust of Enlil, then many others did the same

        . he saved mankind from Enlil‘s complete extermination, helping his son, the mixed-breed Mighty Man Ziusudra (Sumerian), Utnapishtim (Akkadian), Altra-Hasis (Babylonian), Noah (Hebrew), survive the devastating floodwaters

        . he is accredited with giving mankind animal domestication, construction, metallurgy, ship building, & much more

          3aa - Nanna & his symbol  (Nannar above in sky-disc, man in the Moon) (Nannar, Moon Crescent god) (Nannar in sky-disc, Enlil, & Nabu praising Marduk)

       7) Nanna / Nannar / Sin / El, King Anu‘s grandson via Enlil – ranking #30

       8) spouse Ningal – ranking #25 “Great Lady

        . eldest son of the ruling couple Enlil & Ninlil, born on Earth

        . full older brother to Adad, younger ½ brother to Ninurta

        . Sin had twins with spouse Ningal, Utu / Shamash & Inanna / Ishtar, a boy and a girl

        . also produced son Papsukal & daughter Ereshkigal, goddess of the Under World

        . the moon’s crescent was Nannar / Sin / El‘s symbol, still very much in use

        . Nannar was god over his patron city-state Ur, home of Biblical Abraham

        . Nannar‘s temple-residence in Ur was called Egishnugal “House of the Seed of the Throne

        . Biblical Terah, Abraham‘s father, was once high-priest of Nannar‘s temple-residence (ziggurat) in Ur

          . Ur was abandoned when toxic fall-out came by way of the “terrible winds

        . Nannar became ill from the fall-out, retired, & his son Utu assumed the Moon Crescent Symbol

        . Ur‘s high-priest Terah, Abraham’s father, led the flight from Ur to Harran following his god Nannar / Sin El, the Biblical name for God

        . Harran was built as an exact replica of Ur, and Sin was made its deity, Biblical Jacob, standing outside Harran, saw a ladder with cargo carried up to Heaven & cargo carried down to Earth

        . a favored high priestess of Sin produced a mixed-breed son with god Nabu named Nabunaid, he built a temple to Sin, & was commander of the Babylonian armies, ruler of Sippar, Utu‘s patron city-state

         2a - Utu, Shamash, twin to Inanna    (Utu (Commander of the launch sites)  (Utu flying high in his sky-disc)  (Utu with alien weaponry atop small disloyal earthling)

      9) Utu / Shamash / Allah, King Anu‘s great-grandson via Enlil > Nannarranking #20

          . Utu is son to Nannar & Ningal, grandson to Enlil, nephew to Adad, twin to Inanna

          . married Aya / Aia, she was not given a ruling number

          . Utu is heir to Nannar / Sin

          . brother to Ereshkigal, queen of the “Lower World

          . Shamash:The Shining One”, “The Sun” god

          . Utu‘s patron city-state was Sippar, the 6th city built, “Land of the Missiles”, his temple – residence was there

          . Utu the Commander of “The Space Port

          . Utu the Commander of the “Eagles” / pilots carrying cargo to & from planet Nibiru

          . Utu’s temple – residence was Ebabbar, “Shining House” in Sippar

          . Utu’s Supreme Court was located in his patron city, Sippar

          . the great lawgiver, wise one, protector of travelers

          . Shamash‘s symbol was the Sun, but upon father Nannar‘s retirement, the Moon’s Crescent was given to Utu as his new symbol

          . Cancer is Utu‘s Zodiac sign

          . mixed-breed son Meskiaggasher, of a mixed-breed mother, was 1st semi-divine giant king of Uruk / Biblical Erech

         (Royal Princess Inanna)   (Inanna in her sky-disc)  (young Inanna, Goddess of Love   (Utu, Inanna, Goddess of War, & earthling captives) 

      10) Inanna / Ishtar, King Anu‘s great-granddaughter via Enlil > Nannar ranking #15

        . “Anunitum” “Beloved of Anu

        . daughter to Nannar & Ningal

        . twin to Utu, granddaughter to Enlil, mistress to King Anu (great-grandfather) when visiting Earth

        . sister Ereshkigal, Queen of the Lower World”, married Enki’s son Nergal

          . stole 100 divine formulas from a drunken grand-uncle Enki

        . Inanna married Dumuzi, youngest son to Enki, he had no ruling number

          . the title “Goddess of Love and War” given to Inanna due to her many giant mixed-breed king lovers, & due to her continued desire for war against her cousin Marduk & others

          . also known as Venus, Aphrodite, Ishtar, Astarte, Anat, & so on

          . naked Inanna image on many stelea, statues, & rock carving artifacts

        . ruled Aratta, then Uruk, the patron city-state of Anu, was given to Inanna

        . she was once refused sex by Gilgamesh, Uruk’s 5th king, causing him a problem

          . Leo is her Zodiac sign

        . well known pilot with many depictions of her flying around in her MU (sky-ship) given by Anu, wearing the 7 MEs given by Enlil

