Welcome To Mesopotamiangods.com Home Page, A Place To Find Hidden Historical Truth

Welcome to Mesopotamiangods.com Home Page… (Where His-story & Modern Man Began)… GIANTS OF SUMER / AKKADIA / ASSYRIA / BABYLONIA / UNDER WORLD, & MORE

Writing - Sumerian texts in museums around the world

2 - Anu as Alalu's cup-bearer, Hittite Tale

Alalu 1st Alien Giant to Land on Earth, Anu’s Rival for Kingship

3b - Anu of planet Nibiru

An / Anu – #1 Ranking God, King of the Anunnaki, Father in Heaven to the “Sons of God” that “Came Down”

Enlil / Zeus– #2 Ranking God, Son & Heir to Anu’s Crown, Born of The “Double-Seed”, Earth Colony Commander

Enlil’s Family Descendants Are On This Column

Ninurta / Ningirsu – Son & Heir to Enlil, Born of The “Double-Seed”, Symbolized by The Double-Headed Eagle

Bau / Gula – 2nd Daughter to King Anu, Ninurta’s Spouse & Aunt, Doctor of The Gods, Warden to The “Black-Headed” Earthlings

Nanna / Nannar – #4 Ranking God, 2nd Son to Enlil, Symbolized as The Moon God, Patron to Ancient City of Ur

Nergal / Erra Son to Enlil, He & Spouse Ereshkigal are Lords of The Under World / Netherworld / Hades

Adad / Ishkur#7 Ranking God, 3rd Son to Enlil, Appointed as 1st Canal Controller, “Thunder God” to Many Cultures

Utu / Shamash – #5 Ranking Royal Prince on Earth Colony, Eldest Son to Nannar, Twin Brother to Inanna, Commander of The Space Ports

Inanna / Ishtar – #6 Ranking Goddess, Nannar’s Daughter, Goddess of Love & War, Symbolized as 8-Pointed-Star of Venus

2 - Ereshkigal

Ereshkigal King Anu’s Daughter, Twin to Enki Proclaimed the “Queen of the Nether World / Under World / Lower World”, Etc., Nergal’s Spouse

2 - Ninsun, mother to mixed-breed kings

Ninsun / LamaDaughter to Ninurta, Mother to Alien Gods & to Mixed-Breed Kings, Espoused “Mighty-Man” Lugalbanda, a Mixed-Breed King of Uruk, Ninsun Lived in Uruk

Writing - Cuneiform texts discovered

3b - Enki image

Ea / Enki – #3 Ranking God, King Anu’s Eldest & Wisest Son, Fashioned the Worker-Race

Enki’s Family Descendants Are On This Column

Ninhursag / Ninmah – #8 Ranking Goddess, Mother to Enlil’s Son & Royal Heir Ninurta, “Creator Goddess” of “Modern Man” as Their Chief Medical Scientist

Marduk / Bel – Eldest Son & Heir to Enki, Unhappy With Enlil & His Family Running Things, Wars Between Gods Begin, Earthlings Forced Into War For Their Patron God

3b - Enki & Gibil Mining

Gibil – Son to Enki, God of The Kilns, Fashioner of Metals Forged in Fire, Smelter of Gold Mined for the Igigi Gods to Take Back to Their Planet, Nibiru

Ningishzidda / Thoth – Amazing Son To Ninazu & Ningirida, OR… Son to Ereshkigal & Enki, Architect Of Earth’s Monument Wonders; DNA Specialist, Symbolized by Entwined Serpents, As Todays Medical Symbol; Olmec, Mayan, & Aztec Founder-God

Dumuzi / Tammuz the Shepherd – Son to Enlil & Ninsun, 1st Spouse to Young Inanna, Later Killed by Drowning, Inanna Blamed Marduk for Her Loss

Ashur / Assur – Eldest Son of Twins & Heir to Marduk, Joined Marduk in Many Battles Against Cousin Aliens, Later Killed by Twin Seth Attempting to Unify Upper & Lower Egypt

4a - Seth, Marduk's son, Osiris' brother

Set / Seth – 2nd Son to Marduk, Killed Older Twin Brother Ashur / Osiris, Later Horus Avenged His Father’s Death Losing An Eye in the Battle

