The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature
(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!) (gods in blue) 1-4. Princely son, you are radiant as you come forth from the sacred bathing chamber (?), ……. …… the mountain of pure divine powers (alien technologies), the abzu shrine, ……. …… the majestic foundation platform, ……. Bringing terrifying radiance from the marshes, you …… a fearsome ……. 5-12. Lifting your head in your goodness, greatness and majesty, majestically you extend your arm in order to determine destinies: great (grandfather) An has liberally bestowed on you your kingship over heaven and earth, and Enlil has perfected for you your great and noble filial status and lordship.Enlil has made majestic divinity manifest for you.Determining a destiny for your flowing waters, the majestic lower (?) waters, Enki from within the sacred bathing chamber (?) has placed the good earth, the good mother, at your feet.Enlil has sired you in majesty and lordship.(Nannar, Enlil‘s son, Moon Crescent God, SEE NANNAR‘S SYMBOLS AT BOTTOM OF HIS PAGE!) 13-19. O Nanna (Nannar / Sin), your crescent moon is called “the crescent moon of the seventh day (?)” (Monday – Moon Day). Enlil has made known throughout heaven and earth your name, which is a sacred name.Princely son (of Enlil), he has made your greatness manifest throughout heaven and earth. The majestic assembly has bestowed on you his status as Enlil.And from the place of the sanctuary Eridug (Eridu, Enki‘s patron city), Enki has determined for you your lordship and majesty.King of heaven and earth who adorns heaven and earth (?), from the majestic abzu, the place of the sanctuary Eridug, he has declared your great lordship and your greatness. (Nanna / Nannar, Enlil‘s son, patron god of Ur, the home of Biblical Abraham, who’s father Terah was Nannar‘s High-Priest) 20-26. O Nanna, he has chosen as your inheritance that you should surpass the Anuna gods.He has seated you in a sacred dwelling amid their pure divine powers (alien technologies) which gladden the heart. He has grandly called the great gods to the food offerings. He has seated them for the ritual which fills the heart with majestic pleasure. He has presented to (?) the gods their offerings which gladden the heart. He has seated you in a majestic place, a sacred place. O Nanna, he has seated you in a sacred place, a sacred dwelling.27-30. Enki purifies the dwelling for you, he makes the dwelling shine for you. He consecrates the heavens for you, he makes the earth shine for you. He makes the E-kiš-nu-ĝal, the house of the cedar forests, tower straight upward for you. He makes your majestic residence into a sacred place for you, the foundation of heaven and earth. 31-40. He puts your ritual plans and majestic lustration rituals in order for you. …… he makes the offering table resplendent for you in the sacred place. …… he puts in order for you …… evening meals, your evening meals and morning meals. He consecrates the lustration rituals and makes them shine for you. After ……, he has made the …… beautiful. He has called ……. Enki sets up for you the lustration rituals created in his abzu;Kusu (Gibil‘s spouse, Enlil‘s daughter) establishes the lustration rituals created in their specific house —the oven for oxen, sheep and bread beside the interior of the bathing chamber (?), those sacred lustration rituals beside the shrine! 41-48. Kusu purifies the oil for the house. It is placed in readiness and the limbs are ……. To ensure the sacred lustration rituals are not neglected, from the majestic marshes, the vast, sacred bathing chamber (?), this destiny emerges: the E-kiš-nu-ĝal (Nannar‘s house in Ur), with its majestic, sacred dais, perfects the great, majestic divine powers of heaven and earth (alien tech). You bathe on the majestic banks by (?) the sacred bathing chamber (?); you put mountain oil on your sacred body; O Nanna, you are placed upon your majestic dais — (Ningal, (mixed-breed king of Ur Ur-Nammu, again, Nannar, alien gods with animal horn crowns) wrapped in majestic linen, with raised head, shining horns and the diadem of lordship! 49-55. With the majestic oil of the sacred body, the oil of lordship, oil from your great treasury, Lord Ningublaga (Utu) consecrates the hands on his lapis-lazuli quay, the majestic quay, the sacred quay.But from Eridug (Eridu) the stag of the abzu (Enki) purifies the oil for those hands. So that you should place sacred hands upon your offering table in the banqueting hall, the great place, your steward Kusu — she who purifies hands and cleanses hands — consecrates the hands.But from Eridug the stag of the abzu purifies the oil for those hands. 