         3 - Adad with divine weapons    (Storm God Adad)   (Adad stele in Aleppo)  (Adad atop his ziggurat residence)  (ancient king & giant Adad)

      11) Adad / Ishkur, King Anu‘s grandson via Enlil ranking #10

       . son of Enlil & Ninlil, brother to Nannar / Sin, nephew to Enki

       . younger ½ brother to Ninurta, uncle to Utu & Inanna

       . deity of the mountain lands north & west of Mesopotamia

       . known as the thunder god, depicted standing upon Taurus the Bull holding lightning & thunder

       . married Shala / Hebat, Anu‘s daughter, she has no ruling number

       . father to god Sarruma

       . father to mixed-breed King Ur-Ninurta “…… may …… be his helper. …… the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…”

       . father to mixed-breed King Amar-Suen / Bur-Suen “the son of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad)…whom you have called by name, Bur-Suen…”

            (Ninhursag & symbol)   (attractive Ninhursag)   (Enlil & Ninhursag with their son Ninurta in his sky-disc)   (Ninhursag & Enki in their DNA lab)

       12) Ninhursag / Ninmah / Ninti, King Anu‘s eldest & wisest daughter via concubine Nammu – ranking #5

         . Ninhursag, “Lady of the Mountainhead”, born on planet Nibiru

         . daughter of Anu & Urash / Nammu, a concubine to King Anu

         . sister to Enki, Bau, Martu, & others, older ½ sister to Enlil

         . had children with both Enlil (boy Ninurta), & Enki (many girls & boys)

         . son Ninurta becomes Enlil‘s heir to the crown, born of the “double seed”

         . her patron city-state was Kish, Medical Center of Sumer

         . chief nurse, “Lady of the Rib”, Mammu / Mamma / Mami / Mom

         . worked with Enki & Ningishzidda to create Adapa, “Model Man”

         . her symbol became the umbilical chord cutter, the Greek letter omega, also ohm

         . Virgo is her Zodiac sign

Note: The highest ruling number in the Anunnaki system is #60, held by King Anu.

#60’s successor is the one holding the ruling rank of #50, (Enlil)

The female, sometimes a spouse, is usually given the next lesser number divisible by 5.

There are 6 male deities and 6 female deities among the ruling numbered twelve positions in the “Assembly of the Gods“.

All those in the “Assembly of Gods are descendants of King Anu‘s royal bloodline




                         ENLIL                          BAU                   ENKI                      NINHURSAG

NINURTA    NANNAR    ADAD                                   MARDUK    NERGAL    GIBIL    NINGISHZIDDA    DUMUZI









Washington’s Vision

In the National Tribune, 1880, an article appeared giving an account of the “Vision of Washington” at Valley Forge. The account was told by a gentleman named Anthony Sherman, a soldier who was supposedly with Washington at Valley Forge.

The place was Valley Forge, in the cold and bitter winter of 1777. Washington’s army had suffered several reverses and the situation was desperate. Food was scarce. The Continental Congress was not sending supplies or money. Some of the troops did not even have shoes to wear in the snow. Many soldiers were sick and dying from disease and exposure. Morale was at an all-time low and there was great agitation in the Colonies against continued effort to secure our freedom from England. Nevertheless, General Washington was determined to see the struggle through.

Anthony Sherman wrote:

You doubtless heard the story of Washington’s going to the thicket to pray in secret for aid and comfort from God, the interposition of whose Divine Providence brought us safely through the darkest days of tribulation. One day, I remember it well, when the chilly winds whistled through the leafless trees, though the sky was cloudless and the sun shown brightly, he remained in his quarters nearly all the afternoon alone. When he came out, I noticed that his face was a shade paler than usual. There seemed to be something on his mind of more than ordinary importance. Returning just after dusk, he dispatched an orderly to the quarters who was presently in attendance. After a preliminary conversation of about an hour, Washington, gazing upon his companion with that strange look of dignity which he alone commanded, related the event that occurred that day.”

“George Washington’s Vision”

This afternoon, as I was sitting at this table engaged in preparing a dispatch, something seemed to disturb me. Looking up, I beheld standing opposite me a singularly beautiful female. So astonished was I, for I had given strict orders not to be disturbed, that it was some moments before I found language to inquire the cause of her presence. A second, a third and even a fourth time did I repeat my question, but received no answer from my mysterious visitor except a slight raising of her eyes.

By this time I felt strange sensations spreading through me. I would have risen but the riveted gaze of the being before me rendered volition impossible. I assayed once more to address her, but my tongue had become useless, as though it had become paralyzed.

A new influence, mysterious, potent, irresistible, took possession of me. All I could do was to gaze steadily, vacantly at my unknown visitor. Gradually the surrounding atmosphere seemed as if it had become filled with sensations, and luminous. Everything about me seemed to rarefy, the mysterious visitor herself becoming more airy and yet more distinct to my sight than before. I now began to feel as one dying, or rather to experience the sensations which I have sometimes imagined accompany dissolution. I did not think, I did not reason, I did not move; all were alike impossible. I was only conscious of gazing fixedly, vacantly at my companion.