2bb - god Nabu & US Army

Nabu Nebo – 3rd & Only Surviving Son to Marduk, Fought Many Battles With Father Marduk Against Enlil’s Descendants, Nabu Lived in Borsippa, the Location of Marduk’s Tower of Babel

1e - Horon-Horus & Gibil's Gift, Winged Sandals

Horus – With Grand-Uncle Ningishzidda’s Help, Horus Miraculously Came Forth As Son to Deceased Osiris & His Spouse Isis, Horus Lost an Eye in Combat With Uncle Seth, Avenging Father Ashur’s Death

Symbols of Planet Nibiru & The King – Anu, Slide-Shows

Symbols of The Gods – Anu’s Royal Descendants Under Enlil, Slide-Shows

Symbols of The Gods – Anu’s Royal Descendants Under Enki, Slide-Shows

7a - giant Anu meets Earthling Hi-brids

Assembly of the Gods – 12 Highest Ranking Royal Family Members of The Anunnaki Giants Stationed On Earth Colony

Mulmul of 12: The Sacred Number of 12 – Base of 12 Used By The Anunnaki, Later Heavily Used By Earthlings

Genesis 6:4 “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–”


Index of 255 Mesopotamian Gods – Names for the Gods & Goddesses, A “Who’s Who” of The Anunnaki Giants on Earth Colony

Index Of Texts

148 Minor Gods, Quotes From Texts

47 Top Minor Anunnaki Gods; Slide-Shows & Texts

   (Modern Pic, Not Authentic Artifact)

Time-Line of The Gods on Earth – (by Zecharia Sitchin)


Ancient Astronauts, Shems, Sky-Discs, Sky-Gods, Sky-Chariots, Rockets, Missiles, Bomb, Etc., Slide-Show

Winged Sky-Discs & Winged Gods – Pilots Of Flight, Slide-Show

Genesis 1:26 “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…”

Giants of Mesopotamia, — “This giant‘s form the gods have surely made ”– …”when the black-headed were blessed with long life”


Planet Nibiru / “Heaven” – Home of God The Father – King Anu; The 12th Star in Our Solar System, & The 7th Heaven / Star Out From Planet Earth, Slide-Show


From Man’s Basics to Beyond – (A-L); Modern Technological Advancements, 1st in Sumer With All Known Things, Slide-Show & Texts


From Man’s Basics to Beyond – (M-Z); Modern Technological Advancements, 1st in Sumer With All Known Things, Slide-Show & Texts

1st City-States & Kings of Mesopotamia – Prior The Great Flood, Slide-Shows & Texts:

Genesis 6:4 “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children (semi-divines) by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.”  (the 1st kings on Earth were in Mesopotamia)

. Nippur – Enlil’s Patron City-State

. Eridu – Enki’s Patron City-State & Semi-Divine Kings

. Shuruppak – Ninlil’s Patron City-State & Semi-Divine Kings

. Bad-tibera – Dumuzi’s Patron City-State & Semi-Divine Kings

. Sippar – Utu’s Patron City-State & Semi-Divine Kings

. Kish – Ninhursag’s Patron City-State & Semi-Divine Kings

. Uruk – Anu’s, Then Inanna’s Patron City-State & Semi-Divine Kings

. Ur / Urim – Nannar’s Patron City-State & Semi-Divine Kings, Home of Biblical Abraham & His Father Terah

. Akkad – Adad’s Patron Realm-State & Semi-Divine Kings

, Isin – Bau’s Patron City-State & Semi-Divine Kings

. Lagash / Shirpurla- Ninurta’s Patron City-State & Semi-Divine Kings

. Nimrud – Ninurta’s Patron City-State

. Larsa – Utu’s Patron City-State & Semi-Divine Kings

. Assyria – Ashur’s Patron Realm-State & Semi-Divine Kings

. Assur – Ashur’s Namesake City-State

. Babylon – Marduk’s Patron City-State & Semi-Divine Kings

. Borsippa – Nabu’s Patron City-State

. Persia – Ashur’s Realm-State & Semi-Divine Kings