56-60. Ningal is the majestic lady of the abzu shrine, of the majestic dais of Urim (Ur) determining good and great destinies, and of the E-kiš-nu-ĝal, the sacred and good dwelling. O, the sacred dwelling is the place of your ladyship for Nanna its king (patron god)!The E-kiš-nu-ĝal, the Agrun-kug, is your house of royalty! Nanna and Ningal bring joyfulness to the dwelling. 61-65. O Suen (Nannar / Sin), sage, majestic lord throughout heaven and earth, your crown is a majestic crown! O Ašimbabbar (Nannar) who puts a terrifying radiance in heaven and earth!May his hands be consecrated for him. May they be consecrated like heaven for him, may they be made to shine like the earth for him. May they be as resplendent as the center of heaven for him. May he lift his head with its crown (?) of heaven and earth, the sacred crown. 66-68. Suen (Nannar), the sage lord, majestic throughout heaven and earth, who perfects the pure dais, Ašimbabbar who wears (?) the diadem and just crown with majestic, shining horns, lifts his head.69. Sacred oil, pure oil, cleansing oil!(This line is written on the left edge of the tablet and may represent an accidentally omitted line, or else the catchline to another composition, possibly an incantation.) A Hymn to Nanna (Nanna G)The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!) (gods in blue) Segment Aunknown no. of lines missing 1-4. Nanna (Nannar / Sin), ……, lord, son of Enlil, ……, Nanna, lord, ……, lord, son of Enlil, ……!
The woman perfect in beauty ……. Nanna, lord, sweet wonder ……! The woman perfect in beauty …….
9-12. Ninḫursaĝa (Ninhursag) ……, the great mother Ninḫursaĝa …….
Nanna, ……, the great mother Ninḫursaĝa ……. you ……. Nanna, ……, you ……. unknown no. of lines missing Segment B
2-5. …… you have shown your attractiveness to me. May your beauty cover my body like a …… garment. Nanna, …… you have shown your attractiveness to me. May your beauty cover my body like a …… garment.
6-9. Lord whose pure hands befit the milk churn, what you accomplish is pleasing to An (Anu) and Enlil. Nanna, lord whose pure hands befit the milk churn, what you accomplish is pleasing to An and Enlil.
10-17. May you build enduringly the eternal (?) house. May you build enduringly Nanna‘s eternal (?) house, the …… quarters (?) and the courtyard of Nanna— the temple whose shadow extends out into the midst of the sea, the E-kiš-nu-ĝal, the sweet wonder, the temple of Nanna built on empty land (prior earthlings)!
……, Suen (Nannar / Sin)…… among the gods. …… Enlil(?). ……, Nanna, lord, great son (grandson) of An, beloved …… (son) of Enlil and Ninlil,
unknown no. of lines missing Segment C1-12. 12 lines missing or fragmentaryunknown no. of lines missing A Hymn to Nanna (Nanna M)The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!) (gods in blue)
1-6. Princely lord ……, great lord of heaven ……! In the city which like the sea inspires awe!
Far-seeing Suen, ruler of Urim (Ur)! O Suen, princely lord ……, great lord of heaven ……! In the city which like the sea inspires awe! Far-seeing Suen, ruler of Urim!
7-14. Born in the mountains and coming forth in joy, he is a powerful force, a lion, a dragon, a mighty lord — Suen, mouth like a dragon’s, ruler of Urim! Nanna, born in the mountains and coming forth in joy, he is a powerful force, a lion, a dragon, a mighty lord — Suen, mouth like a dragon’s, ruler of Urim! 15-20. In the ĝipar (?) …… perfect reputation.
My king, having …… and sat upon the dais, in his great banqueting hall he arranges the table of An. Nanna, in the ĝipar (?) …… perfect reputation. My king, having …… and sat upon the dais, in his great banqueting hall he arranges the table of An. 21-26. …… has gathered the divine powers (alien technologies) in joy. ……, the black-headed (modern earthlings) have lifted their eyes to you,
{the first-born son of Enlil} {(the other ms. has instead:) Suen}. …… has gathered the divine powers (alien technologies) in joy. ……, the black-headed have lifted their eyes to you, the first-born son of Enlil (with spouse Ninlil, Ninurta was 1st, born of Enlil & his 1/2 sister Ninhursag). A Hymn to Nanna (Nanna N)The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!) (gods in blue) 1-9. …… that fills the holy heavens, an adept (?) exuding radiance (?), Nanna, your crown is holy! Unique lord, …… lord who …… the heavens, shining in the high heavens, ……, spreading advice throughout heaven and earth, ……, you are the god who ……, …… the place of creation. 1 line fragmentary 10-17. …… as you come forth, …… you rise in radiance (God of the Moon). Your …… is holy and bright. O, it has come forth for my king like the good sunlight!