Presently I heard a voice saying,

“Son of the Republic, look and learn,”

while at the same time my visitor extended her arm eastwardly, I now beheld a heavy white vapor at some distance rising fold upon fold. This gradually dissipated, and I looked upon a stranger scene. Before me lay spread out in one vast plain all the countries of the world — Europe, Asia, Africa and America. I saw rolling and tossing between Europe and America the billows of the Atlantic, and between Asia and America lay the Pacific.

“Son of the Republic,” said the same mysterious voice as before, “look and learn.”

At that moment I beheld a dark, shadowy being, like an angel, standing or rather floating in mid-air, between Europe and America. Dipping water out of the ocean in the hollow of each hand, he sprinkled some upon America with his right hand, while with his left hand he cast some on Europe. Immediately a cloud raised from these countries, and joined in mid-ocean. For a while it remained stationary, and then moved slowly westward, until it enveloped America in its murky folds. Sharp flashes of lightning gleamed through it at intervals, and I heard the smothered groans and cries of the American people.

A second time the angel dipped water from the ocean, and sprinkled it out as before. The dark cloud was then drawn back to the ocean, in whose heaving billows in sank from view. A third time I heard the mysterious voice saying,

“Son of the Republic, look and learn,”

I cast my eyes upon America and beheld villages and towns and cities springing up one after another until the whole land from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dotted with them.

Again, I heard the mysterious voice say,

“Son of the Republic, the end of the century cometh, look and learn.”

At this the dark shadowy angel turned his face southward, and from Africa I saw an ill omened specter approach our land. It flitted slowly over every town and city of the latter. The inhabitants presently set themselves in battle array against each other. As I continued looking I saw a bright angel, on whose brow rested a crown of light, on which was traced the word “Union,” bearing the American flag which he placed between the divided nation, and said,

“Remember ye are brethren.”

Instantly, the inhabitants, casting from them their weapons became friends once more, and united around the National Standard.

“And again I heard the mysterious voice saying

“Son of the Republic, look and learn.”

At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon Europe, Asia and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: From each of these countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one. Throughout this mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who, moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America. Our country was enveloped in this volume of cloud, and I saw these vast armies devastate the whole county and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up. As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of sword, and the shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the mysterious voice saying,

“Son of the Republic, look and learn”

When the voice had ceased, the dark shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and fearful blast. “Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word Union, and who bore our national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of America, who I perceived were will nigh overcome, but who immediately taking courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.

Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying,

“Son of the Republic, look and learn.”

As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the inhabitants of the land victorious!

Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had brought in the midst of them, cried with a loud voice:

“While the stars remain, and the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last.”

And taking from his brow the crown on which blazoned the word “Union,” he placed it upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said, “Amen.”

The scene instantly began to fade and dissolve, and I at last saw nothing but the rising, curling vapor I at first beheld. This also disappearing, I found myself once more gazing upon the mysterious visitor, who, in the same voice I had heard before, said,

“Son of the Republic, what you have seen is thus interpreted: Three great perils will come upon the Republic. The most fearful is the third, but in this greatest conflict the whole world united shall not prevail against her. Let every child of the Republic learn to live for his God, his land and the Union.”

With these words the vision vanished, and I started from my seat and felt that I had seen a vision wherein had been shown to me the birth, progress, and destiny of the United States.

Sumerian tablet of Ereshkigal

“how Ereshkigal chose the Underworld”

Earth’s Ancient History

A Website dedicated to Ancient Times

(Texts: All Artefacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


        1ae - Enlil, Babylonian (Enlil)

        After Ki, Mother Earth and Queen, was separated by Enlil, Lord Air,

           3 - Anu, father of the gods on Earth

                         (An / Anu)

        Master of Winds, their firstborn, from An (Anu), Sky father and King,

        and the primal Unity of Heaven and Earth was forever lost,

        in the Heights Above, An (Anu) wept for Ki,

        longing for her embrace and kiss.

        His heartfelt tears met Nammu the Sea.

        She reached out for the Sky Lord, and Mother

        and grieving son made for the first time sweet Love.

        From the mingling of their bodies a Boy and a Girl,

           2aa - Enki, found in Sin's temple at Khorsabad2 - Ereshkigal

        Divine Twins were born. Enki and Ereshkigal, they were called.

        As time went by, Ereshkigal and Enki grew with the blessings of Creation’s dawn.

        Curious and sometimes wise beyond their years,

        brother and sister played especially in the Watery Deep of Nammu the Sea.

        Enki would float here and there, whereas Ereshkigal swam and dived everywhere.

        ‘ Ereshkigal, I can’t see you! Come back to the surface, will you?

        Why do you have to hide within the waters

        when there is so much to see and do without?’ asked Enki with a sigh.

        ‘A rhetoric question, young brother, without doubt’,

        countered Enlil amusedly from the shore,

        where he kept watch over the Duku, the Holy Mound of Creation,

        and Mother Ki, (sometimes Antu, sometimes Ninhursag)

        his eyes gleaming with fond laughter.

