Adad Quotes From Texts

Adad = Enlil & Ninlil‘s 2nd son, spouse to Shara


(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!)

(gods in blue)


Adad Speaking in the 1st Person:

        “They called the canal-controller, Anu´s son,

        The decision-maker spoke for him;

        They called Adad, the canal controller, Anu´s (grand) son,

        The decision-maker spoke to him,

        ‘ Powerful Adad, ferocious Adad, your attack cannot be deflected;

        Your name shall be great in the great gods´ assembly,

        You shall have no rival among the gods your brothers,

        Then surely shall shrines be created!

        Establish your cult centers all over the four quarters!

        Your cult centers shall enter Ekur!

        Show prowess to the gods, and your name shall be Powerful!

        Adad answered the speech, addressed his words to Anu, his father:

        ‘ Father, who could rush off to the inaccessible mountain?

        Has taken away the Enlil-power: rites are abandoned!

        Anzu flew off and went into hiding!

        His utterance has replaced that of Duranki´s god!

        He has only to command, and whoever he curses turns to clay!

        At his utterance, the gods must now tremble!’

        He turned away, saying he would not make the expedition….”



        “Adad as the Shaper of Elemental forces, who therefore gives physical manifestation to them:

        ‘Rimon strikes the earth and the mountains fall, the plains rise as mountains;’ …”


        “O Adad (Ishkur), lord of prayers and divination.

        In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth! …”


        “O Shamash, lord of judgment, O Adad, lord of prayers and divination,

        Seated on thrones of gold, dining from a tray of lapis (-lazuli),

        Come down to me that you may dine, that you may sit on the throne and render judgment.

        In the ritual I perform, in the extispicy I perform, place the truth! …”


Ickur / Ishkur Quotes From Texts

Ickur / Ishkur = Adad, Enlil‘s 3rd main son

        “the son of Enlil, the god Ickur (Ishkur / Adad), thundering in heaven and earth,…”


        “He called to the rain of the heavens.

        He …… as floating clouds.

        He made …… rising at the horizon.

        He turned the mounds into fields …….

        Enki placed in charge of all this him who rides on the great storms, who attacks with lightning bolts,

        the holy bar which blocks the entrance to the interior of heaven, the son of An, the canal inspector of heaven and earth —

        Ickur (Adad), the bringer of plenty, the son of An (Enlil, grandson to Anu)…”


        “like the seven storms, those of Ickur (Ishkur / Adad, Enlil‘s son), let me leap like a flame, blaze like lightning! …”


Addu Quotes From Texts

Addu = Adad, 3rd most important son to Enlil

        canal supervisor

        “If he looses the yokes of their oxen,

        And puts them into other fields

        Or gives them to a foreigner, […] will be devastated […] of Addu.

        If he seizes their … stock of sheep, Addu, canal supervisor of heaven and earth,

        Will extirpate his pasturing animals by hunger…”


Rimon / Rimmon Quotes From Texts

Rimon / Rimmon = Adad, Enlil‘s son

As Rimon:

        “All the products of man’s labors are the field of Adad/Rimon;…”


        “Adad/Rimon and the King:

        ‘Now, as future king, one of your titles will be ‘Tenant farmer of the God,”…”


        “all this is the god Rimon and His wife Shalla, the corn goddess, the compassionate one; 

        they are the earthly presence of the great gods…”


As Rimmon:

        “And Rimmon (Adad) rides triumphant on the air,..”


        “Asur (Ashur) the great lord, the director of the hosts of the gods,

        the giver of the scepter and the crown, the establisher of the kingdom;

         Bel (Enlil), the lord (bilu), the king of all the spirits of the earth, the father of the gods, the lord of the world;

         Sin (Nannar) (the Moon-god), the sentient one, the lord of the crown, the exalted one, the god of the storm;

         Samas (Utu / Shamash) (the Sun-god), the judge of heaven and earth, who beholds the plots of the enemy, who feeds the flock;

         Rimmon, the prince, the inundator of hostile shores, of countries (and) houses;

         Uras (Marduk), the hero, the destroyer of evil men and foes, who discloses all that is in the heart;

         Ishtar (Inanna), the eldest of the gods, the lady of girdles, the strengthener of battles….”


        “Rimmon, the crowned hero, Lord of canals the Sun-god;…”


        “the cyclical-feast of Assur and Rimmon I had inaugurated…”


        “like Rimmon the inundator of the plain…”


        “I roared like Rimmon the inundator…”


        “the beloved of Rimmon mightiest among the gods,…”


        “With the help of Assur (and) Rimmon…”


        “By the help of Samas (Utu) and Rimmon, the gods my ministers…”


        “By the command of Assur, Samas (Utu / Shamash), and Rimmon,…”


        “named by Sin, the servant of Anu, the favorite of Rimmon,…”


        “The bodies of their warriors in destructive battle

        like the inundator (Rimmon) I overthrew; their corpses I spread…”


         “Rimmon (the Air-god) (Enlil is Lord Air), the prince,

         the inundator of hostile shores, of countries (and) houses; …”


Yav Quotes From Texts

Yav / Jav = Adad, Enlil‘s son

Assyrian Pantheon (Ashurnasirpal II):

        “namely, to Assur (Ashur), Anu, Hea (Enki), Sin (Nannar) [the Moon],

        Merodach (Marduk), Yav (Adad) Jahve, Jah (unidentified?), Ninip (Ninurta),

        Nebo (Nabu), Beltis (Ninlil), Nergal, Bel-Dagon (Enlil),

        Samas (Utu) [the Sun], Istar (Inanna)…”


        “a temple to Ninip my Lord I therein founded;

        when an image of Ninip himself which had not been made before,

        in the reverence of my heart for his great mighty god-ship,

        of mountain stone and brilliant gold I caused to make in its completeness;…

        an altar to Ninip my Lord I therein consecrated:

        a temple for Beltis (Inanna), Sin (Nannar), and Gulanu (Bau / Gula),

        HeaManna (Enki) and Yav (Adad) great ruler of heaven and earth I founded…”


        “ By help of Assur and Yav, the great gods who aggrandize my royalty, chariots, (and) an army,…”


        “in honor of Assur, the Sun-god and Yav, the gods in whom I trust, my chariots and army…”


        “ With the help of the Sun-god and Yav, the gods in whom I trust…”


        “like Yav the inundator I rushed upon them;…”


        “worshipper of Anu, exalter of Yav, suppliant of the gods…”


        “to the god Yav who confers the fertilizing rain upon my land, his house (also) in Borsippa…”


Aba Quote From Text

Aba = Adad, Enlil‘s son

        “Your prince, the warrior who ……, who defeats (?) all in battle, exulting ……,

        Aba, the god of Agade (Akkad), has erected a house in your precinct,

        O house Agade, and taken his seat upon your dais. the house of Aba in Agade…”