Nanna, …… as you come forth, …… you rise in radiance. Your …… is holy and bright.
O, it has come forth for my king like the good sunlight! 18-21. …… for (?) the ruler whom you (?) have chosen, you have made your holy …… manifest. …… without ceasing, he has attained ……. 22-27. The sweet-sounding tigi instruments are arranged in the majestic forecourt
where your food-offerings are presented.
In the heavenly assembly (?), the tigi instruments resound for you. Nanna, the sweet-sounding tigi instruments are arranged in the majestic forecourt
where your food-offerings are presented. In the heavenly assembly (?), the tigi instruments resound for you. 28-33. May your city experience prosperity under you!
In Urim may you raise your head high, unique lord, …… lord, into the distant future! Nanna, may your city experience prosperity under you! In Urim may you raise your head high, unique lord, …… lord, into the distant future! A Hymn to NannaThe Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!) (gods in blue) 1-13. Princely lord, foremost in the E-kur, …… fearsomeness! Suen (Sin / Nannar), beneficent one of Enlil, …… the living! Cornelian calf, adorned with beauty, …… brilliance! …… prince whose forehead flourishes and whose countenance ……!
Suen, warrior possessing great strength whose solidity ……, ……, radiance in (?) the pure heavens, …… fear over the broad earth, making …… manifest among the gods, ……, …… greatly ……, …… in heaven and on earth ……, 4 lines fragmentary 14-20. (Suen speaks:) “ 2 lines fragmentary I am the …… of Enlil, ……. In fear (?) of my lordship and greatness …….
O my mother, speak to my father ……, speak to the Great Mountain Enlil ……. Like the god, my brother, …….”
21-29. His mother Ninlil spoke (?) to her spouse, she addressed her words to the Great Mountain Enlil: “O my spouse, your son Suen ……. The beneficent son, the song of the heart, ……. You …… born of mother and father, ……. Prince, glory of the E-kur, fruitful one of the Ki-ur ……, the cowherd …… cows, Suen……, the princely son …….” A fragment of a Hymn to NannaThe Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature( (Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!) (gods in blue)
Segment Aunknown no. of lines missing …… puts in order the great cattle pens …… for him.
…… the breeding bulls of the teeming cows …… bellow loudly. …… prepares butter, milk and eggs. The …… of his celebration which has been multiplied for you,
…… their prince, …… put in order the …… for Suen, the abundance of heaven and earth. ……, the king befitting the holy heavens, …… in the interior of heaven, unknown no. of lines missing Segment B The foremost ……, …… in heaven and on earth, …… moonlight. …… radiance.
The lord …… dignity ……. Ningal ……. The lord …… splendor. unknown no. of lines missing An excerpt from a Hymn to NannaThe Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!) (gods in blue) 1-5. God who …… among the gods, coming forth on high, perfecting the divine powers (alien technologies) of heaven! Outstanding crown, radiance, ……, prince, …… of heaven, justly cherished by An (Anu) and Uraš (Antu)!Born in Dur-an-ki (“Bond Heaven and Earth” in Enlil‘s residence in Nippur)!
Light, radiance and crown of Urim (Ur)! 6-8. Now in addition he desired something good, something good. The lord wearied Enlil to determine the fate of his city: “My father, may you restore my city for me!” 9-11. No one should escape the grasp of Father Nanna, him of most just words! Princely lord, princely lord, great princeliness among the gods! In the temple that, like the heavens, inspires terror and fear, you are awesome. (Nannar‘s house in Ur excavated, top is lost)A fragment of a Hymn to NannaThe Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature(Texts: All Artifacts, Color Coding, & Writings in Bold Type With Italics Inside Parenthesis, are Added by Editor R. Brown, not the Authors, Translators, or Publishers!) (gods in blue) unknown no. of lines missing …… the …… of Suen(?), father (?) ……. 3-13. The boat sailed, the boat sailed, ……. …… to the lord (?), to the E-sila (?). …… the E-mud-kura in Urim (Ur).
…… the E-kiš-nu-ĝal. …… the Kar-zida, …… the Kar-zagina, the place of ……. …… gazing at the ĝipar, 1 line fragmentary …… the Kar-zagina, the place of ……. ……, going alone,
…… the boat sailed, the boat sailed, the lord ……. |