        ‘Just let Ereshkigal be for a while.

        At least I could do without her whys and wherefores for a minute or so!’


        ‘ I heard you, Big Brother!’ replied Ereshkigal.

        She came out to the surface riding a wave,

        and immediately put all her efforts together

        to raise a mighty wall of splashing water towards the rock

        where Enlil watched over the Earth and Enki’s floating body.

        Both Enlil and Enki ran for cover.

        They were going to succeed and escape Ereshkigal’s watery rage… perhaps this time?


        “Not as yet”, thought Ereshkigal with a satisfied grin,

        dripping with water and as fresh as the purest springs

        of Mother Urash (sometimes Nammu, sometimes Ninhursag).

        She sat by Enlil’s and Enki’s feet.


        ‘ So I ask too many questions, brothers of mine? Of course I do!

        I want to Know and to Know I must ask first!

        At least this is what I feel it should be!’

        Ereshkigal ignored the resigned amusement of Enlil and Enki

        and proceeded with confidence:

        ‘ There is a whole world within the Sea and I suspect in everything there is.

        Moreover, there must be things beyond and below

        I feel I should know, and I will, one day.

        While you, Enlil, devise the Plans of Creation,

        and you, Enki, busy yourself with forms and shapes these plans may take without,

        I am concerned with the power within that binds these plans

        and images together in combinations of all sorts.

        I don’t know how to explain it, but I simply feel there is a refulgence within,

        there is a Pattern that binds words and shapes together, beings and things,

        and it is this pattern I want to know.

        I will know. I just need to find out how.‘

           2 - Enlil, chief god of All On Earth

        A fleeting shadow crossed Enlil’s smiling face.

          ‘I wish I saw things your way, Ereshkigal,

        just to understand and explain the unexplained.

        Take Kur, for example, and our dark little brothers and sisters

        who followed him to the land’s end.

        It is true Kur and the others looked different from us.

        But why did they leave the safety of the Duku, the mound of creation,

        why did they go beyond the Waters of Mother Nammu.’


         ‘ You are worrying about Kur and the Dark Guardians again, Enlil.

        Why don’t you take them and Kur for what they are?

        Whatever and wherever they are?’ asked Ereshkigal.

         ‘ Had you laid your eyes on Kur, you’d understand my concern.

        He and the others are different from us, from our younger sisters and brothers. ‘

         ‘ But why should we all be the same, Older Brother?

        Indeed, I believe we are all very, very different.

        In Form and Essence, despite some Resemblance in Appearance.

        I may be very wrong, Enlil, but I feel that if you keep fixing your eyes on but one thing,

        you’ll miss out what could be the other side of the same thing.

        Or person and being,’ remarked thoughtfully Ereshkigal.


        ‘ Wise words, little sister!

        The point is that I take my Guardianship over the Earth too serious,’ agreed Enlil.

        ‘But there is something odd I cannot understand about Kur.

        And I for sure wouldn’t like to visit the place where he chose to dwell either,

        at the entrance of the Underworld,’ countered Enlil.


         ‘ I am sort of curious about these unknowable things.

        And I don’t fear what I don’t know.

        Even this Kur you don’t understand, Enlil.

        Indeed, I am curious about Kur,’ replied Ereshkigal.

         ‘And where is this Underworld, by the way?’


         ‘ None have gone there yet’, answered Enki.

        ‘ It is beyond the edge of this world.

        Mother Nammu says that it spreads itself as deep below

        as the heights of Father An stretch above.’


        ‘ This sounds really interesting!

        A whole new realm nobody has been to

        or knows so much about!’ exclaimed Ereshkigal.

         ‘ O, sister, sometimes I wish you showed more respect for what you don’t know.

        Just for safety’s sake’, supplied Enki.


         ‘ I am careful. And Inquisitive and Curious.

         ’ In her mind, Ereshkigal added silently

       ” even about this mysterious Kur and the Underworld”.


        And so it was that Ereshkigal, the daughter of Nammu the Sea,

        born of the bittersweet loss that the Sky father felt for Ki (Ninhursag),

        twin Sister of Enki, (Ninhursag is Enki’s twin)

        grew with the Desire to Know the Unknown and Reveal Patterns Unseen.

        Everyday she would play with Enki, her Companion and Best of Friends,

        and pester Enlil with countless questions.


        Everyday Ereshkigal would dive into the deep waters of the Mother

        and swim longer distances to resurface energized,

        with more and more questions in her mind and a deeper resolve forming inside.


        One day, Ereshkigal chose not to return to the Middle world.

        This was the day she had found Kur (or he had found her perhaps?),

        and the little dark half brothers and sisters of theirs.

        They looked ugly and threatening, scattered over the edge of the world,

        at the entrance of the Underworld.

        They seemed to be lonely too, for all kept to their spaces,

        alone and isolated, but looking pretty menacing.


        Little dark half brothers and sisters ?,

        So this must be a “wrong” and other creation of her mother Nammu with another God,

        but maybe a experimental creation of the Gods.


        ” So much pain and loneliness, such rage and hunger for what they know not what.

        Such desire to belong, but they know not where or how” ,

        she thought, but didn’t say a word.


        Faithful to herself, Ereshkigal didn’t flinch at Kur’s features

        or at the misshapen faces of the dark little ones.

        Yes, he did not look like any of the other Anunnaki Ereshkigal knew very well,

        but this didn’t make him threatening to her.

        Kur was… different.

        Indeed, with his huge scaly body and wings, Primeval Snake and Dragon,

        Ereshkigal felt he was like the raw power of Mother Ninhursag-Ki (Ninhursag).

        A Beast, but she knew there was beauty within him…

        Still, Ereshkigal l felt no fear for the Unknown

        and a longing embrace it and make her it own.


         ‘ I am not afraid of you. Of any of you’ she said out loud, and she meant it.

        ‘ You are my half brother, Kur, and so are the dark little ones.

        And somehow I feel there is beauty within you all,

        even if you and others don’t have eyes to see. But I have.

        Dive into your Essence, brother,

        search for the seed that brought you, me and all into being.

        I also came from that seed.

        There you will find what unite us,

        what make us One of a Kind with the One who is All Kinds.’


        Thus she dived into the immensity of Kur’s anguish and loss,

        for she accepted Kur for what he was, ugliness, pain,

        rage and loneliness to find out his all whys.


         ‘ I vowed to challenge and fight to the very end

        all who dared to fare to the world’s end,’ said Kur.


          ‘ And I take up the Challenge,’ answered Ereshkigal.

          ‘But I’ve travelled long and far to come to you.

        You are a Challenge to me. I need to understand you.

        And myself along the process.’


        ” Why are you doing this?”

        Ereshkigal heard the question in her mind,

        as she held Kur closer and closer to her own self.


        ” I myself don’t know very well why, but I simply need to.

        Perhaps to grow in Understanding of who I am,

        of who and what you and your own are.

        To learn and Share, out of a Desire for Love and Healing

        that comes from the bottom of my heart, mind, body and Soul.

        And may this way, when I am wise about these things,

        may I perhaps earn my crown in a brand new Realm, ‘ she replied loud and clear.


        Kur’s features must have shown the equivalent to a smile,

        for his voice sounded also light-hearted and interested.


         ‘ You are strange, half sister. I won’t fight you… as yet.

        Tell me about this new realm

        where you want to conquer your crown,’ said Kur, his curiosity stirred.


         ‘ How… I still must find out. Where…’

        Ereshkigal turned round pointed at the distance,

        where the Unknown lied yet unexplored.

           4 - door to Ereshkigal's Underworld

         ‘ There,’ she said, ’the Unknown, the Underworld, the Depths Within,

        where Appearances don’t count, just Essence.

        Perhaps I’ll go further by going deeper. Who knows?’


        Kur came closer and closer still.

        Ereshkigal kept her ground, just waiting.

        So although he might think he was seizing her,

        indeed it was she who had captured him.

        To stretch his and her boundaries of being.

        Heart pounding, but keeping very still outwards,

        Ereshkigal felt her awareness grow as she experienced the wounds Kur had inside,

        his desire to belong anywhere, to fit in.

        Suddenly, she also realized how different she had always felt.

        Even from Enki and Enlil, whom she loved with all her heart, mind and soul,

        but who could never dive into the depths she longed to thread upon.


        Ereshkigal sighed deeply, and glanced into the distance for a brief moment,

        in the direction where Enlil and Enki sure were.

        Maybe her Quest was another. She turned to Kur.


         ‘ What I will be from now on, I must discover’,

        was her cryptic reply to Kur’s unspoken question,

        but she knew he understood what she still was unable to say out loud.


         ‘ It may be a long task,’ Kur replied.


         ‘ Perhaps if I let each day bring what it has to offer,

        and see what I can do with what it brings,

        I will be able to accomplish something different.

        To learn something different and grow likewise.

        Will you do this with me?’


        Thoughtfully, but with an engaging smile,

        Ereshkigal stretched her hand to hold Kur’s scaly paw.

        Together, they crossed the threshold to the Underworld.


        Ereshkigal had always felt the pull to feel and experience the Unknown.

        Now she chose to go where no one had gone before,

        to stay in the uncharted realms of the Great Below,

        to fill up its Emptiness with her Being.

        Her voice then resonated loud and clear in all worlds of Creation,

        Heights Above, Middle world, over the edge of the Earth and,

        for the first time, echoed in the Depths Below:

         ‘ I claim the Realm of the Depths, the Underworld as my domain.’

          4d - Ninlil followed Enlil to Ereshkigal's Underworld (Ereskigal in the Underworld)

        She had found her life’s Quest.

        Not looking back, Ereshkigal crossed the threshold to the Below, never to come back.


Ninhursag Texts:

Ninhursag Related Minor Gods Slide-Show:

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Minor Gods Related to Ninhursag Texts:

Ninhursag, Enki & Ningishzidda Develope Modern Man Slideshow:

Adapa (Adam), Modern Man Texts:

Ninhursag Mixed-Breed Son King Texts:

(Ninhursag’s Umbilical Chord-Cutter Symbol, Greek Letter, Ohm)

Ninhursag Birth-Goddess, Chord-Cutter Symbol Slide-Show:

Other Anunnaki Information:


Ur Slide-Show:

Nannar’s Patron City of Ur Texts:

Ur Kings Slide-Show:

Nannar’s Ur Kings Texts:

Sumerian Music Tablets











MS in Sumerian on clay, Sumer, 26th c. BC, upper half of a huge tablet + fragment of lower part, 20x30x5 cm + 9x18x5 cm, originally ca. 40x30x5 cm, 16+9 and 7+7 columns, 437+ ca. 100 lines remaining in cuneiform script, circular depressions introducing each new entry.

Binding: Barking, Essex, 1996, green quarter morocco gilt folding case by Aquarius.

Context: Similar, smaller tablets are known from Fara or Tell Abu Salabikh. 3 compilations all from 26th c. BC have music instruments. The present tablet is almost a duplicate of a relatively well-known lexical list, discussed by Miguel Civil in Cagni, Ebla 1975-1985, pp. 133 ff. The obverse is an abbreviated recension with minor changes in the sequence of the entries. The reverse is the continuation of the unfinished Fara recension.

Commentary: The earliest known record of music and musical instruments in history. The name of one of the stringed instruments is a Semitic word, ki-na-ru, the later kinnaru known from the Mari letters and Ras Shamra texts (13th c. BC, cfr. MS 1955/1-6), and the still later Biblical Hebrew kinnor. The system of phonetic notation in Sumer and Babylonia is based on a music terminology that gives individual names to 9 musical strings or ‘notes’, and to 14 basic terms describing intervals of the 4th and 5th that were used in tuning string instruments (according to 7 heptatonic diatonic scales), and terms for 3rds and 6ths that appear to have been used to fine tune (or temper in some way) the 7 notes generated for each scale. The combination of string names and interval terms is used to describe the tuning procedure and the generation of the 7 scales and form a skeletal phonetic notation. (The New Grove, 2nd ed., vol. 18, p. 74.) The oldest musical instruments known are a ca. 41 000 BC flute made of bear bone, found in 1995 at a Neanderthal site in Slovenia, and 6 intact and 30 fragmentary crane bone flutes from Jiahu, in the Chinese province of Henan, dated to 9000-7700 BC. One crane bone flute is still in playing order, the earliest instrument possible to play.









MS in Neo Sumerian on clay, Babylonia, 1900-1700 BC, 1 tablet, 6,5×4,4×2,0 cm, single column, 13 lines in cuneiform script.

Binding: Barking, Essex, 2000, blue cloth gilt folding case by Aquarius.

Context: Cf. MS 2340 listing 23 types of musical instruments.

Commentary: There are texts of dialogues between a teacher and a scribe

Old Babylonian cuneiform musical notation


MS in Old Babylonian on clay, Babylonia, 2000-1700 BC, 1 lenticular tablet, diam. 9,0×3,2 cm, 2 double columns, each of 7 ruled lines with numbers in Old Babylonian cuneiform notation, with headings, ‘intonation’ and ‘incantation’, respectively.

Context: The only other complete music text is a later Hurrian hymn written in the mode of nidqibli, which is the enneatonic descending scale of E.

Commentary: The oldest musical notation known so far. Lutes are not preserved from the Old Babylonian period. The earliest known description of a lute dates from the middle of the 10th c., of a 9th c. instrument, Oxford, Bodleian library MS Marsh 521. The present notation system gives contemporary information on the Old Babylonian 4 stringed lute. It further attests that frets were used, and that their values, tonal and semitonal, were purposely calculated. Most significantly the discovery of this text attests of a music syllabus in educational institutions about 4000 years ago.

Published: To be published by Richard Dunnbrill: An Old Babylonian music text, from where the information has been taken.

A Collection of Mesopotamian Laws c. 2250 – 550 BC

From: William Muss-Arnolt, “Some Babylonian Laws,” in Assyrian and Babylonian Literature: Selected Transactions, With a Critical Introduction by Robert Francis Harper (New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1904), pp. 445-447.

Laws governing private as well as public and political life were written up in Mesopotamia as early as 2250 B.C. Unfortunately, most of these early documents have been preserved in very fragmentary condition, so that only a few phases of early law and procedure are now known to us. The following fragments date from the Akkadian through the Neo-Babylonian periods.

       1. BE it enacted forever and for all future days:

       If a son say to his father, “You are not my father,”

       he [the father] can cut off his [the son’s] locks,

       make him a slave and sell him for money.

       If a son say to his mother, “You are not my mother,”

       she can cut off his locks, turn him out of town,

       or (at least) drive him away from home,

       deprive him of citizenship and of inheritance,

       but his liberty he loses not.

       If a father say to his son, “You are not my son,”

       the latter has to leave house and field and he loses everything.

       If a mother say to her son, “You are not my son,”

       he shall leave house and furniture.

       If a wife be unfaithful to her husband and then says,

       “You are not my husband,” let her be thrown into the river.

       If a husband say to his wife, “You are not my wife,”

       he shall as a fine pay one half mana of silver.

       If some one hires a servant and the latter dies

       or is rendered useless otherwise (e.g.,by flight, rebellion, or sickness)

       he shall give to the owner as daily wages ten qa of grain a day.


       2. If an overseer or a fisherman

       ordered to the service of the king does not come,

       but sends a hireling in his stead,

       that same overseer or fisherman shall be put to death,

       and his house shall go into the possession of the hireling.


       3. If a man lets out his field to a farmer

       and he has received the rent for his field,

       and afterward a flood pours down upon that field,

       or some animal destroys the harvest of the farmer;

       in case now the rent of this field is not yet paid, or ______.

       [The law here no doubt said that,

       in case of damage by weather or animals,

       a renter of a field will have certain reduction granted.

       If he paid in advance, part of the money will be refunded to him,

       if he pays at the end of the lease, he need not pay the full amount.]


       4. When a merchant gives to his clerk grain, wool, oil,

       or some other merchandise for sale,

       the clerk shall give a strict account

       and turn in the money to the merchant:

       and the merchant shall give to the clerk

       a receipt for the money paid over to him.


       5. When a man has bought a male or female slave,

       and the sale is fought by a third party (the real owner)

       and is in consequence thereof declared void,

       the seller of the slave has to pay for all damages.


       6. When in an enclosed yard a disturbance occurs,

       or again, when a lion kills,

       his keeper shall pay all damages,

       and the owner of the yard shall receive the killed animals.


       7. When a peasant says to the date-vendor,

       “All the dates in this garden you may take for your money,”

       that vendor shall not do so;

       but the dates that grow in the garden

       shall be and remain the property of the owner,

      and with these dates he shall pay the vendor

      for the latter’s money and the interests accrued,

       as the written agreement calls for;

       but what remains of dates after that

       shall be and remain the property of the owner.


       8. When a shepherd of small cattle,

       after having driven the herd from pasture,

       and when the whole troop has passed within the city gates,

       drives his cattle to another man’s field (within the city walls),

       and pastures it there, that shepherd shall take care of the field,

       which he has given to his flock as pasture,

       and shall give to the owner of the field

       for every day the amount of sixty qa.


       9. If a man sell a slave girl for money,

       and another party proves just claims to her,

       and takes her away from her present owner,

       the seller shall return the money to the buyer,

       to exactly the same amount that his receipt calls for;

       if in the meanwhile she has borne children,

       he shall in addition pay for each child one half shekel.


       10. If a man, after having promised,

       either verbally or in writing,

       a certain dowry to his daughter,

       loses part of his property,

       he can give his daughter a dowry in accordance

       with the property as it is now,

       and neither father-in-law nor son-in-law

       shall go to law on that account.


       11. If a man has given his daughter a dowry,

       and the daughter dies without an issue,

       the dowry reverts to the house of her father.


       12. If a woman, whose dowry her husband has taken charge of,

       remains childless and loses her husband,

       her dowry shall be returned to her in full

       out of the late husband’s estate.

       If her husband during his lifetime

       has presented her part of his property,

       she shall retain this also

       and still receive her own dowry in full.

       But if she had no dowry,

       the judge shall examine into the condition of her husband’s estate

       and then give her a proper share in accordance

       with her late husband’s property.




       1) Guanna – “Heavenly Bull” Taurus

       2) Mashtabba – “Twins” Gemini

       3) Dub – “Pincers, tongs”, the crab Cancer

       4) Urgula – “Lion” Leo

       5) Absin – “Her Father Was Sin”, The Maiden Virgo

       6) Zibaabba – “Heavenly Fate, The Scales Of Libra

       7) Girtab – “Which Claws And Cuts” Scorpio

       8) Pabil – “Defender”, The Archer Sagittarius

       9) Suhurmash – “Goat Fish” Capricorn

       10) Gu– “Lord Of The Waters” The Water Bearer Aquarius

       11) Simmah – “Fishes” Pisces

       12) Kumal – “Field Dweller”, The Ram Aries

Examples of the importance in the Zodiac

       Enlil & his clan ruled “Heaven & Earth” during the time of the Bull

       Enki’s son Marduk/Ra reigned on Earth during the time of the Ram


Zodiac Time Line

       AGE OF LEO 10,860 B.C. TO 8,700 B.C.

       AGE OF CANCER 8,700 B.C. TO 6,540 B.C.

       AGE OF GEMINI 6,540 B.C. TO 4,380 B.C.

       AGE OF TAURUS 4,380 B.C. TO 2,220 B.C.

       AGE OF ARIES 2,220 B.C. TO 60 B.C.

       AGE OF PISCES 60 B.C. TO 2,100 A.D.

       AGE OF AQUARIUS 2,100 A.D. TO 4,260 A.D.

Egyptian Zodiac (thousands of years later)

The Complete Solar System of 12 Celestial Bodies

#1 SUN = APSU (Sunday)

Greeks named the days of the week by the 7 known celestial bodies in the sky thought to orbiting Earth. Copernicus discovered in 1543 that planets orbit the sun. He knew of 6 planets at the time.

Sun = Sunday (Greek)

Sun = Apsu “one who exists from the beginning” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

#2 MERCURY = MUMMU (Wednesday)

(9th Planet in from Nibiru)

Mercury = Mercredi (Greek), or Wednesday

Mercury = Mummu “one who was born of waters mixed of Apsu and Tiamat.” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

#3 VENUS = LAHUMA (Friday)

(8th Planet in from Nibiru)

(8-Pointed Star Symbol of Inanna)

Venus = Vendredi (Greek), or Friday

Venus = Lahuma, (female) “lady of battles” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

#4 EARTH (½ of TIAMAT)

(7th planet in from Nibiru)

(7-Pointed Star Symbol of Enlil)

Earth = Tiamat “maiden of life” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

Earth = Ki, the lower ½ of Tiamat

Originally the planet was named Tiamat. Lower ½ of planet Tiamat, called Ki, was knocked into the new orbit of today and grabbed planet moon from its original orbit. Now moon orbits Earth (/Ki ) and does not spin on its axis. Earth’s great crater at the bottom filled in with water and then Earth’s plates moved to where they are now. This is continental drift. Earth’s land mass was all connected at the top of the globe, then, drifted apart. Cracks filled with water. The upper ½ of planet Tiamat was smashed by the crossing planet, Nibiru, and is now the Asteroid Belt.

#5 MOON = KINGU = LUNA (Monday)

Moon = Monday (Greek)

Moon = Kingu (Sumerian & Akkadian)

#6 MARS = LAHMU (Tuesday)

(6th Planet in from Nibiru)

(6-Pointed Star Symbol of Nabu)

Mars = Mardi (Greek), or Tuesday

Mars = Lahmu (male) “deity of war” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

Hammered Bracelet”

ASTEROID BELT (1/2 of the Original EARTH)

Celestial Bracelet” (Egypt)

Hammered out bracelet (Old Testament)

Referred by Old Testament & Egyptians, & others asHeaven

½ of planet Tiamat. Tiamat was cracked into 2 parts by one of Nibiru’s moons, ½ became Earth, ½ was smashed into bits by Nibiru as it passed by, forming the Asteroid Belt. Matter was transferred from Nibiru to Earth at this time.

#7 JUPITER = KISHAR (Thursday)

(5th Planet in from Nibiru)

Jupiter = Jeudi (Greek), or Thursday

Jupiter = Kishar “foremost of the firm lands” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

#8 SATURN = ANSHAR (Saturday)

(4th Planet in from Nibiru)

Saturn = Saturday (Greek)

Saturn = Anshar “prince foremost of the heavens” (Sumerian & Akkadian)

Saturn’s satellite, Gaga, was confused and it orbit shifted by the gravitational pull of the “planet of the crossing”, Nibiru, and is now the planet Pluto.


(3rd Planet in from Nibiru)

Discovered in 1781

Uranus = Anuhe of the heavens” (Sumerian & Akkadian)


(2nd Planet in from Nibiru)

Discovered in 1846

Neptune = Ea / Nudimmud, “artful creator”, (epithet of Enki – Sumerian & Akkadian)

Neptune was outermost planet at the time of the collision of Nibiru & Tiamat. It was Neptune’s gravity that caught the planet Nibiru and turned it into our solar system as it passed by.


(1st Planet in from Nibiru)

Discovered in 1930

Pluto = Gaga “counselor & emissary of Anshar

Gaga was a satellite of Saturn, Nibiru upon one of it’s crossing orbits, due to the gravitational pull of Nibiru, yanked it away from Saturn and resettled it into it’s present position as Pluto.


(12th Celestial Body in Solar System)

(12-Pointed Star Symbol)

Nibiru = Sumerian “planet of the crossing

Marduk = Babylonian

12th celestial body found in our solar system, ruled by Anu and spouse Antu


Planet” is Greek for wanderer; Greeks and Romans thought the planets and the sun rotate around the earth – 7 known by them – they named gods and days of the week after them.

It takes 2,160 years to conclude a full zodiacal house (ex: Taurus the bull).

Zodiac’s 12 houses were named by the Anunnaki thousands of years ago.

It takes 3,600 Earth years for planet Nibiru to orbit the sun.

Neptune was outermost planet at the time of the collision of Nibiru’s moon & Tiamat, grabbed drifting Nibiru into our solar system (see Epic of Creation for complete story of planets)

Planet Tiamat, (Earth plus asteroid belt) had 11 moons, one is today’s moon, and ten were smashed into comets that now orbit the sun.